The purpose of this paper is to provide basic and practical suggestions for obtaining a balance between online web site ease of use and comprehensive online content.
The purpose of this paper is to provide basic and practical suggestions for obtaining a balance between online web site ease of use and comprehensive online content.
The approach is to show how library administrators can prepare for achieving a balance of providing the online content users need, while still striving to make their library web site user‐friendly.
Librarians may find that they need to change their mind‐set of web site design having comprehensive information and instead focus on a streamlined, clean‐looking web site that gets their patrons to their resources as fast as possible, especially in lieu of mobile devices which are becoming so popular. Librarians may also need to change their personal approach towards vendors, patrons, as well as their own staff.
The value of this paper is in its list of practical and interpersonal suggestions for obtaining a balance of web site usability and comprehensive online content, and relaying that intention towards a library's constituencies.