The problems encountered in running CD‐ROM products on workstations not dedicated to a single application are examined. In particular, system configuration requirements are…
The problems encountered in running CD‐ROM products on workstations not dedicated to a single application are examined. In particular, system configuration requirements are explained. Both installation and upgrading of search software are covered.
J. Eric Davies and Anne Morris
Outlines the dynamic and complex information delivery environment facing managers, and describes the eLib‐funded FIDDO (Focused Investigations of Document Delivery Option…
Outlines the dynamic and complex information delivery environment facing managers, and describes the eLib‐funded FIDDO (Focused Investigations of Document Delivery Option) Project’s aims, organisation and activities to date. The project seeks to establish reliable information on document delivery to assist managers in decision making. The project has formal structure and management to enable consultation and liaison with relevant expertise and interests. Work to date is described, including literature reviewing, document delivery vendor study, World Wide Web‐based information dissemination point, national survey of interlibrary loan practices, exchange of experience workshop, and “live” field trials.
Memories of Christmas, inevitable overeating and the discomfort of satiation have sufficiently receded to be able to discuss briefly that occasional concomitant of food, mentioned…
Memories of Christmas, inevitable overeating and the discomfort of satiation have sufficiently receded to be able to discuss briefly that occasional concomitant of food, mentioned discreetly, usually behind hand to mouth and then only to close intimates—indigestion! It may accompany only certain foods, or if one has attained its crown of martyrdom, most foods, but before coming to our purpose in mentioning the subject at all, we would sound a few words of caution against blindly accepting all statistical evaluations which appear to confirm logically unacceptable viewpoints, which bestow success to improbabilities and simplicity to imponderables and unaccountably obtain superior results from placebo treatment, or in other words, confirm the therapeutic value of doing nothing! There are probably fallacies in these statistical efforts, but the ordinary down‐to‐earth individual cannot detect them. Perhaps it needs on the setting‐a‐thief‐to‐catch‐a‐thief principle, another statistician to find them.
Wilfred Ashworth, Edward Dudley and JPE Francis
WITH A PICKET LINE on the front door of Islington Town Hall where the meeting of June 12 was being held, Council might have been denuded of its NALGO members, but there did not…
WITH A PICKET LINE on the front door of Islington Town Hall where the meeting of June 12 was being held, Council might have been denuded of its NALGO members, but there did not seem any numerical difference made to the attendance and the President assured everyone present that they were not really blacklegs!