Alec M Hughes has recently been viewing the six film series of management training films, featuring the Rt Hon Lord Wilfred Brown PC, chairman and managing director of the Glacier…
Alec M Hughes has recently been viewing the six film series of management training films, featuring the Rt Hon Lord Wilfred Brown PC, chairman and managing director of the Glacier Metal Co Ltd from 1939 to 1965, and Minister of State at the Board of Trade, with special responsibility for exports from 1965 to 1970. During his chairmanship Glacier Metal was transformed from a technologically backward company to the largest organisation of its kind in Europe. During this period too the company became famous for the management experiments which were initiated and the management techniques adopted which contributed to the firm's success. This film series presents the theories expounded in Lord Brown's book ORGANISATION — concepts which form the basis of the management training programmes at the Glacier Institute of Management — dealing with practical methods of improving industrial relations and company performance. This colour series is available either in 16 mm print form or in video cassette. The average length of each film is 30 minutes.
Training Films International began to build up its distribution service with films on industrial safety and health and now has a very useful library of films on these subjects. It…
Training Films International began to build up its distribution service with films on industrial safety and health and now has a very useful library of films on these subjects. It has now started to extend its scope with films on other aspects of management. Alec Hughes reviews here the American series produced by CMA Productions concerned principally with individual behaviour. Made between 1972 and 1974 the series is naturally geared to American situations many of which would be different in some of their implications for British audiences. All are colour films.
In this article Alec Hughes looks at interviewing, with a close concentration on appraisal and selection. This is an attempt to provide an improved service to readers, and could…
In this article Alec Hughes looks at interviewing, with a close concentration on appraisal and selection. This is an attempt to provide an improved service to readers, and could be provided for other film subject areas. Write to the editor and tell him whether you have found this article useful, and what other areas of film would interest you.
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains…
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains features to help the reader to retrieve relevant literature from MCB University Press' considerable output. Each entry within has been indexed according to author(s) and the Fifth Edition of the SCIMP/SCAMP Thesaurus. The latter thus provides a full subject index to facilitate rapid retrieval. Each article or book is assigned its own unique number and this is used in both the subject and author index. This Volume indexes 29 journals indicating the depth, coverage and expansion of MCB's portfolio.
NOT THE NAME OF A NEW TYPE OF HOVERCRAFT OR A LUNAR module, but the label attached by management to a film report for the British Oxygen Company on a new wages policy linked with…
NOT THE NAME OF A NEW TYPE OF HOVERCRAFT OR A LUNAR module, but the label attached by management to a film report for the British Oxygen Company on a new wages policy linked with changes in management practice and work‐force structure. E. J. B. Leach, Divisional Personnel Manager of the Gases Division of BOG told us all about it recently, at the British Industrial Film Festival in Brighton. In introducing a new productivity agreement in 45 works scattered all over the country senior management wished to inform all staff as quickly and accurately as possible. Film seemed a good way of doing this. So WAGES STRUCTURE REVIEW No. 1 was made by their own in‐plant film unit to permit the managing director personally to address some 3,000 administrative staff and 4,000 shop‐floor personnel at their individual places of work. It was a film assignment which involved travel all over the country for the film‐makers since the essence of the project was not only to present management policy but also to record the varied reactions of individuals to the preliminary information they had received about it. Nor was it simply a question of getting an agreed policy over to the workers. Individual managers had to be convinced themselves of the value of the new scheme and each of the 7,000 managers, technicians and workers had to see their place in the new set‐up. By presenting the film as near simultaneously as possible at each of 45 works misunderstandings could be avoided, rumour scotched, and discussion and constructive comment promoted.
THE NEED FOR GOOD MANAGEMENT TRAINING FILMS THE IMMEDIATE ROAD AHEAD IN THE TRAINING FIELD is becoming very clearly defined. There is great satisfaction with the progress made…
THE NEED FOR GOOD MANAGEMENT TRAINING FILMS THE IMMEDIATE ROAD AHEAD IN THE TRAINING FIELD is becoming very clearly defined. There is great satisfaction with the progress made over the past four years or so with operator training and manual skills training generally. Now well on the way, this training activity will continue, becoming in the process both more widespread and more refined.
IT WAS A BIT OF BAD LUCK FOR THE SPONSORS THAT THIS NEW production of what was formerly the Special Films Division of AB Pathé should have had its press preview on 10 November…
IT WAS A BIT OF BAD LUCK FOR THE SPONSORS THAT THIS NEW production of what was formerly the Special Films Division of AB Pathé should have had its press preview on 10 November, the day that the Rolls‐Royce crisis made news. For Rolls‐Royce was the subject of one of the three major examples of successful marketing around which this film was constructed; the other two were Simon Engineering and Viners Limited. The importance attached to their respective marketing performances was summarised by Trevor Philpott at the end of the film.
THE YOUNG LADY WHO MADE THE REMARK WHICH IS THE title above was doing a repetitive assembly job of a kind which could be performed automatically once the necessary skills had been…
THE YOUNG LADY WHO MADE THE REMARK WHICH IS THE title above was doing a repetitive assembly job of a kind which could be performed automatically once the necessary skills had been mastered. There are many jobs like that. But there are others where the necessary repetitive actions have to be accompanied by concentration, the assembly line jobs which offer no intellectual satisfactions nor have the compensation of daydreaming which ameliorates so many of the dull tasks which mass production demands. Other skills are of a different order — they may tax dexterity, or memory, or visual perception or subtle sensory judgments. Can such varied skills be taught and if so how? It is this BBC television series TRAINING IN SKILLS which sets out to examine the problem.
HOW MANY TRAINING OFFICERS CAN REALLY CLAIM TO KEEP abreast of all the information about audio‐visuals that comes their way — still less to see the latest aids? We all share the…
HOW MANY TRAINING OFFICERS CAN REALLY CLAIM TO KEEP abreast of all the information about audio‐visuals that comes their way — still less to see the latest aids? We all share the frustration of running against the tide of information. The catalogues and brochures that land on our desks all too often finish on our shelves unread. It is partly because every day is too short, partly because we all react to a multitude of pressures and some jobs simply have to be left undone. And part of the trouble lies with the nature of the information itself. Take film catalogues for example. The variations in size and layout are not only bewildering but make storage difficult. Infuriatingly many of those upon which the greatest effort has been lavished and most money spent are the least easy to consult. The stylist seems to take precedence over the practical cataloguer so that what superficially appears the most visually attractive often turns out to be difficult to consult and even, on occasions, hard to read.
Although British industry and British film producers have now made some masterly incursions into the field of management training film production there are still some things they…
Although British industry and British film producers have now made some masterly incursions into the field of management training film production there are still some things they can learn from the Americans. This is most noticeable in the case of a film series built around the written works of a management consultant and featuring the consultant himself as one of a cast of a dramatised production. The series ORGANISATION RENEWAL, inspired by Gordon Lippitt, is a case in point. This series consists of five films dealing with background problems associated with changing the structure and practices of a viable organisation, the dynamic situation engendered in a group, the concept of teamwork and problems associated with coping with change.