The paper aims to review and critique the current state of loyalty program planning and analytics, highlighting a number of process and methodological deficiencies.
The paper aims to review and critique the current state of loyalty program planning and analytics, highlighting a number of process and methodological deficiencies.
A general loyalty program planning approach is outlined, designed to build a foundation for a profitable loyalty initiative.
The paper demonstrates the importance of robust customer insights to program planning and its ongoing management; it also challenges the accuracy of the conventional buyer loyalty measurement approach. In particular, the paper highlights the flaws of the dichotomous loyalty classification which makes often unreasonable category purchase requirements assumptions.
The alternative to the loyal customers vs brand switchers buyer categorization is offered, which allows customers to be single‐brand loyal, multi‐brand loyal or brand switchers. An explicit brand buyer loyalty categorization is presented, built around explicit differentiation between repurchase exclusivity and brand loyalty.
To explore the appropriateness of statistical significance testing to measure the practical, managerial significance of outcomes in marketing programmes.
To explore the appropriateness of statistical significance testing to measure the practical, managerial significance of outcomes in marketing programmes.
An in‐depth analysis of SST's scientific roots is coupled with delineation of a set of general objectives of marketing‐programme measurement to identify the applicability limits of significance testing.
In particular, it is shown that the relatively well known sample‐size dependence of SST and its somewhat lesser known replicability, representativeness and impact fallacies can severely affect the robustness of significance tests. Statistical significance is not the same concept as practical significance.
Practical implications
Comprehensive discussion of principles and practice leads to a set of prescriptive usage recommendations, directed at the goal of establishing much‐needed applicability rules and limits for the use of significance‐testing methodologies in an applied marketing context.
This robust challenge to the efficacy of significance testing in marketing practice should be of interest to any marketing planner concerned with the collection and use of marketing intelligence.