Benedetto Allotta, Lorenzo Fiorineschi, Susanna Papini, Luca Pugi, Federico Rotini and Andrea Rindi
This study aims to carry out an investigation of design approaches that should be used for the design of unconventional, innovative transmission system for construction yards to…
This study aims to carry out an investigation of design approaches that should be used for the design of unconventional, innovative transmission system for construction yards to privilege a smooth behaviour efficiency, and the use of innovative production techniques. Results are quite surprising, as with a proper method it is possible to demonstrate that a cycloidal drive with Wolfrom topology should be an interesting solution for the proposed application.
With a functional approach, also considering materials and specifications related to the investigated application, it is possible to demonstrate that possible optimal solutions should be quite different respect to the ones that can be suggested with a conventional approach. In particular for proposed applications constraints related to encumbrances, the choice of new material has led to the innovative unconventional choice of a Wolfrom cycloidal speed reducer.
Provided solution is innovative respect current state of the art for machine currently used in construction yards: in terms of adopted transmission layout; in terms of chosen materials, resulting in an innovative solution.
Research limitations/implications
Current research has strong implications on the adoption of polimeric materials for the construction of reliable transmission for harsh industrial environment as the proposed case study (concrete mixer for construction yard).
Proposed transmission system is absolutely original and innovative respect current state of art also considering proposed materials and consequently production methods. This is an example of transmission designed to be built with polymeric materials by optimizing chosen topology respect to chosen material.
Lorenzo Fiorineschi, Susanna Papini, Luca Pugi, Andrea Rindi and Federico Rotini
The purpose of this study is to identify an innovative solution for the power transmission gearbox of concrete mixers, according to the specifications provided by the company.
The purpose of this study is to identify an innovative solution for the power transmission gearbox of concrete mixers, according to the specifications provided by the company.
A tailored systematic design approach (inspired to the German systematic framework) has been adopted to comprehensively gather the company specifications and perform in-depth design space explorations. Subsequently, an iterative embodiment design approach has been followed to identify the size of the components for the preferred concept, by using acknowledged mechanical design procedures and finite element analysis tools.
An innovative cycloidal gearbox has been developed, by merging the kinematics underpinning the classical cycloidal drives and the Wolfrom planetary gearbox. The resulting concept provides high reduction rates with a very high overload capacity.
Research limitations/implications
The main limitation of the studies is the absence of in-depth evaluations usually performed in the detail design phase. However, this limitation is a direct consequence of the company specifications, which only asked to find a preferred concept and to perform preliminary evaluations. Accordingly, the subsequent design optimization are intended to be performed by the company’s staff.
The present paper shows an original design approach, opportunely tailored to the design of innovative gearboxes. It can be conveniently adapted and reused by designers involved in similar tasks. Moreover, the designed cycloidal gearbox paves the way for important innovations in the field of concrete mixers, allowing to design more robust and compact devices.
Diego A. Agudelo, Ángelo Gutiérrez Daza and Nazly J. Múnera Montoya
The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of X‐Stream, the new trading platform of the Colombian Stock Exchange since February 2009, on the market quality.
The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of X‐Stream, the new trading platform of the Colombian Stock Exchange since February 2009, on the market quality.
The authors test the effect of X‐Stream on market quality variables, such as liquidity (bid‐ask spread and price impact), daily and intraday volatility and trading activity, using mean tests, panel data and conditional variance models. The authors use a proprietary database of transactions and orders from the exchange.
The evidence suggests that X‐Stream improved the liquidity and trading activity and reduced the volatility of the overall market, especially of the most liquid stocks.
Practical implications
These results support the investment on more sophisticated trading systems in emerging markets.
Contributing to the literature on market quality, this paper provides novel evidence of the effect of reforms on market design, trading rules and operational capabilities on a small and low‐liquidity emerging stock market.
Se investiga el efecto de la plataforma de transacción de acciones de BVC, X‐Stream, en la calidad del mercado accionario a partir de su lanzamiento en Febrero del 2009. Partiendo de una base de datos transaccional de BVC, se emplean varios modelos econométricos para medir el efecto de la nueva plataforma en las volatilidades diaria e intradiaria, la liquidez (margen proporcional de oferta y demanda e impacto en el precio) y la actividad bursátil. La evidencia demuestra que X‐Stream mejoró la liquidez y redujo la volatilidad del mercado accionario como un todo, pero especialmente en las acciones más líquidas. Esta investigación contribuye a la literatura en calidad de mercado al aportar nueva evidencia sobre el efecto de los cambios de diseño, reglas de transacción y capacidades operacionales en un mercado accionario de reducidos tamaño y liquidez. De esta manera, sirve como argumento para justificar inversiones en sistemas avanzados de transacción en mercados emergentes.