Paula M. Hernandez-Diaz, Jorge-Andrés Polanco, Sergio Andrés Osuna-Ramírez, Erika Jaillier-Castrillón, Tatiana Molina-Velasquez and Manuela Escobar-Sierra
This paper aims to find the incidence of university sustainability, as sustainability practices, in university performance at private universities.
This paper aims to find the incidence of university sustainability, as sustainability practices, in university performance at private universities.
Quantitative research using structural equation modelling. Data collection and analysis followed sustainability and performance scales from previous research. The scales were validated by surveying students, teachers and administrative staff of five private universities in Medellin, Colombia. The responses (i.e. 5,344 useful answers) were collected between April 2019 and December 2020 and analysed using the Smart partial least square (PLS) software and the PLS calculation methodology.
The results confirmed the reliability and validity of the sustainability and performance university measurement models and validated the dimensions proposed to determine sustainability and performance holistically in private universities. The results confirmed that universities implementing sustainability holistically in their system positively impact their performance as higher education institutions. The university sustainability is forecasting the University Performance in about 60% of the universities analysed, with a considerable contribution from sustainability in outreach and strategic management.
Research limitations/implications
This study was cross-sectional and empirically validated the model of sustainability and performance at five private universities in a single period and territory. A broader validation from longitudinal studies considering other universities in Colombia and Latin America is suggested to understand local and regional trends better.
Practical implications
Results provided a model for better understanding the incidence of sustainability in performance holistically at private universities in developing countries such as Colombia. In addition, the proposed dimensions and model could help regional decision-making on higher education.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper is one of the first attempts relating a structural equation model and inter-university research on the incidence of sustainability in private university performance. This work contributes to a local consensus on sustainability and performance models at private universities. Furthermore, from this research emerged a joint policy framework for incorporating sustainability holistically and regionally as an effective strategy for universities and their commitment to sustainable development.
Andres Ramirez-Portilla, Enrico Cagno and Terrence E. Brown
The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence that adopting open innovation (OI) has on the innovativeness and performance of specialized small and medium-sized…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence that adopting open innovation (OI) has on the innovativeness and performance of specialized small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper also examines the adoption of OI within a firm’s practices and models, and within the three dimensions of firm sustainability.
Survey data from 48 specialized SMEs manufacturing supercars were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling. SmartPLS software was used to conduct a path analysis and test the proposed framework.
The findings suggest that high adoption of OI models tends to increase firm innovativeness. Similarly, the adoption of OI practices has a positive effect on innovativeness but to a lesser extent than OI models. The moderation results of innovativeness further show that OI models and practices can benefit the performance of SMEs. Specifically, two dimensions of performance – environmental and social performance – were found to be greatly influenced by OI.
Research limitations/implications
Due to parsimony in the investigated model, this study only focuses on OI adoption as practices and models without considering its drivers or other contingency factors.
Practical implications
This paper could help practitioners in SMEs better understand the benefits of adopting OI to be more innovative but also more sustainable.
This study contributes to the literature on the role of OI practices and models regarding the dimensions of firm sustainability performance by being the first paper to investigate this relationship in the context of small and medium manufacturers of supercars.
Ali Al-kassab-Córdova, Claudia Silva-Perez, Andres Quevedo-Ramirez, Marco Gonzalo Mendoza Lugo, Jonathan Azcarruz-Asencios, Giancarlo Castañeda-Montenegro, Sergio Bravo-Cucci and Jorge L. Maguina
Depression has become a major health concern, particularly in developing countries. This disorder is highly prevalent among certain vulnerable populations, such as prisoners. In…
Depression has become a major health concern, particularly in developing countries. This disorder is highly prevalent among certain vulnerable populations, such as prisoners. In Peru, prisons are overcrowded, and the health of prisoners is neglected. Thus, this study aims to estimate the prevalence of depression diagnosed during incarceration in male inmates from all Peruvian prisons and assess its associated factors.
A cross-sectional study was conducted based on the secondary data analysis of the National Census of Prison Population 2016 in Peru. This study included records of prisoners who reported whether they were diagnosed with depression by a health-care professional after admission into the prisons. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariable analyses were performed.
Of the 63,312 prisoners included in this study, 1,007 reported an in-prison diagnosis of depression by a health-care professional, which represents a prevalence of 1.59%. Substance use disorder (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] 3.10; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.91–5.03), hypertension (aPR 7.20; 95% CI: 6.28–8.24) and previous discrimination (aPR 1.97; 95% CI: 1.62–2.40) were strongly associated with depression, even when adjusting for multiple confounders. Other directly associated variables were, for example, violence during childhood, infrequent visits in prison and diabetes.
The right of prisoners to adequate health care is being neglected in Peru. Mental health is a cornerstone of health quality. Acknowledging which factors are associated with depression in prison is important to implement strategies to improve the mental health of prisoners.
Mauricio Orozco-Levi, Angie Rocío Pabón-Quezada, Doris Cristina Quintero-Lesmes, Andrés Ramírez Vélez, Juan Carlos Jaramillo López, Norma C. Serrano, Victor R. Castillo, Angie Yarlady Serrano-García and Alba Ramírez-Sarmiento
Sedentary living and respiratory/cardiovascular diseases affect respiratory and peripheral muscles. Muscle training can prevent, improve and reverse these changes. Their research…
Sedentary living and respiratory/cardiovascular diseases affect respiratory and peripheral muscles. Muscle training can prevent, improve and reverse these changes. Their research question suggests that precise nutraceutical administration can enhance antioxidant capacity and muscle function. This sudy aims to evaluate the impacto of an innovative nutraceutical on blood biomarkers such as essential aminoacids, antioxidants, lipid profile, and REDOX status in healthy individuals, stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients, and mechanically ventilated patients.
The authors designed a nutraceutical to assess its effects on serum amino acids, lipid profile, vitamins, minerals and reduction-oxidation function. Conducted at a high-complexity care hospital, a study with a non-equivalent group design compared pre- and post-treatment administration.
The 29 participants were categorized into healthy individuals (n = 10), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients (n = 10) and COPD patients receiving mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit (ICU, n = 9) due to exacerbation. Analyzing serum values of selected markers and components before and after nutraceutical intake revealed significant differences. Oxygen radical absorption capacity units significantly increased (p = 0.0051) in healthy individuals. Isoleucine, valine, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium levels significantly increased in the healthy group.
Research limitations/implications
The small sample size and short duration limit the generalizability of results. The non-equivalent group design and lack of randomization may introduce bias, affecting reliability. Future research should involve larger, randomized controlled trials to confirm HIC1® benefits. Additionally, exploring long-term effects and optimal dosing in various populations, including different COPD stages and other chronic conditions, will provide more comprehensive insights. Despite these limitations, the study suggests promising implications for enhancing muscle function and antioxidant capacity through precise nutraceutical administration.
Practical implications
The administration of HIC1® demonstrates potential for improving antioxidant capacity and muscle function, particularly in sedentary individuals and those with respiratory or cardiovascular diseases. This study’s findings suggest that even short-term use of HIC1® can lead to significant increases in serum amino acids and other vital nutrients. Health practitioners should consider incorporating nutraceuticals like HIC1® into treatment plans for COPD patients and those requiring mechanical ventilation. Future research and clinical practice should explore optimal dosing and long-term benefits, potentially improving patient outcomes in chronic disease management.
Social implications
The use of nutraceuticals like HIC1® could have a significant impact on public health, especially for vulnerable populations such as the elderly and those with chronic illnesses. Improving muscle function and antioxidant capacity can reduce dependence on intensive care, decrease the economic burden on healthcare systems and enhance patients’ quality of life. Additionally, access to effective nutraceutical treatments could democratize healthcare, providing an affordable complementary option for preventing and managing muscle and respiratory diseases, promoting healthy and active aging in society.
This study is pioneering in evaluating the effects of a specifically designed nutraceutical, HIC1®, on both healthy individuals and those with chronic respiratory conditions. By focusing on precise nutraceutical administration, it addresses the gap in research on non-pharmaceutical interventions for enhancing muscle function and antioxidant capacity. The findings provide valuable insights into the potential of HIC1® to improve clinical outcomes in COPD patients and those undergoing intensive care, offering a novel, natural and potentially cost-effective approach to complement traditional treatments and support overall health and well-being.
Alfonso Andrés Rojo Ramírez, MCarmen Martínez-Victoria and María J. Martínez-Romero
The relationship between risk and return has been widely analysed in the scope of listed companies. However the present literature leaves uncovered an important study area with…
The relationship between risk and return has been widely analysed in the scope of listed companies. However the present literature leaves uncovered an important study area with regards to privately held firms. In order to cover this gap, this study analyses the risk-return trade-off in the context of private enterprises. Furthermore, the authors incorporate the contingent effect of being a family firm on the abovementioned relationship.
Using information from the SABI (Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos) database, a sample of 2,297 private manufacturing firms were analysed for the period of 2009–2016. So as to ascertain the proposed hypotheses, dynamic panel data methodology was applied. Specifically, the authors estimated the two-step general method of moments (GMM).
The obtained findings reveal that, according to prospect theory arguments, privately held firms adopt a conservative attitude toward risk when results are higher than a target level, while becoming risk seeking when results are lower than a target level. Moreover, the fact of being a family firm softens the risk-return relationship both when performance is above the target level and also when firms find themselves in the lowest performing case.
This article is, to the best of the authors' knowledge, one of the first studies dealing with the risk-return relationship in a privately held firm context. Moreover, the inclusion of being a family firm as a contingent factor in the abovementioned link is a complete novelty.
La relación riesgo-rentabilidad ha sido ampliamente analizada en el ámbito de las empresas cotizadas. Sin embargo, la literatura existente deja al descubierto una importante área de estudio en relación con las empresas no cotizadas. Para cubrir esta brecha, el presente estudio analiza el binomio riesgo-rentabilidad en el contexto de empresas privadas. Adicionalmente, incorporamos el efecto contingente de ser una empresa familiar sobre esta relación.
Utilizando información de la base de datos SABI (Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos) se analizó una muestra de 2.297 empresas manufactureras privadas para el período 2009–2016. Para comprobar las hipótesis propuestas se aplicó la metodología de datos de panel, específicamente, utilizamos el Método de los Momentos Generalizado (GMM).
Los resultados muestran que, de acuerdo con la Teoría Prospectiva, las empresas no cotizadas presentan una mayor aversión al riesgo cuando su nivel de rentabilidad es superior al valor de referencia establecido, mientras que presentan una mayor propensión al riesgo cuando su rentabilidad es inferior al valor de referencia. Además, el hecho de ser una empresa familiar suaviza la relación riesgo-rentabilidad en ambos escenarios.
Este es uno de los primeros estudios en abordar la relación riesgo-rentabilidad en el contexto de empresas no cotizadas. Además, la inclusión de ser una empresa familiar como factor contingente es completamente novedosa.
Sergio Andrés Osuna Ramírez, Cleopatra Veloutsou and Anna Morgan-Thomas
Negativity towards a brand is typically conceived as a significant problem for brand managers. This paper aims to show that negativity towards a brand can represent an opportunity…
Negativity towards a brand is typically conceived as a significant problem for brand managers. This paper aims to show that negativity towards a brand can represent an opportunity for companies when brand polarization occurs. To this end, the paper offers a new conception of the brand polarization phenomenon and reports exploratory findings on the benefits of consumers’ negativity towards brands in the context of brand polarization.
To develop a conception of brand polarization, the paper builds on research on polarizing brands and extends it by integrating insights from systematic literature reviews in three bodies of literature: scholarship on brand rivalry and, separately, polarization in political science and social psychology. Using qualitative data from 22 semi-structured interviews, the paper explores possible advantages of brand polarization.
This paper defines the brand polarization phenomenon and identifies multiple perspectives on brand polarization. Specifically, the findings highlight three distinct parties that can benefit from brand polarization: the polarizing brand as an independent entity; the brand team behind the polarizing brand; and the passionate consumers involved with the polarizing brand. The data reveal specific advantages of brand polarization associated with the three parties involved.
Practical implications
Managers of brands with a polarizing nature could benefit from having identified a group of lovers and a group of haters, as this could allow them to improve their focus when developing and implementing the brands’ strategies.
This exploratory study is the first explicitly focusing on the brand polarization phenomenon and approaches negativity towards brands as a potential opportunity.
Andres Ramirez and Joan Lofgren
Finance is a male-dominated field of work. This study aims to understand if learning in finance follows the same pattern. Furthermore, the authors want to understand if foreign…
Finance is a male-dominated field of work. This study aims to understand if learning in finance follows the same pattern. Furthermore, the authors want to understand if foreign female students are subject to the same cultural norms and sorting mechanisms as their counterparts from the USA or Finland.
In the context of a capstone course, students of two well-known international business programs (one in the USA, the other in Finland) participate in a business simulation. The authors surveyed the students on their learning experience across different business functions. The authors collected 440 responses over five years.
A gender gap exists in learning finance. Females surveyed reported learning less (9%–15%) than males. However, foreign females reported learning more (11%–17%). Additionally, the authors find no gender gap in learning of other business functions (i.e. marketing and strategy). Foreign females seem to bypass traditional roles and sorting mechanisms.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to document the moderating effect of foreignness on the gender gap in learning.
Diego León Peña Orozco, Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu, Leonardo Rivera and Camilo Andres Mejía Ramirez
The purpose of this research is to determine the convenience of using a contract model as an integration mechanism for decision-making in a decentralized supply chain of small…
The purpose of this research is to determine the convenience of using a contract model as an integration mechanism for decision-making in a decentralized supply chain of small agricultural producers in a developing country, taking as hypothesis coordinated chain achieves better management. The analysis is based on information obtained by direct inquiry to 99 small producers in the region, about planning, production, marketing and distribution in the chain, supplemented with secondary information sources.
As a methodology an analysis of maturity in the chain based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration is done, whose evaluation is later analyzed as a fuzzy logic model, with the support of the fuzzy logic of the MATLAB toolbox, to study the convenience of the use of the contract against the other mechanisms, and to establish an approximation to the level of readiness of the chain toward integration.
Results obtained show that the small farmer supply chain studied, from a maturity perspective, has a strong disposition for the use of contracts as an integration mechanism.
Research limitations/implications
The supply chain for small producers presents a high dispersion, little consolidated offer capacity and lack of coordination. Limitations in terms of information and criteria unification are a challenge for future research. Results have socioeconomic implications for small producers and can serve as a guide to formulate policies by the governments in Latin American countries.
Practical implications
As practical implications, it can be stated that the use of supply contracts is a real mechanism that can be implemented in this type of chain, to break the mistrust between the echelons and improve the supply chain performance. This research will allow to establish support programs from local governments for the sustainability and improving income of small producers. In addition, contracts will allow to formalize the linkage of small producers to a sustainable commercial network.
Social implications
Small agricultural producers in developing countries live in unfavorable conditions, with socioeconomic limitations. This work offers an alternative for their productive activity development that will allow them access to marketing chains in a safe way and improve their living conditions.
Previous studies related to the maturity toward the chain integration and fuzzy logic as a hybrid methodology, were not found in the literature, and less even applied to a chain of small agricultural products.
Literature in international business and finance share the belief that country‐level institutions affect the decisions of corporations. In this study, we highlight the other side…
Literature in international business and finance share the belief that country‐level institutions affect the decisions of corporations. In this study, we highlight the other side of the picture and propose that MNCs can moderate the impact of the national institutions of a country. Unlike previous studies, we treat culture not only as an explanatory variable but also as a moderator. We posit that multinationality moderates the influence of national culture on corporate financial leverage. Using a large panel data set of 50 countries, we show that the multinationality of a firm decreases the impact that national culture has on its capital structure. Additionally, our study makes another significant contribution by establishing existing cultural dimensions as economically and statistically significant determinants of capital structure.
The starkly polarised election passed with remarkably little trouble. However, with the CD vehemently opposed to the incumbent government’s peace processes with the guerrillas…