The aim of the present study is to explore institutional design strategies that promote compliance by regulating peculiar sorts of agents, namely, human trafficking victims…
The aim of the present study is to explore institutional design strategies that promote compliance by regulating peculiar sorts of agents, namely, human trafficking victims, starting from the point of view that institutions assume addressee virtue, but instead should consider the hypothesis of non-compliance or that the measures adopted reveal their inefficiency to satisfy the goals they were thought for, or that they are applied to obtain scopes, which are different from the ones they were conceived for.
Different methodological approaches, both deductive and inductive, are combined in the present paper, together with comparative and philosophical insights on national court decisions, scholarly writings, national and international entities’ official reports and statistics.
Because EU member states’ experts are discussing about common guidelines, policies and standards to manage migration fluxes and EU integration process, this study highlights some critical points arising from the specific condition of a peculiar human trafficking victim: a migrant.
The study offers insights into the possible answers in terms of awarding prize to and humanitarian protection of victims to fight human trafficking and smuggling in a constructive way, emphasising that these instruments (awarding and humanitarian) are not mutually exclusive and can be mixed together.
Alessandra Pera and Marina Nicolosi
Recent studies show that Italian women’s education and skills are high and that they have access to the job market, but, at the same time, there are many difficulties in…
Recent studies show that Italian women’s education and skills are high and that they have access to the job market, but, at the same time, there are many difficulties in maintaining a job in certain periods of their lives. Exactly, the critic period is connected to the choice of having children or a “traditional family” and, in general, with family duties. To explain the different percentage of women participation to job market in different countries, recent studies have looked to peculiar institutional structure of “municipal” job market and to social support services. The public offer of childcare and family support explains lots of the differences among different countries, but it is a complex datum, really hard to detect, collect, and interpret. Other relevant data are statute provisions on parental leave (mother or father oriented). A systematic analysis has shown that we have, both at a national and at a European level, legal rules and models which should promote equal opportunities, but that we miss cultural promises going in the direction of supporting families and encouraging the preservation of female job place. This study also investigates two different kinds of answers, analyzing and comparing microchoices (technical and juridical instruments) and macrochoices (legal policies) that different legal systems, have adopted in the European context to promote an effective integration between lifetime and job time, to support families in terms of public services, and suggest possible new instruments connected with partnership of public and private programs.1
The purpose of this study is to underline the impact that globalization of financial markets has on national punishment policies. The US financial crisis has strongly affected…
The purpose of this study is to underline the impact that globalization of financial markets has on national punishment policies. The US financial crisis has strongly affected consumers’ lives, but the focus of this research is on the national provisions against the illegal and unfair behaviour of economic actors, with special regard to a phenomenon that took place abroad, but whose effects came to light in many different countries.
Different methodological approaches, both deductive and inductive, are combined in the present paper, together with comparative and philosophical insights on national Court decisions and scholar writings.
As European Union (EU) member States experts are discussing about a lex mercatoria for the financial markets to govern the EU integration process, this study highlights some questions concerning mainly three aspects: the level of censorship; forms and nature of responsibility; punitive models and their micro- and macro-economic effects.
The study offers insights into the possible answers in terms of criminal and private law remedies to fight financial market abuse in a global dimension, through the use of general principles of contractual and tort law, which are common among EU member State, as culpa in eligendo, culpa in vigilando, duty of information, duty of care, ecc […] .
Dario Natale Palmucci, Fauzia Jabeen and Gabriele Santoro
This paper aims to explore customers' motives and behaviours in sharing comments and information on e-service platforms, as well as what leads them to avoid sharing after…
This paper aims to explore customers' motives and behaviours in sharing comments and information on e-service platforms, as well as what leads them to avoid sharing after consumption.
To achieve the goal, this research used a mixed-method approach. Firstly, a two-phase qualitative design involving 2 focus groups and 27 in-depth interviews was employed. Secondly, a quantitative approach was implemented to test the relationship between three factors, identified in the qualitative analysis and comment-sharing behaviours.
The three identified factors are (1) willingness to improve the product/service and customer justice; (2) willingness to share emotions and feelings; and (3) technological readiness. Sharing emotions and feelings, as well as technological readiness, have been found positively associated with high posting behaviours.
Customers' opinions, comments and feedback on online platforms represent a crucial co-creation tool that must be better understood by businesses that aim to embrace the customer-centric philosophy. Despite the importance of the topic, only recently there has been interest in exploring the motives for and behaviours of customers' post-consumption comments and information sharing about a business on an e-service platform. Based on these findings, we put forward some relevant implications for theory and specific managerial strategies to be undertaken to exploit the potential of platforms.