Tarwaji Warsokusumo, Toni Prahasto and Achmad Widodo
The study aims to perform an extensive literature review in the area of the maintenance decision analysis (MDA), especially in power generation systems. In the basis of this…
The study aims to perform an extensive literature review in the area of the maintenance decision analysis (MDA), especially in power generation systems. In the basis of this review, the paper proposes a new model for the MDA which involves a combination of reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) performance with energy efficiency performance (EEP).
Starting from the opportunity in Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS) by improving the energy efficiency (EE) and using renewable energy for the power generation system, also concerning to the major challenge of maintenance optimization in order to implement maintenance strategy, the maintenance decision-making and energetic efficiency management system (EEMS) have been reviewed. In the context of power generation system's performance, the measurement is also analyzed and identified. Then, the extensive literature review has been performed to compare between RAMS and EEP. And finally, the limitation and gap, where EEP is not yet a complementary consideration during MDA being identified and a new model for the performance-based MDA is proposed.
The new model proposed for the performance-based MDA is able to be used to conduct maintenance decision by utilizing the combination of RAMS and EEP depending on the type of decision required.
Practical implications
There is an opportunity for a maintenance organization of power generation plant to apply this new model proposed for the MDA in order to optimize the maintenance scope and schedule.
The result of work in this paper forms the basis for combining RAMS with EEP as performance-based MDA tools in the context of maintenance of the power generation system.
Sandi Ferdiansyah, Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, Ahmad Royani and Rani Shintya Marsitoh
This brief report demonstrates how collaborative podcast series project to teach cultural content in English language classroom is design and implemented. This paper aims not only…
This brief report demonstrates how collaborative podcast series project to teach cultural content in English language classroom is design and implemented. This paper aims not only to facilitate speaking practice but also to build students’ cultural awareness, exercise creativity, promote critical thinking and foster learning collaboration.
This classroom observation study involved 78 students majoring English education department in a state Islamic university in East Java, Indonesia. The pedagogical intervention which facilitates this project includes extensive reading and viewing of local culture materials, interview practice project and collective reflections. After completing the project, students wrote collective reflective accounts, submitted their podcast links and followed focus group interview.
From the data analysis, it can be seen that incorporating local culture into English language learning can enhance student learning engagement, cultural awareness and tolerance, and collective reflective practice.
The finding of the study contributes to practical implications addressed to teachers and teacher educators in designing and implementing technology mediated cultural learning.
Rahman El Junusi, Heru Sulistyo, Fadjar Setiyo Anggraeni and Ferry Khusnul Mubarok
This study aims to examine the relationship between Achievement Motivation (AM), Smart Work (SW), and human resources (HR) performance. It questions how moral global leadership…
This study aims to examine the relationship between Achievement Motivation (AM), Smart Work (SW), and human resources (HR) performance. It questions how moral global leadership (MGL) could moderate the relationship between AM, SW, and HR performance. A theoretical model was developed and tested on sample data representing 219 employees, educators, and educational staff of Islamic Higher education (IHE). The data were collected through surveys and applied to structural equation modeling using SEM-PLS. This study found that AM and SW significantly affect HR performance. While MGL substantially moderates the relationship between AM, SW, and HR performance. This study contributes to the literature on MGL, AM, and SW in creating HR performance that has yet to be studied so far. This study offers the concept of MGL, which plays a central role in moderating the relationship between AM, SW, and HR performance.
In his inauguration speech, he expressed commitment to reforms that he believes can help the country attract investment and escape a middle-income trap. Meanwhile, there are…
DOI: 10.1108/OXAN-DB247269
ISSN: 2633-304X
Hadi Tjahjanto, former commander of the armed forces (TNI), replaces Sofyan Djalil as agrarian affairs and spatial planning minister and Zulkifli Hasan, chair of the National…
DOI: 10.1108/OXAN-DB271019
ISSN: 2633-304X
He arrived in Malaysia on February 26 and Indonesia on March 1. The tour also includes the Maldives, Brunei and China, and is intended to increase Saudi religious, political and…
DOI: 10.1108/OXAN-DB218645
ISSN: 2633-304X
Vanessa Gaffar, Wenda Wahyu Christiyanto, Rivaldi Arissaputra, Abror Abror, Nurman Achmad, Esa Fajar Fajar Hidayat, Qoriah A Siregar and Aslinda Shahril
This paper aims to explore the influence of digital halal literacy and halal destination attributes on revisiting intention through satisfaction and trust as mediating variables.
This paper aims to explore the influence of digital halal literacy and halal destination attributes on revisiting intention through satisfaction and trust as mediating variables.
The study collected data from 308 domestic tourists in Indonesia who visited urban tourist destinations using a Likert-scale questionnaire, conducted between June and July 2023, and analysed using PLS-SEM for comprehensive data collection.
Digital halal literacy and halal destination attributes significantly impact tourist satisfaction and trust, potentially leading to the desire to revisit previously visited destinations. The higher the digital halal literacy and halal destination attributes, the higher the satisfaction and trust of tourists towards these destinations, potentially resulting in their intention to revisit.
Research limitations/implications
This study focused on the Greater Bandung area in western Indonesia, a popular tourist destination. Future studies should explore the eastern region and its surroundings, as they do not differentiate between nature-based and man-made tourism.
Practical implications
The absence of information on halal tourism destinations hinders travellers' understanding and decision-making, particularly considering the preference for symbols as a means of communication, a crucial factor that destination managers must consider.
Social implications
Visual elements, such as symbols and signage, significantly influence tourist behaviour and experiences, leading to the decision to revisit the destination.
The integration of digital halal literacy and halal destination attributes offers a comprehensive understanding of halal tourism, particularly in terms of revisit intentions.
Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, Utami Widiati, Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty and Yazid Basthomi
Digital multimodal composing (DMC) has received considerable attention in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. While empirical studies on DMC have been widely…
Digital multimodal composing (DMC) has received considerable attention in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. While empirical studies on DMC have been widely conducted, there is a scarcity of research specifically examining the experience of pre-service English teachers in employing DMC during their teaching practicum. They might be familiar with DMC concepts, yet their beliefs about implementing DMC-mediated language teaching in classroom settings is worth further investigation. To fill this gap, this study aims to investigate the perspectives of three pre-service English teachers on DMC-mediated language teaching during their teaching practicum program.
This study employed a case study design and was conducted in a state Islamic university in East Java Province, Indonesia. A semi-structured interview was conducted with three pre-service English teachers to collect data about the beliefs of pre-service English teachers in implementing DMC in their teaching practicum. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis.
From the analysis, the study unveils three important findings: (1) pre-service teachers' awareness of implementing DMC in English classrooms, (2) pre-service teachers' pedagogical preference for DMC projects and (3) pre-service teachers' perceived challenges in teaching through DMC.
The study suggests that equipping pre-service teachers with adequate pedagogical competence in DMC will enhance their capacity for technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK).
Muhammad Rifqi Abdillah, Agus Widodo Mardijuwono and Habiburrochman Habiburrochman
The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze the factors that affect an auditor’s efficiency in completing the audit process proxied by audit report lag. The factors used…
The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze the factors that affect an auditor’s efficiency in completing the audit process proxied by audit report lag. The factors used in this study are selected by looking at the characteristics of the company and the characteristics of an auditor.
Company characteristics were proxied by the audit committee effectiveness, financial condition, accounting complexity and profitability, whereas auditor characteristics were proxied with auditor reputation, audit tenure and auditors industry specialization. Populations of this study were all manufacturing companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2014–2016. Based on the purposive sampling method, the number of samples obtained from 231 companies was 77. Multiple linear regression method was used to analyze this study. Hypothesis testing was done by statistical t-test (partial).
The results showed that partially variables of the audit committee effectiveness and profitability had a significant negative effect on audit report lag while the variable financial condition had a significant positive effect on audit report lag. Meanwhile, variables of the accounting complexity, auditor reputation, audit tenure and auditors’ industry specialization did not show significant influence on audit report lag.
This study tests both company’s and auditor’s characteristic on audit report lag that as far as authors know never been tested simultaneously.
Achmad Nurmandi and Sunhyuk Kim
– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implementation of initiative e-procurement in decentralized system on Indonesia’s local government system.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implementation of initiative e-procurement in decentralized system on Indonesia’s local government system.
The authors combine quantitative and qualitative methods. The central finding of this research is that human resources are the pivotal factors that determine the performance of local e-procurement in three cities. This research focusses on three local governments in Indonesia – Yogyakarta City, Tangerang City, and Kutaikartanegara Regency.
The central finding of this research is that human resources are the pivotal factors that determine the performance of local e-procurement in three cities. However, Tangerang City is going institutionalization phase in e-procurement initiative to ensure its sound local regulation.
Research limitations/implications
There are several limitations to this study including the recent nature of decentralized procurement in Indonesia, limited standardized and disaggregated data on local government procurement expenditures and performance.
Practical implications
The study recommends that human resources management in procurement needs to be addressed by both local and central government.
e-Procurement is an important instrument for preventing corruption in goods and services procurement. Indonesia has been implementing an e-procurement policy since 2008 based on a Presidential Decree. The president has issued annual orders (presidential instructions), and all central ministries and local governments have been required to comply with them to obtain their budget through the e-procurement system. However, as of 2012 fiscal year, only around 10.26 percent of the central government institution procurement budget and 10 percent of the local government procurement budget in Indonesia went through the e-procurement system, with wide variations among cities.