Alan Findlay and Sam Motherwell
Entry of data in the format of MARC records is a difficult procedure involving the use of codes which have to be memorised or located from manuals. We suggest that a program can…
Entry of data in the format of MARC records is a difficult procedure involving the use of codes which have to be memorised or located from manuals. We suggest that a program can be written in dBase III which prompts the cataloguer with a series of fairly simple questions about the book, and places data in appropriate fields in a dBase record. The resulting set of records can be converted very simply into UK MARC records and added to other records produced by more conventional means.
Abigail Marks, Patricia Findlay, James Hine, Paul Thompson and Alan McKinlay
The paper focuses on the formation and implementation of new manufacturing strategies in two UK drinks conglomerates ‐ United Distillers (UD) and Allied Distillers (ADL)…
The paper focuses on the formation and implementation of new manufacturing strategies in two UK drinks conglomerates ‐ United Distillers (UD) and Allied Distillers (ADL). Traditionally both companies have been marketingled and relatively indifferent to the achievement of marginal gains in operating efficiencies. But recently each has launched major innovation programmes, ADL's ‘Project Star’, and ‘Towards World Class’ in the case of UD.
The following bibliography focuses mainly on programs which can run on IBM microcomputers and compatibles under the operating system PC DOS/MS DOS, and which can be used in online…
The following bibliography focuses mainly on programs which can run on IBM microcomputers and compatibles under the operating system PC DOS/MS DOS, and which can be used in online information and documentation work. They fall into the following categories:
Jeffrey A. Shantz and Barry D. Adam
Profiles the development of the project IWW/Earth First Local 1, a group which brought loggers and environmentalists together in an attempt to combine labour and ecology issues…
Profiles the development of the project IWW/Earth First Local 1, a group which brought loggers and environmentalists together in an attempt to combine labour and ecology issues. Describes anarchosyndicalist ideas that formed the basis of this alliance, suggesting that these have some merit for present day ecologists. Considers the common ground shared by labour and ecology movements and presents some learnings from the project for future mainstream environmental policies.
Patricia Findlay, Alan McKinlay, Abigail Marks and Paul Thompson
Research on organisational learning is limited in three ways; in terms of the type of organisation and the type of employees which are seen to benefit from a learning culture; and…
Research on organisational learning is limited in three ways; in terms of the type of organisation and the type of employees which are seen to benefit from a learning culture; and in terms of the consensual assumptions made about the nature of learning within the workplace, assumptions which contradict the reality of the workplace for most people. Other researchers have attempted to form a typology of learning; they are narrowly constructed and often internal to the enterprise; learning is often de‐contextualised from other organisational processes. In response to these criticisms, we have framed and measured a holistic concept of learning that more readily takes account of organisational context. This paper presents data on learning within two traditional companies operating in the food and drinks sector. In particular it is concerned with long‐term organisational learning in light of discussions of the mutual gains workplace, reflecting more general concerns about organisational behaviour.
The discussion of the appropriate means to attain external balance arose as a result of the recurring problem of acute shortages of foreign exchange for many small, open…
The discussion of the appropriate means to attain external balance arose as a result of the recurring problem of acute shortages of foreign exchange for many small, open, developing economies. Thus, as Findlay (1973) and Diamond (1978) contend, it is now widely held that the critical bottleneck restricting the rate of economic growth in developing countries is the shortage of foreign exchange. The Latin American structuralist school and the Indian strategy of development has long maintained that the limited capacity to import in relation to high and inelastic capital imports requirements has been one of the main factors responsible for the chronic inflation and stagnation in those countries.
The Sir William Beveridge Foundation is a young, UK based, international charitable organisation that was formed in 2006 and has its main office in London. Its main aims are to…
The Sir William Beveridge Foundation is a young, UK based, international charitable organisation that was formed in 2006 and has its main office in London. Its main aims are to fight poverty; promote care and dignity for the elderly and to promote gender equality. It has developed out of a culturally appropriate homecare service that has been operating in the inner boroughs of London for nine years. The Foundation's emphasis is on practical works in order to pursue its aims and has begun its international effort in Bangladesh where it has been operating for 15 months. This article describes the Foundation's current and proposed projects in Bangladesh and implications in particular that its work can provide for enhancing knowledge and practice in health and social care in the UK and wider world.
A review essay on Ronald Findlay, Lars Jonung and Mats Lundahl, eds. Bertil Ohlin: Centennial Celebration (1899–1999). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002. Pp. xvi, 546. $60.00.The…
A review essay on Ronald Findlay, Lars Jonung and Mats Lundahl, eds. Bertil Ohlin: Centennial Celebration (1899–1999). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002. Pp. xvi, 546. $60.00. The Swedish economist Bertil Ohlin was born in 1899 and died in 1979. Less than half of his professional life he spent as a full time academic scholar in economics. He was a student at the University of Stockholm and was supervised by his teachers, Gustav Cassel and Eli Heckscher. In 1922, Ohlin presented his licentiat thesis where he set out the ideas later conceptualised as the Heckscher-Ohlin model. Two years later, in 1924, he took his doctoral degree under Cassel with a dissertation simply called Handelns teori (The Theory of Trade). A longer version of this dissertation was later published in English as Interregional and International Trade (1933). This work made him a famous trade theorist in a line of tradition going back to Ricardo and Torrens. Paul Samuelson in 1941 coined and immortalised the term “the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem” which he and Wolfgang Stolper developed further in a famous article in the Review of Economic Studies (1941) entitled “Protection and Real Wages.” Already at the age of 26 the bright young man Ohlin became a professor in economics at the University of Copenhagen and five years later he was appointed to a chair in the same subject at Handelshogskolan (The Stockholm School of Economics) in Stockholm.
Denzin has noted that the interview is a ‘conversational production, anticipated in the investigator's mind and imagination, but realised only in the world of conversational…
Denzin has noted that the interview is a ‘conversational production, anticipated in the investigator's mind and imagination, but realised only in the world of conversational interaction’ (1970:188). This article aims to examine the processes involved in the production of a sociological interview especially, although not exclusively, at the level of conversational interaction. By focussing attention on to one specific piece of empirical work,(1) I hope to provide a balance to other more general appraisals of the interview method (eg. Richardson, 1965; Denzin, 1970; Brenner, 1978). The article attempts to further our understanding of the contextual production of sociological data.