Achraf Haddad, Anis El Ammari and Abdelfattah Bouri
This study aims to test empirically the differences between Islamic and conventional banks in terms of impacts of the audit committees' quality on financial performance between…
This study aims to test empirically the differences between Islamic and conventional banks in terms of impacts of the audit committees' quality on financial performance between Subprime and Corona crises.
The variables are articulated in four hypotheses tested by the GLS analysis. The data were collected via DATASTREAM and from banks' annual reports. The collected data covered four continents: America, Asia, Africa and Europe. The financial performance measures and audit committee's determinants of the conventional and Islamic banks concerned 112 banks of each type after the Subprime crisis and before the Corona crisis (2010–2019).
Results showed that the audit committee reduced the profitability of two bank types. Moreover, it harmed the conventional banks' efficiency, but reported an unclear effect within Islamic banks. Even so, the authors noticed that the audit committee had a positive impact for the conventional banks' liquidity, while the same effect was apparently ambiguous on the Islamic banks' liquidity. For solvency, the audit committee positively influenced conventional banks, while it affected that of Islamic banks.
Research limitations/implications
Empirically, the authors’ results can serve as a reference for decision-makers allowing to clarify the data on the financial competitiveness of two bank types to facilitate the planning of strategic performance programs based on the audit committee quality. Theoretically, researchers found that the differences between the results are due to the audit committee quality of each bank type or to the financial performance evaluation method. However, there are further factors that are related to the research peculiarities, the methodology, the data and the interpretation.
Based on the comparative literature review between conventional and Islamic banks, this study is the first conditional and comparative research between the audit committee quality and the financial performance of conventional and Islamic banks in a specific period (after Subprime and before Corona crises).
Rami Salem, Ernest Ezeani, Ali Meftah Gerged and Bilal Bilal
This study aims to examine how banks’ credit ratings can be driven by the quality of the disclosed financial and nonfinancial information in emerging economies.
This study aims to examine how banks’ credit ratings can be driven by the quality of the disclosed financial and nonfinancial information in emerging economies.
Using a sample of 1,590 bank-year observations of 29 Islamic and 77 conventional banks across 17 MENA countries from 2006 to 2020, we conducted a random-effects regression model that is supported by various methods, including 2SLS and GMM models, to overcome the potential incidence of endogeneity concerns.
We found that the quality of voluntary disclosure positively influences the credit rating of Islamic and conventional banks. Although the spread and usefulness of disclosed information are positively associated with banks’ ratings, the quantity dimension is not. Audit quality also significantly influences Islamic banks’ credit ratings compared to their traditional counterparts.
Practical implications
Our evidence offers practical implications for regulators and standards setters in emerging economies to develop more effective disclosure regimes to enhance the impact of the quality of banks’ voluntary disclosures on their credit ratings.
Our paper contributes to the existing literature by investigating the effect of the quality of voluntary disclosures on credit ratings along three dimensions: quantity, spread and usefulness of the information. Further, our research contributes to the international accounting literature by investigating the effect of audit quality on the credit ratings of both conventional and Islamic banks in a cross-country setting.
Nadia Assidi, Ridha Nouira, Sami Saafi, Walid Abdelfattah and Sami Ben Mim
The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the shadow economy on three sustainable development indicators while considering the moderating effect of the governance…
The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the shadow economy on three sustainable development indicators while considering the moderating effect of the governance quality, and to highlight the non-linearity of the considered relationship.
A sample of 82 countries covering the period from 1996 to 2017. The dynamic first-differenced generalized method of moments (FD-GMM) panel threshold model is implemented to control for non-linearity.
The shadow economy hinders sustainable development in countries with low-governance quality, while the opposite result holds in countries with high-governance quality. The critical thresholds triggering the switch from one regime to another vary across the sustainable development indicators. Boosting growth requires enhancing the legal system and the economic dimension of governance, while promoting environmental quality requires the implementation and enforcement of specific environment-friendly regulations.
The study addresses non-linearity and the moderating effect of governance quality. The use of six governance indicators allows to gauge the ability of each governance dimension to curb the negative effects of the shadow economy. Considering the three objectives of sustainable development allows to identify specific policy recommendations for each of them.
This study aims to adopt a mixed-methods approach (accounting and business data) to analyse the effects of the financial institution’s governance on both the knowledge of social…
This study aims to adopt a mixed-methods approach (accounting and business data) to analyse the effects of the financial institution’s governance on both the knowledge of social responsibility and the consumer’s attitudes and behaviours, and testing the moderating role of the brand identification in the banking sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this concept has been neglected in previous studies.
Data were collected from a sample of 600 respondents in two major Tunisian cities. Participants were selected on the basis of a convenience sampling in which the structural equation modelling method was adopted through SMART PLS 3.0 software.
The results showed that good corporate governance has a positive influence on the knowledge of the company's social responsibility, which positively influences its brand image. Therefore, the company's brand image positively influences the customer’s satisfaction, which positively influences the recommending behaviour of the financial institutions in the COVID-19 era. However, the brand identification has no moderating effect.
Practical implications
Managers of financial institutions are advised to pay particular attention to good corporate governance, as it is mandatory for these companies to assume social responsibility and make it known to clients. Therefore, it is obvious to create a good image in the mind of the consumers to satisfy them to recommend the company in question. It is interesting to mobilise the period of health crisis (COVID-19) to create a favourable attitude among the customers because they are sensitive when evaluating and ranking financial institutions according to the relationships that exist especially during this period.
In fact, there are many studies that dealt with the banking sector. Some of them dealt with the sector through the institutional accounting section while others dealt with the sector through the commercial and marketing section. Therefore, the first contribution of this research is to test a mixed model made up of accounting and commercial data. This model is among the first to determine the effects of the financial institution's governance on the knowledge of social responsibility and on the consumer’s attitude and behaviour to test the moderating role of brand identification in the banking sector. The second contribution is to test this model in a period of health crisis (COVID-19). The third contribution is the use of a mixed sample of data collected from two regions. Then, the fourth contribution is the addition of tests for the verification, robustness and validation of the results obtained. Finally, the fifth contribution is the addition of control variables to test their effects on the research model.
Endah Tri Wahyuningtyas and Aisyaturrahmi Aisyaturrahmi
The purpose of this paper is to examine the association between accounting fraud and the gender of chief financial officers (CFOs).
The purpose of this paper is to examine the association between accounting fraud and the gender of chief financial officers (CFOs).
This study uses a sample of US-listed firms for the period from 2000 to 2010. This paper takes this distribution of the sample observations because firms sanctioned by the Securities and Exchange Commission as reported in Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Releases for fraud are more heavily weighted in the 2000 to 2010 period.
This study provides considerable evidence to suggest that firms with female CFOs are negatively associated with accounting fraud. The study also suggests that in state-owned enterprises, in which political concerns are likely to be more pronounced, the relationship between female CFOs and accounting fraud is negatively less significant. This study conducts an additional test about when and why boards’ diversity reduces accounting fraud or concerns. The result shows that the structure of gender-mixed boards is better than male-only boards. Therefore, it is important to control the activities or decisions of powerful chief executive officers.
Research limitations/implications
In general, the findings contribute to the current discussion on the necessity of increasing gender diversity as a corporate governance mechanism. This study is specifically focussed on CFOs that may directly have important implications for financial reporting and corporate governance.
This paper extends prior research by addressing the potential effects of female CFOs on accounting fraud. For example, Zhou et al. (2018) examine the relationship between executive compensation and the incidence of corporate fraud in Chinese listed companies from the perspective of delisting pressure. The result documents that there is no a relationship between CFO gender and accounting fraud. The results, however, find that female CFOs are negatively associated with accounting fraud; meaning that the presence of female CFOs brings positive implications for financial reporting and corporate governance.
This paper aims to investigate the impact of corporate governance and other related factors on the risk-taking of Islamic banks. Risk-taking is defined according to credit risk…
This paper aims to investigate the impact of corporate governance and other related factors on the risk-taking of Islamic banks. Risk-taking is defined according to credit risk, liquidity risk and operational risk.
The study uses the two step system generalized method of moment (2SYS-GMM) estimation technique by using a panel data set of 129 Islamic banks (IBs) from 29 countries in the Middle East, South Asia and the Southeast Asia regions covering from 2008 to 2017. Governance variables incorporated include board size, board independence, chief executive officer (CEO) power, Shariah board and audit committee, as well as other control variables.
This study provides evidence that board size and Shariah board are positively and significantly related to credit and liquidity risk. Board independence and CEO power are negative and significantly associated with credit and liquidity risk, but the audit committee has a mixed relationship with bank risk. Male CEOs take more risk compared to the female and more board meeting has an inverse relationship with Islamic banks risk. Bank size, however, does not influence the level of risk in Islamic banks, but leverage has an inverse relationship with bank risk.
Research limitations/implications
The present study sheds light on the risk-taking behaviour of the board of IBs, particularly the board independence and CEO power reducing the level of risk in IBs thereby contributing to the agency theory. Therefore, regulators and policymakers can use the findings of this study to strengthen the internal corporate governance mechanism to protect IBs at a time of financial distress. Moreover, it increases the trust of the shareholders and stakeholders in the effectiveness of governance reforms that have been pursued to reap long-term benefits.
To the best of the knowledge, this research is preliminary in examining the board behaviour on risk-taking of IBs from four different regions. The results are robust and suggest that the board of directors mitigate the level of risk in IBs.