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This study aims to develop a proprietary indicator to measure the digital presence of the institutions: the digital presence index.
This study aims to develop a proprietary indicator to measure the digital presence of the institutions: the digital presence index.
This research delves into how nonprofit institutions, specifically business interest associations (BIAs), have developed their internet presence by applying essential digital marketing techniques. To this end, and using big data mining tools, this study analyzes the tracking by internet users of 102 BIAs, with their respective websites in 36 countries in Europe and the USA. In addition, the presence and activity of the institutions included in this study on social networks are considered.
This research serves as a basis for discussing the current gap between social reality and the digitalization of institutions. In this sense, conclusions are drawn on the importance of managerial profiles in decision-making on digitization and the necessary knowledge that, together with Web and social network managers, they must have to articulate the means and techniques that promote the internet presence of the organizations they manage.
Conclusions are drawn according to the geographical scope of the BIAs, and an argument is made about the difficulties of connection and loss of prominence of this type of institutions among their different target audiences, especially among the youngest and most digitized.
Andrés Oviedo-Gómez, Sandra Milena Londoño-Hernández and Diego Fernando Manotas-Duque
This study aims to assess volatility spillovers and directional connectedness between electricity (EPs) and natural gas prices (GPs) in the Canadian electricity market, based on a…
This study aims to assess volatility spillovers and directional connectedness between electricity (EPs) and natural gas prices (GPs) in the Canadian electricity market, based on a hydrothermal power generation market strongly dependent on exogenous variables such as fossil fuel prices and climatology factors.
The methodology is divided into two stages. First, a quantile vector autoregression model is used to evaluate the direction and magnitude of the influence between natural gas and electricity prices through different quantiles of their distributions. Second, a cross-quantilogram is estimated to measure the directional predictability between these prices. The data set consists of daily electricity and natural gas prices between January 2015 and December 2023.
The main finding shows that electricity prices are pure shock receivers of volatility from natural gas prices for the different quantiles. In this way, natural gas price fluctuations explain 0.20%, 0.98% and 22.72% of electricity price volatility for the 10th, 50th and 90th quantiles, respectively. On the other hand, a significant and positive correlation is observed in the high quantiles of the electricity prices for any natural gas price value.
The study described the risk to the electricity market caused by nonrenewable source price fluctuations and provided evidence for designing regulatory policies to reduce its exposure in Alberta, Canada. It also allows us to understand the importance of natural gas in the energy transition process and define it as the fundamental determinant of the electricity market dynamic.
Isabel Cristina Rivera-Lozada, Andrés Mauricio Gómez Sánchez and Jennifer Uni-Chilito
The aim is to analyze the armed conflict persistence in Colombia from 2008 to 2018 based on the financial viability hypothesis (rebellion occurs when war net revenue is…
The aim is to analyze the armed conflict persistence in Colombia from 2008 to 2018 based on the financial viability hypothesis (rebellion occurs when war net revenue is nonnegative).
The methodology is quantitative. Firstly, a nonparametric Kaplan–Meier functions and survival risk functions are developed as initial approximation. Subsequently, a Probit model with panel data is implemented and the covariates are grouped into three dimensions: opportunity, grievance and institutional-political.
The viability hypothesis boosts the continuity of the armed conflict, which is enhanced and perpetuated by the viability and financial incentives from public revenues and natural resources, while the grievance, political fragmentation and institutional dimensions contribute to the opportunity structure in Collier that makes the conflict militarily and economically viable.
Research limitations/implications
Lack of information for some states in Colombia prevents a much more holistic analysis.
Practical implications
Postulate what is required by the Colombian State to cut off the sources of financing of armed groups and thus, one of the determinants of the continuity of the conflict.
Social implications
The political fragmentation contributes to rebellion, and that variables representing the dimensions of grievance and institutional presence contribute to the opportunity structure that makes the conflict in Colombia militarily and economically viable.
This research proposes as a novelty to incorporate the viability hypothesis with some factors related to the grievance that explain the persistence of the armed conflict as a consequence of decreasing recruitment costs for the insurgent groups, a situation that contributes to the opportunity structure and financial viability of the conflict.
Julio César Acosta-Prado, Julián Andrés Gómez Sánchez, Oscar Hernán López-Montoya and Arnold Alejandro Tafur-Mendoza
This study aims to analyze the influence of sustainable value creation (composed of social, economic and environmental dimensions) on organizational performance in Colombian…
This study aims to analyze the influence of sustainable value creation (composed of social, economic and environmental dimensions) on organizational performance in Colombian industrial manufacturing companies.
This study had a sample of 1,572 companies belonging to the Colombian manufacturing industrial sector. These companies were consulted by the survey of technological development and innovation in the manufacturing industry EDIT IX. For this study’s purpose, a model was developed from a variance-based structural equation modeling or partial least squares.
The results indicated that the associated mechanisms of the social, economic and environmental dimensions contribute in a significant, positive and large way to the creation of sustainable value for the companies studied. The findings show the importance of the social, economic and environmental dimensions in the creation of sustainable value and in turn, their influence on organizational performance.
Social implications
The findings obtained provide industrial companies and society with resources to understand that economic development can respond to business logic different from those imposed by current neoliberal models.
This study provides an understanding of the value capture mechanisms of small- and medium-sized companies considering the environmental needs of the territory and the community where the business activities take place while generating economic profitability for the other stakeholders.
Debora Scarpato, Giacomo Rotondo, Mariarosaria Simeone, Andrés Gómez and Pilar Gutiérrez
The purpose of this paper is to explore food safety attitudes among a sample of Spanish consumers and determine which variables, among those studied, most affect the probability…
The purpose of this paper is to explore food safety attitudes among a sample of Spanish consumers and determine which variables, among those studied, most affect the probability of the consumer being attentive to food safety.
The study was conducted using a logit model. From the questionnaire 20 binary category variables were identified. Having selected the variable “Are you worried about safety food” as a dependent variable, the authors used binary logistic regression (Aldrich and Nelson, 1984; Borooah, 2002) to ascertain in what way the remaining 19 variables affect the likelihood of the consumer being particularly attentive to the healthiness and safety of food purchased.
The probability of the consumer being particularly attentive to food healthiness and safety, for the sample in question, is higher in consumers who stated that they were familiar with organic products, those who are attentive to fat contents in foods and those who value the presence of quality certification positively.
Research limitations/implications
Future research into Spanish consumers with the same methodology should target a larger sample in several Spanish cities.
This paper investigates not only Spanish consumer attitudes to food safety, but also how other variables can influence the probability of the consumer being concerned about food safety. This approach may be very useful for food companies to determine what strategies to adopt to attract the category of consumers who lend special importance to the food safety variable in their purchases.
Roberto Fernández-Villarino and J. Andrés Domínguez-Gómez
This study aims to explore how responsible corporate behaviour, specifically self-imposed financial regulatory control, might subsequently be reflected in the financial…
This study aims to explore how responsible corporate behaviour, specifically self-imposed financial regulatory control, might subsequently be reflected in the financial performance of companies subject to such regulation.
In this study, the authors aim to explore how financial compliance in the form of the Economic Control Regulation (ECR) has impacted on the financial performance of professional football clubs in Spain. To this purpose, the authors adopted a quasi-experimental before and after study design. This type of design assesses the object of study before and after a specific event in order to determine whether this event has had any effects on the object. In this case, the event was the coming into effect of the ECR in the fiscal year of 2012, and the object hypothetically affected was the clubs’ economic performance.
The authors can confirm that in general terms and for the whole set of clubs analysed, the ECR has had a strong and positive effect on financial performance.
Research limitations/implications
In this study, the authors wish to establish a link between the idea of “compliance” and that of “responsible corporate management practice”. It is not just a matter of compliance with the law. The fact of complying with certain laws could, in general terms, or from the point of view of common sense, be qualified as “responsible behaviour”. However, under the contemporary concept of corporate responsibility, compliance with the law is a behaviour that must be taken for granted. Responsibility, therefore, would entail going beyond such expected behaviour to one that exceeds the environment's expectation of the corporate actor.
Practical implications
What extent improvements in financial performance have also boosted social performance. Confirming such a positive effect endorses the argument that ethical improvements in corporate culture have a general effect on business sustainability in its different aspects: economic, social, environmental and in governance.
Social implications
The authors may foresee that the culture of compliance will spread from the finance departments to other management areas. Its connection with ethical business practice is directly linked to the more complex concept of the “citizen company”. There are suggest interesting bases on which professional football clubs might move from a traditional profit-oriented company model towards a more contemporary one oriented towards relationships of integrity with the sport's environment. This study shows that the ECR has been a starting point for the development of Spanish professional football clubs towards this type of “citizen company”.
It was a single-sector study whose principal value lies in the verification of whether responsible economic management (the main consequence of applying the ECR) had any effects on company profits, financial results and other important indicators. In addition to fostering responsibility, this new management model involves a special innovation, as it is based on self-regulation (i.e. on regulations not imposed by national or supranational states), designed and implemented to ensure the sector's viability.
Andres Mauricio Gomez Sanchez, Juliana Isabel Sarmiento-Castillo and Claudia Liceth Fajardo-Hoyos
The aim of this paper is to disentangle the contemporaneous and non-contemporaneous relationship between regional business cycles and manufacturing productivity in a developing…
The aim of this paper is to disentangle the contemporaneous and non-contemporaneous relationship between regional business cycles and manufacturing productivity in a developing country, namely Colombia.
The methodology is quantitative. To deal with the problems of endogeneity in the production function and with the law motion of productivity (the Markov process), the authors obtain Total Factor Productivity (TFP) through the Wooldridge’s two equations system that can be jointly estimated under the generalized method of moments framework (GMM). Secondly, to avoid bias we estimate regional business cycles through the Kalman filter. Subsequently, we implement an instrumental variables/generalized method of moments regression (IV/GMM) to capture the contemporaneous and endogenous TFP–GDP cycles’ linkage at the regional level. Lastly, to deal with the non-contemporaneous link, the authors estimate a vector autoregressive model with exogenous variables (VARX) for each region. We also present the corresponding impulse–response functions.
The authors’ general results suggest a remarkable causality, both contemporary and non-contemporary, from productivity to GDP (but not vice versa) in the most developed regions of the country. This implied productivity could influence in the economic growth of regions in short and long runs. These results are different than those expected by economic theory and should be considered by local economic policy makers.
Research limitations/implications
The authors consider that a more detailed analysis should be carried out at the level of each sector within the manufacturing industry to further clarify these findings.
Practical implications
The policy should be oriented to obtaining cutting-edge technologies through subsidies, and also should facilitate the access to financial capital and the investment in R&D laboratories. On the other hand, the link with international trade also must be reinforced because the importing of intermediate inputs and exporting of output allow the firms to obtain embodied technologies, also to incur on learning by exporting and importing processes and finally to gain experience and competitiveness in foreign markets.
Social implications
The causality in the region that provides more than 50% of economic activity within the country (Third region) is only in one directional, from TFP towards gross domestic product (GDP) and not vice versa. As the influence from GDP towards TFP is minimal in the remaining regions, the manufacturing productivity influences both short and long run regional economic growth in Colombia. This implies that economic policy at the level of macro-region must be modified; the government should give additional support to the manufacturing sector, especially in developed regions and for the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (wich represent 92% of manufacturing firms) to increase economic growth in the future.
The authors’ contribution is threefold. First, they pay special attention to the contemporaneous cyclical relationship (i.e. pro-cyclical, counter-cyclical or acyclic) and the non-contemporaneous causality with productivity. Second, they estimate productivity with the GMM two equation system considering an endogenous Markov process. Third, to the best of their knowledge, at least in the case of Latin America, there are no studies in this direction combining these statistic methods, including that of Colombia.
Juan A. Sanchis Llopis, Juan A. Mañez and Andrés Mauricio Gómez-Sánchez
This paper aims to examine the interrelation between two innovating strategies (product and process) on total factor productivity (TFP) growth and the dynamic linkages between…
This paper aims to examine the interrelation between two innovating strategies (product and process) on total factor productivity (TFP) growth and the dynamic linkages between these strategies, for Colombia. The authors first explore whether ex ante more productive firms are those that introduce innovations (the self-selection hypothesis) and if the introduction of innovations boosts TFP growth (the returns-to-innovation hypothesis). Second, the authors study the firm’s joint dynamic decision to implement process and/or product innovations. The authors use Colombian manufacturing data from the Annual Manufacturing and the Technological Development and Innovation Surveys.
This study uses a four-stage procedure. First, the authors estimate TFP using a modified version of Olley and Pakes (1996) and Levinsohn and Petrin (2003), proposed by De Loecker (2010), that implements an endogenous Markov process where past firm innovations are endogenized. This TFP would be estimated by GMM, Wooldridge (2009). Second, the authors use multivariate discrete choice models to test the self-selection hypothesis. Third, the authors explore, using multi-value treatment evaluation techniques, the life span of the impact of innovations on productivity growth (returns to innovation hypothesis). Fourth, the authors analyse the joint likelihood of implementing process and product innovations using dynamic panel data bivariate probit models.
The investigation reveals that the self-selection effect is notably more pronounced in the adoption of process innovations only, as opposed to the adoption of product innovations only or the simultaneous adoption of both process and product innovations. Moreover, our results uncover distinct temporal patterns concerning innovation returns. Specifically, process innovations yield immediate benefits, whereas implementing both product innovations only and jointly process and product innovations exhibit significant, albeit delayed, advantages. Finally, the analysis confirms the existence of dynamic interconnections between the adoption of process and product innovations.
The contribution of this work to the literature is manifold. First, the authors thoroughly investigate the relationship between the implementation of process and product innovations and productivity for Colombian manufacturing explicitly recognising that firms’ decisions of adopting product and process innovations are very likely interrelated. Therefore, the authors start exploring the self-selection and the returns to innovation hypotheses accounting for the fact that firms might implement process innovations only, product innovations only and both process and product innovations. In the analysis of the returns of innovation, the fact that firms may choose among a menu of three innovation strategies implies the use of evaluation methods for multi-value treatments. Second, the authors study the dynamic inter-linkages between the decisions to implement process and/or product innovations, that remains under studied, at least for emerging economies. Third, the estimation of TFP is performed using an endogenous Markov process, where past firms’ innovations are endogenized.
Antonio Andrés Gómez-Ruiz, Pablo Gálvez-Ruiz, Moisés Grimaldi-Puyana, Alejandro Lara-Bocanegra and Jerónimo García-Fernández
This study aims to identify the variables that could influence the intentions to use fitness apps based on the attractiveness of the fitness apps.
This study aims to identify the variables that could influence the intentions to use fitness apps based on the attractiveness of the fitness apps.
The technology acceptance model (TAM) was used in this study. For this purpose, an online questionnaire was sent to 200 sports consumers of a fitness center (117 women and 83 males) to find out their perceptions regarding attractiveness, usefulness, ease of use, enjoyment, trust and intention to use of the fitness app of the fitness center. Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted.
The results showed that the variables analyzed have a positive influence on the intention to use fitness apps, with the attractiveness and usefulness and the ease to use and intention to use having the strongest relationship.
These findings show the importance of these variables for the use of fitness apps in fitness centers. Furthermore, the findings represent advancement and help in the design and development of apps in fitness centers, as well as in the field of sports management.
Adhitya Agri Putra, Nanda Fito Mela and Ferdy Putra
This study aims to examine the effect of managerial ability on real earnings management (hereafter REM) in family firms.
This study aims to examine the effect of managerial ability on real earnings management (hereafter REM) in family firms.
The sample consists of 864 firms-years listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange. REM is measured by abnormal activities. Managerial ability is measured by data envelopment analysis. Data analysis uses random-effect regression analysis.
Family firms reduce the possibility of higher ability managers to engage in REM. Compare to non-family firms, higher ability managers in family firms are more likely to engage in REM to improve future earnings.
Research limitations/implications
This research only uses efficiency score data envelopment analysis to measure managerial ability while the managerial ability is, by nature, multi-dimensional and unobservable. This research also does not find the role of professional Chief Executive Officer (hereafter CEO) in the family firms in REM behavior because does not consider the professional CEO motivation (e.g. compensation structure).
Practical implications
This research is expected to help family firms formulate managers' selection based on managerial ability. This research also is expected to help investors and creditors to put their funds in the family firms with higher ability managers that reduce earnings information distortion.
To the best of the author’s knowledge, this research is the first research that examines the managerial ability on REM in Indonesian family firms. This research also contributes to fil the findings gap in managerial ability and REM.