Ubeidulla Al‐Qawabeha, Aiman Eid Al‐Rawajfeh and Ehab Al‐Shamaileh
Roller burnishing (RB) is a finishing treatment method that is used to impart certain physical and mechanical properties, such as surface roughness, improved visual appearance, or…
Roller burnishing (RB) is a finishing treatment method that is used to impart certain physical and mechanical properties, such as surface roughness, improved visual appearance, or increased corrosion, friction, wear, and fatigue resistance. The purpose of this paper is to study, the influence of RB on corrosion resistance in A53 steel in HCl solution.
Microhardness (MH), microstructure, weight loss, and potentiostatic polarization are investigated at pressing forces of 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 N.
MH increases with increasing the applied force and the percentage improvements are found to be 12, 24, 28, 35 and 65 percent for 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 N RB pressing forces, respectively. Weight losses, in general, showed an optimum value at about 80 N. Corrosion potential and corrosion current decrease with increasing pressing force and reached a minimum at about 80 N, then begin to increase with increasing RB force.
The results present in this paper are important to the understanding of the effect of the surface plastic deformation methods on surface properties and corrosion resistance in steel.