Matt Fossey, Lauren Godier-McBard, Elspeth A. Guthrie, Jenny Hewison, Peter Trigwell, Chris J. Smith and Allan O. House
The purpose of this paper is to explore the challenges that are experienced by staff responsible for commissioning liaison psychiatry services and to establish if these are shared…
The purpose of this paper is to explore the challenges that are experienced by staff responsible for commissioning liaison psychiatry services and to establish if these are shared by other health professionals.
Using a mixed-methods design, the findings from a mental health commissioner workshop (n = 12) were used to construct a survey that was distributed to health care professionals using an opportunistic framework (n = 98).
Four key themes emerged from the workshop, which was tested using the survey. The importance of secure funding; a better understanding of health care systems and pathways; partnership working and co-production and; access to mental health clinical information in general hospitals. There was broad convergence between commissioners, mental health clinicians and managers, except in relation to gathering and sharing of data. This suggests that poor communication between professionals is of concern.
Research limitations/implications
There were a small number of survey respondents (n = 98). The sampling used an opportunistic framework that targeted commissioner and clinician forums. Using an opportunistic framework, the sample may not be representative. Additionally, multiple pairwise comparisons were conducted during the analysis of the survey responses, increasing the risk that significant results were found by chance.
Practical implications
A number of steps were identified that could be applied in practice. These mainly related to the importance of collecting and communicating data and co-production with commissioners in the design, development and monitoring of liaison psychiatry services.
This is the first study that has specifically considered the challenges associated with the commissioning of liaison psychiatry services.
Cathy Brennan, Sonia Saraiva, Elizabeth Mitchell, Richard Melia, Lydia Campbell, Natalie King and Allan House
There are calls for greater regulation of online content related to self-harm and suicide, particularly that which is user-generated. However, the online space is a source of…
There are calls for greater regulation of online content related to self-harm and suicide, particularly that which is user-generated. However, the online space is a source of support and advice, including an important sharing of experiences. This study aims to explore what it is about such online content, and how people interact with it, that may confer harm or offer benefit.
The authors undertook a systematic review of the published evidence, using customised searches up to February 2021 in seven databases. The authors included empirical research on the internet or online use and self-harm or suicide content that had been indexed since 2015. The authors undertook a theoretically driven narrative synthesis.
From 4,493 unique records, 87 met our inclusion criteria. The literature is rapidly expanding and not all the evidence is high quality, with very few longitudinal or intervention studies so little evidence to understand possible causal links. Very little content online is classifiable as explicitly harmful or definitively helpful, with responses varying by the individual and immediate context. The authors present a framework that seeks to represent the interplay in online use between the person, the medium, the content and the outcome.
This review highlights that content should not be considered separately to the person accessing it, so online safety means thinking about all users. Blanket removal or unthinking regulation may be more harmful than helpful. A focus on safe browsing is important and tools that limit time and diversify content would support this.
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complexities involved in delivering seamless patient-centred care across organisational boundaries. There is particular focus on how…
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the complexities involved in delivering seamless patient-centred care across organisational boundaries. There is particular focus on how working with an organisation outside the public sector challenges the ideology of those involved, thereby hindering progress. It will explore the challenges and solutions to delivering a service and discuss the key components of success. It will investigate the theory of partnership working and balance the importance of the emotional investment and understanding with leadership and project management.
It explores the current “crisis” in NHS, along with political statements, emphasising its importance, but failing to address the issues faced by workers and agencies in the “outside” world. It will examine the concept of the “other” to explain the struggle required to gain a place at the table in discussing integration/service improvement. It will use experience in negotiating between a reasonably large care and nursing home provider and public sector bodies in Wales and consider the factors leading to a successful collaboration.
The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act, 2014 makes it clear that integration is seen as a critical means to achieve better outcomes for people and whilst not contesting that principle, the paper shows that integration is often limited in thinking and action to “public sector” integration.
There have been few attempts to explore the role and function of care and nursing home providers in service improvement from the provider’s perspective. It will challenge the practice of commissioning, that gives all the power to the commissioner and explores the commissioners’ accountability for their role in partnership work. It also offers hope for a different kind of relationship, based on mature conversations and mutual respect, along with a system of governance offering guarantees for sustainability.
Nod y papur hwn yw herio’r diffiniad poblogaidd a dderbynnir o’r GIG tra’n trafod y posibiliadau a photensial cyflenwi gofal didrafferth sy’n canolbwyntio ar y claf rhwng darparwr cartref nyrsio trydydd sector, bwrdd iechyd Prifysgol ac awdurdod lleol, gan ddangos bod y cyfleoedd ar gyfer dewisiadau amgen i wasanaethau ysbyty yn enfawr. Bydd yn cyfeirio at y diffyg dealltwriaeth a’r diffyg ymddiriedaeth cynhenid rhwng y rheiny sy’n credu eu bod yn gweithio yn y GIG neu’n rhan ohono a’r rheiny sydd wedi eu diffinio neu y’u hystyrir fel pobl sydd “y tu allan”. Os byddwch yn lleoli’r beirniadaethau gwerth a’r rhagfarn cysylltiedig gan weithwyr proffesiynol, gwleidyddion a’r cyhoedd am y byd ‘y tu allan’, byddwch yn dod ar draws rhwystrau gwirioneddol i ddylunio, cyflenwi a gweithredu modelau gofal gwahanol. Bydd yr awdur yn herio’r diffiniad o’r GIG fel y defnyddir mewn ymarfer ac yn dangos sut, trwy ganolbwyntio ar y claf a diben y GIG, yn hytrach na’r adeilad ffisegol neu’r sefydliad, gall arweinwyr gael rhyddid i fod yn arloesol ac yn effeithiol wrth ddylunio a chyflenwi gwasanaethau.
bydd yr awdur yn archwilio’r “argyfwng” a welir yn y GIG ar hyn o bryd, ynghyd â datganiadau gwleidyddol i bwysleisio ei bwysigrwydd, sy’n methu mynd i’r afael â’r materion a wynebir gan weithwyr ac asiantaethau sy’n ffurfio’r byd “y tu allan”. Bydd y papur yn archwilio’r cysyniad o’r “ARALL” i esbonio’r frwydr sydd ei hangen i gael lle wrth y bwrdd i drafod integreiddio/gwella gwasanaethau. Bydd yn defnyddio profiad yn trafod rhwng darparwr cartref gofal a nyrsio cymharol fawr a chyrff y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru ac yn ystyried y ffactorau sy’n arwain at gydweithredu llwyddiannus.
Mae Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles (Cymru), 2014 yn egluro bod integreiddio’n cael ei weld fel dull hanfodol o gael canlyniadau gwell ar gyfer pobl ac er nad yw’n dadlau yn erbyn yr egwyddor hwnnw, mae’r papur yn dangos bod integreiddio yn aml yn gyfyngedig o ran meddwl a gweithredu i integreiddio’r ‘sector cyhoeddus’.
Mae’r papur yn ymgais prin iawn i archwilio rôl a swyddogaeth darparwyr cartrefi gofal a nyrsio yn gwella gwasanaethau, yn herio dealltwriaeth un dimensiwn o gomisiynu sy’n rhoi’r grym i gyd i’r comisiynydd. Mae hefyd yn rhoi gobaith ar gyfer math gwahanol o berthynas, yn seiliedig ar barch ar y ddwy ochr, ynghyd â system o lywodraethu sy’n gallu rhoi sicrwydd yn ymwneud â chynaliadwyedd.
Wenbo Qin, Antonio Sánchez Soliño and Vicente Alcaraz Carrillo de Albornoz
Though China is taking many steps to offer affordable houses to the public, the gap between the demand and supply for such affordable houses is still huge. Rapidly growing demand…
Though China is taking many steps to offer affordable houses to the public, the gap between the demand and supply for such affordable houses is still huge. Rapidly growing demand for affordable housing has encouraged large Chinese cities, faced with housing imbalance, to invest in developing affordable properties. As a result, the Chinese central government has started to encourage local governments to use Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and private capital to supplement the funding deficit. There is also an on-going debate regarding the need to establish prerequisites for institutions to meet in order to achieve effective PPPs. In this paper, we examine what the current institutional environment is in China and how China is meeting these prerequisites for effective PPPs. We also examine the main programs on affordable housing and propose a potential field for using PPPs. We draw the conclusion that PPPs are more favorable for renting-oriented type projects than owning-oriented projects. In this context, the advantages of the PPP model for China's renting-oriented affordable housing programs are would be the provision of private financing, the enhancing efficiency by involving private sector experts and the statement of bundling constructions and maintenance and operation work in the contract, which motivates the private sector to build properties up to standard for its cost efficiency from the whole project perspective.
A joint Committee consisting of six members of the Royal Sanitary Institute and five members of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, Dr. Charles Porter presiding, was…
A joint Committee consisting of six members of the Royal Sanitary Institute and five members of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, Dr. Charles Porter presiding, was appointed in October, 1924, to consider the methods adopted in this country in regard to the handling of food. The report of the Committee, which has just been issued, affords interesting reading. In order to obtain information with regard to methods adopted in relation to particular foods, each member of the Committee undertook to make investigations and to prepare a monograph on some special aspect of the problem. The subjects investigated and the members taking responsibility tor the preparation of the monographs were:—Meat and Meat products— J. R. Hayhurst, M.R.C.V.S. Fish—Professor H. R. Kenwood, C.M.G., M.B. Fruit and Vegetables—J. Fenton, M.D. Bread and Confectionery—Joseph Cates, M.D. Milk, Ice Cream, &c.—Thomas Orr, M.D., D.Sc. Groceries—Sir William Beveridge, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O. Restaurants and Cafés‐Francis J. Allan, M.D. Premises where Prepared Food is made—T. W. Naylor Barlow, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Imported Foods—W. M. Willoughby, M.D. Food Regulations, Licensing and Registration of Premises—Francis J. Allan, M.D.
President Bill Clinton has had many opponents and enemies, most of whom come from the political right wing. Clinton supporters contend that these opponents, throughout the Clinton…
President Bill Clinton has had many opponents and enemies, most of whom come from the political right wing. Clinton supporters contend that these opponents, throughout the Clinton presidency, systematically have sought to undermine this president with the goal of bringing down his presidency and running him out of office; and that they have sought non‐electoral means to remove him from office, including Travelgate, the death of Deputy White House Counsel Vincent Foster, the Filegate controversy, and the Monica Lewinsky matter. This bibliography identifies these and other means by presenting citations about these individuals and organizations that have opposed Clinton. The bibliography is divided into five sections: General; “The conspiracy stream of conspiracy commerce”, a White House‐produced “report” presenting its view of a right‐wing conspiracy against the Clinton presidency; Funding; Conservative organizations; and Publishing/media. Many of the annotations note the links among these key players.
Andrew Maskrey and Allan Lavell
The interview traces the early discussions in the context of disasters as developmental failures.
The interview traces the early discussions in the context of disasters as developmental failures.
The transcript and video was developed in the context of a United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) project on the history of DRR.
The interview traces the development of disaster risk reduction discussions in different contexts such as “LA RED” network in Latin America.
The interview clearly highlights the need to not forget the early thoughts on vulnerability and disaster risk.
It has often been said that a great part of the strength of Aslib lies in the fact that it brings together those whose experience has been gained in many widely differing fields…
It has often been said that a great part of the strength of Aslib lies in the fact that it brings together those whose experience has been gained in many widely differing fields but who have a common interest in the means by which information may be collected and disseminated to the greatest advantage. Lists of its members have, therefore, a more than ordinary value since they present, in miniature, a cross‐section of institutions and individuals who share this special interest.
LIBRARIES have come impressively into the public picture in the past year or two, and seldom with more effect than when Their Majesties the King and Queen opened the new Central…
LIBRARIES have come impressively into the public picture in the past year or two, and seldom with more effect than when Their Majesties the King and Queen opened the new Central Reference Library at Manchester on July 17th. In a time, which is nearly the end of a great depression, that the city which probably felt the depression more than any in the Kingdom should have proceeded with the building of a vast store‐house of learning is a fact of great social significance and a happy augury for libraries as a whole. His Majesty the King has been most felicitous in providing what we may call “slogans” for libraries. It will be remembered that in connection with the opening of the National Central Library, he suggested that it was a “University which all may join and which none need ever leave” —words which should be written in imperishable letters upon that library and be printed upon its stationery for ever. As Mr. J. D. Stewart said at the annual meeting of the National Central Library, it was a slogan which every public library would like to appropriate. At Manchester, His Majesty gave us another. He said: “To our urban population open libraries are as essential to health of mind, as open spaces to health of body.” This will be at the disposal of all of us for use. It is a wonderful thing that Manchester in these times has been able to provide a building costing £450,000 embodying all that is modern and all that is attractive in the design of libraries. The architect, Mr. Vincent Harris, and the successive librarians, Mr. Jast and Mr. Nowell, are to be congratulated upon the crown of their work.