Ahmed Suhail Ajina, Arnold Japutra, Bang Nguyen, Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi and Ali H. Al-Hajla
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the perception of CSR influences different aspects of consumer behaviour, specifically focussing on the antecedents of perceived value…
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the perception of CSR influences different aspects of consumer behaviour, specifically focussing on the antecedents of perceived value, customer support and loyalty.
A total of 418 completed responses were obtained and provided the data to analyse and test the hypothesised research model. To test the hypotheses, structural equation modelling using PLS was employed.
Findings reveal that customer awareness of the current CSR initiatives to different stakeholder groups significantly influences their perceptions of what social initiatives are actually undertaken by firms for their economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility. In addition, customer views of what firms actually do in respect to social initiatives are significantly related to their level of CSR expectations. This indicates that the customers will always expect more from banks compared to what they actually do. Surprisingly, CSR perception is not directly related to customers’ loyalty, which contradicts the majority of previous studies indicating that CSR perception influences consumer behaviour.
This study provides an original contribution to the CSR body of knowledge, especially for developing countries where the awareness level is low. It also provides a deep understanding of the influence of CSR into consumer behaviour, as it investigates the influence of the full construct of CSR into customer loyalty. Finally, the study investigated the relationship between the perception and the expectation of CSR; this relationship has been neglected in previous studies, where either CSR perceptions or CSR expectations have been examined separately.
Nisar Ahmad, Hamza Smajić, Ramo Palalic and Said Al-Riyami
This paper presents a citation-based systematic literature review in the field of sustainability management for Arab countries. The aim is to assist potential researchers in this…
This paper presents a citation-based systematic literature review in the field of sustainability management for Arab countries. The aim is to assist potential researchers in this field to identify existing themes, gaps and other relevant information necessary for the further development of the research area.
A comprehensive list of keywords has been searched in the SCOPUS database to identify all the relevant articles in the field of sustainability management in Arab countries. After applying the relevant restriction criteria, manual screening of titles, abstracts and keywords was performed to identify the final sample. The final sample consists of 410 articles published in 218 different journals by 907 authors. Bibliometrix R-tool was used to conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the selected articles.
Findings indicate a growing trend of publications on sustainability management in the generally understudied Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Besides publication trends, citation analysis presents citation trends, most influential journals and authors, and most cited articles on sustainability management in Arab countries. Theme identification is shown through analyses of conceptual and intellectual structures. Finally, social networks in the field are discussed.
Practical implications
Information presented in this paper informs interested researchers about the current state in the field, relevant sources of knowledge, important literature on the topic, relevant authors and other valuable particulars. This systematic literature review helps researchers make further valuable contributions to the field of sustainability management in Arab countries.
To the best of the authors' knowledge, this paper offers a first comprehensive citation-based systematic literature review on sustainability management in Arab countries.
Zyad M. Alzaydi, Ali Al-Hajla, Bang Nguyen and Chanaka Jayawardhena
The purpose of this paper is to provide researchers with an overview of the service quality and delivery domain, focussing on the inclusion of customer co-production and customer…
The purpose of this paper is to provide researchers with an overview of the service quality and delivery domain, focussing on the inclusion of customer co-production and customer integration. Specifically, this paper concentrates on service quality (including quality measurement), the service environment, controls and their consequences.
A comprehensive review of the literature is conducted, analysed and presented.
The review shows that service delivery is both complex and challenging, particularly when considering the unique characteristics of services and the high level of customer involvement in their creation. The facilitation, transformation and usage framework identifies how failures can occur at each stage of service delivery, beginning with the characteristics of the service environment, while control theory offers insights into the formal and informal controls that may be applied in the facilitation and transformation stages, which may reduce the likelihood or extent of such failures.
Despite the fact that it is widely accepted that service quality is an antecedent to customer satisfaction, it is surprising that this customer co-creation aspect has been largely neglected in the extant literature. As such, the role that customer co-production plays in service quality performance has been examined in this paper. It is hoped that this examination will enhance both theoretical and practical understanding of service quality. It would be useful to find modern tools that can help in improving service quality performance.
Ahmed Suhail Ajina, Sanjit Roy, Bang Nguyen, Arnold Japutra and Ali Homaid Al-Hajla
This study aims to investigate employees’ perceptions of socially responsible financial services brands in Saudi Arabia. The study also identifies the motives and challenges for…
This study aims to investigate employees’ perceptions of socially responsible financial services brands in Saudi Arabia. The study also identifies the motives and challenges for Islamic banks for higher involvement in social responsibility initiatives to enhance their brand values.
An inductive approach was used in this study to identify the motives and challenges related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. The research design uses a qualitative approach where in-depth interviews were carried out among the employees in the financial services sector in Saudi Arabia.
Findings provide insights about how CSR initiatives for financial services brands in a developing and Islamic country are perceived. Results show that the focus of CSR activities is on the attribute of CSR, the magnitude of CSR and attitude towards CSR. Results show two main motives to engage in CSR activities, which are instrumental and ethical motives. The main challenges are related to the government, business, charitable organisations and customers and society.
Practical implications
Implications exist for how CSR is perceived in a new context and in the financial services industry. Understanding the current perception of CSR from a financial service brand perspective helps policymakers to develop appropriate platforms for financial service providers to become more socially involved.
The major contribution of this study lies in investigating the CSR perception among the key stakeholder (i.e. the employees) from a brand management perspective in the Saudi Arabian financial services sector. Further, this study shows the main motives and challenges, which local financial service brands face to become socially responsible. The categories of attributes, magnitude and attitudes can be used to enhance brand value in one of the economically advanced countries in the Arabic world, Saudi Arabia. In the first category “attribute”, the perception of socially responsible banks are highlighted, while the elements of CSR, including its dimensions, are emphasised in the second category “magnitude”. The third category “attitude” shows two themes, including stakeholders’ issues and business-related issues.
Rana M. Zaki and Reham I. Elseidi
The aim of this research is to explore how religiosity (RG) could influence the Islamic apparel brand personality (IABP) dimensions, and to determine the degree to which IABP…
The aim of this research is to explore how religiosity (RG) could influence the Islamic apparel brand personality (IABP) dimensions, and to determine the degree to which IABP, attitude (ATT), subjective norms (SN) and purchase intention (PI) are influenced by RG. In addition, this research attempts to investigate the significant relationship between IABP and the components of the theory of planned behavior in the apparel industry in Egypt.
This research adopts a quantitative research method to provide insights relating to relationships between variables. The research data were collected through a conducted survey of Muslim females in Egypt. A convenience nonprobability sampling technique for data collection was used. To achieve the research purposes, confirmatory factor analyses, reliability and validity tests and structural equation modeling were adopted.
The research results show that RG has a positive significant relationship with ATT, SN and PI of Islamic apparel. Moreover, it was that only ATT has a positive significant influence over the PI of Islamic apparel unlike SN and Perceived behavioral control (PBC). Results also found that there is a positive relationship between IABP with ATT and SN. However, the relationship between RG and IABP was not statistically supported.
Practical implications
The research provides practical implications for brand managers, designers and producers in the Islamic apparel sector on how to increase PIs by extending IABP as well as for Egyptian policymakers. The practical implications include the possible approaches that stakeholders of Islamic apparel brands need to address while promoting, and this will influence marketing strategies in general and branding specifically.
This study extends our understanding of consumers’ Islamic apparel purchasing intentions using TPB to determine its rationale. Unlike other studies, this study operated RG and IABP to assess their influence on Islamic apparel PI in Egypt.
Amer Sarfraz and Asif Khurshid Mian
This study aims to address a leading challenge of confusion about the concept of takāful confronted by existing and potential consumers of the insurance industry. There are…
This study aims to address a leading challenge of confusion about the concept of takāful confronted by existing and potential consumers of the insurance industry. There are multiple sources of confusion, including the lack of consensus among religious scholars to implement a standardized business model of takāful, the lack of knowledge or awareness and the lack of skilled or trained personnel, which prevent existing and potential consumers from adopting takāful products or services. The fundamental concept of takāful is introduced mainly to fulfill the religious, social and economic needs of Muslims. Thus, the choice of takāful activates the religious, cultural, family and tradition values of individuals. Hence, the primary purpose of this study is to determine the impact of tradition value and stimulation value on consumer adoption of takāful services. Further, the scope of this study is extended to establish the mediating role of religiosity and moderating role of confusion on the association between tradition value and consumer adoption of takāful services.
This study follows quantitative research methods and a cross-sectional approach for data collection. Thus, the sample is collected from 768 respondents belongs to rural and urban areas by using a close-ended questionnaire. The mediation and moderation analysis are performed by using Andrew F. Hayes process Models-4 and −5.
The result reveals that religiosity mediates and confusion moderates the relationship of tradition value and consumer adoption of takāful. However, the tradition value shows a negative effect on consumer adoption of takāful. Moreover, the confusion negatively moderates the association between tradition value and consumer adoption of takāful. Finally, the stimulation value also reflects a negative effect on consumer adoption of takāful services.
The findings of this study shed novel insights into the existing literature of takāful and basic human values. The outcomes of stimulation values contradict with the findings of Wang et al. (2008). The result of mediation analysis reveals that religiosity plays a vital role in activating the goals of tradition value, which motivates consumers to adopt takāful services. The present study is useful for takāful operators to understand the value priorities of prospect clients belong to rural and urban areas.
Reza Ashari Nasution, So Won Jeong, Byoungho Ellie Jin, Jae-Eun Chung, Heesoon Yang, Robert Jeyakumar Nathan and Devi Arnita
The purpose of this study is to explore the acculturation caused by the Korean wave among Indonesian Muslim consumers, especially in the food and cosmetic sectors, based on…
The purpose of this study is to explore the acculturation caused by the Korean wave among Indonesian Muslim consumers, especially in the food and cosmetic sectors, based on religious grounds.
Data were collected through focus group interviews with 20 Muslim respondents in Indonesia.
The findings specifically highlighted that Muslim consumers’ acceptance of Korean products varied. Muslim consumers’ acceptance was influenced by similarities and differences in values between Islamic and Korean cultures. Consumers categorised into each acculturation mode (assimilation, separation, integration and marginalisation) showed different behavioural patterns in Korean product acceptance. This study proposes that global products can be optimised through specific and targeted marketing campaigns for different types of Muslim consumers with products that comply with their religious values.
Few studies have explored the importance of religious values (e.g. righteousness, compassion and respect for others) with respect to the acceptance of foreign products in the acculturation context. Additionally, how values from other cultures reconcile with the Indonesian Muslims’ affinity for Korean culture has been limitedly studied. This study aims to fill these gaps by identifying the role of religious factors in the acceptance of global products by taking the example of Indonesian Muslim consumers and Korean products.
We are beginning to observe the growth of Islamic finance beyond the borders of traditionally Islamic markets such as the Middle East and the Far East. The proliferation of such…
We are beginning to observe the growth of Islamic finance beyond the borders of traditionally Islamic markets such as the Middle East and the Far East. The proliferation of such religious financial institutions in non-Islamic and more secular markets has raised some pertinent questions about how these quasi-religious institutions brand themselves in light of the need to balance the conflation of Islamic theology with that of financial economic principles.
The study adopts a process-based qualitative methodology proceeded with an initial data reduction-theoretical conceptualization of the extant literature. This is followed by data display via quote research of participants’ precepts and concludes with a synthesis the extant academic conceptualizations with empirical perspectives.
The findings highlight a framework explaining the interface between Islamic and non-Islamic participation on the branding of Islamic financial institutions in the UK. The findings also set forth a need for consideration of non-religious and purely economic participation in the Islamic financial system in light of branding.
This study derives its incremental contribution by extending the extant academic literature on the branding and consumption of Islamic financial products and services within non-Islamic and secular markets. Furthermore, by adopting a multi-disciplinary, qualitative lens and engaging pertinent individuals within the field, the study provides a rich framework from which to explore the branding of these quasi-religious institutions and the interface between religious and non-religious consumption. This framework puts forth to the leaders of Islamic financial institutions of the between- and within-group interactions in terms of religio-financial consumption and branding.
Ali Raza, Raouf Ahmad Rather, Muhammad Khalid Iqbal and Umair Saeed Bhutta
This paper aims to address the need for a more in-depth empirical investigation of exploring the link between the adoption of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and…
This paper aims to address the need for a more in-depth empirical investigation of exploring the link between the adoption of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and different aspects of customer behavior in a developing country. This paper develops a research framework and assesses the mediating role of trust, customer-company identification (CCI) and electronic-service quality (E-SQ) between customer perceptions of CSR and customer loyalty.
Working with a sample of 280 banking customers in Pakistan, partial least square based structural equation modeling is used to test the conceptual model.
Surprisingly, results suggest that CSR is not directly related to customer loyalty, which is contradictory to previously established findings conducted in developed countries. Thus, confirming a full mediation of CCI, E-SQ and trust in enhancing the effect of CSR on customer loyalty. The study also confirms that CSR is positively related to E-SQ, and E-SQ also directly affects CCI.
Practical implications
Banks should adhere to honest CSR practices and effectively communicate and advertise these practices to increase awareness and knowledge among the customers. Similarly, banks should advance in technological expertise to generate customer identification, which then leads to their loyalty.
Previous studies conferred short-term customer’s reactions, such as purchase intention and brand image. Still, this research discusses the long-term effect of CSR on customer behavior, such as the loyalty of the customers. Moreover, this is the pioneer study that investigates how CSR actions influence customer perceptions about E-SQ and how electronic services affect customer identification with a bank.
Toan Thi Phuoc Dang and Vinh Thi Thanh Do
This study offers an empirical framework for how hotel employees CSR perceptions affect their job satisfaction by incorporating the parallel mediating roles of organizational…
This study offers an empirical framework for how hotel employees CSR perceptions affect their job satisfaction by incorporating the parallel mediating roles of organizational identification and psychological contract fulfillment. In addition, it examines the moderator effects of employees' CSR-induced attributions on the constructed mediated model, providing a powerful lens through which to evaluate when and how employees' CSR perceptions influence organizational identification and psychological contract fulfillment.
The study use PLS-SEM techniques to analyze a sample of 520 employees from 49 luxury hotels with 4–5 stars in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam.
The results show that CSR positively influences job satisfaction through the mediating role of psychological contract fulfillment and organizational identification. Besides, attachment styles also play moderator role in the relationship between CSR and psychological contract fulfillment/organizational identification.
Practical implications
The discoveries elucidated within this research endeavor proffer actionable discernments to be earnestly contemplated by professionals entrenched in the hotel industry, earnestly aspiring to ameliorate the contentment of their workforce and, concomitantly, augment the overarching efficacy of their organizational operations.
This study provides human resource departments with insights and suggestions for maximizing the efficacy of CSR implementation in the hotel industry.