Alain Verbeke and Wenlong Yuan
This paper proposes a new typology of Ownership (O) advantages as a function of their differential managerial implications in established multinational enterprises (MNEs). We…
This paper proposes a new typology of Ownership (O) advantages as a function of their differential managerial implications in established multinational enterprises (MNEs). We argue that the mainstream typology of O advantages proposed in Dunning’s eclectic paradigm does not recognize the uniqueness of individual firms. We therefore propose a new typology of O advantages, which distinguishes among four types, based on the geographic source of such advantages and their transferability across borders. Moreover, we acknowledge the importance of resource recombination advantages. Two case examples illustrate the implications of the new typology for established MNEs.
Jian Guan, Xiao He, Yuhan Su and Xin-an Zhang
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world. Despite the numerous advantages of AI in terms of faster processing and higher efficiency, AI hasn’t been widely…
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world. Despite the numerous advantages of AI in terms of faster processing and higher efficiency, AI hasn’t been widely accepted by humans yet. This study aims to shed light on this phenomenon by exploring the Dunning–Kruger Effect in AI knowledge and examining how AI knowledge affects AI acceptance through AI-related self-efficacy.
By collecting data from 179 managers, we examined the Dunning–Kruger Effect in AI knowledge and used mediation analysis to explore the mechanisms by which AI knowledge leads to AI acceptance.
Our findings indicated the presence of the Dunning–Kruger Effect in AI knowledge. Furthermore, our results revealed that AI knowledge has a nonlinear effect on AI acceptance through AI-related self-efficacy.
In contrast to previous research that posited a linear link between knowledge and acceptance of technology, this study offers a new framework for the nonlinear relationships between AI knowledge, AI-related self-efficacy and AI acceptance by extending the Dunning–Kruger effect to the AI field.
The eclectic paradigm is one of the most enduring frameworks in international business today. It is difficult to find a major area of international business thinking and research…
The eclectic paradigm is one of the most enduring frameworks in international business today. It is difficult to find a major area of international business thinking and research that has been unaffected, either directly or indirectly, by Dunning’s articulation of the nature of multinational enterprise (MNE) production and the factors affecting the distribution of MNE activity. His structuring of the factors underlying the choice of production location and internalization of intermediate product transactions laid the foundation for much of the research conducted over the last three decades on the distribution and character of the global operations of multinational corporations. More indirectly, the deeper questions raised by Dunning’s work, as well as the criticisms leveled at it, have spawned an ever widening array of research thought. The continuing importance of this work can be seen in the fact that, today still, even the earliest work on the eclectic paradigm continues to be cited by scholars at a fairly steady rate (see Chandy & Williams, 1994; Phene & Guisinger, 1998).1
Jan-Erik Vahlne and Jan Johanson
In this paper we describe the evolution of the Uppsala model, which we see as a gradual substitution of economics-type assumptions with ones derived from the behavioral theory of…
In this paper we describe the evolution of the Uppsala model, which we see as a gradual substitution of economics-type assumptions with ones derived from the behavioral theory of the firm and from empirical studies of international firm behavior. We rely upon them to introduce a new version of the Uppsala model. To decrease the traditional focus on the activity of manufacturing and increase attention to the entrepreneurial and exchange activities of international companies, we renamed these firms “multinational business enterprises” (MBEs). We end with a plea to improve the relevance of empirical research in the international-business (IB) area by not only relying upon realistic assumptions but also performing longitudinal studies.
In this paper we examine three distinct types of ownership advantages, and argue that these are associated with three different kinds of limits to the growth of the firm. For…
In this paper we examine three distinct types of ownership advantages, and argue that these are associated with three different kinds of limits to the growth of the firm. For some firms, the inability to regenerate its asset‐based advantages is critical, while for others, the inability to effectively coordinate its assets (inside or outside the firm), or the inability to negotiate the nonmarket environment are more salient. We think that the identification of different analytical categories of ownership advantages enables the construction of better proxies in empirical research, and helps to explain the limited geographical reach of MNEs observed in the literature.
John Donaldson, President, F.H. Lawder and R. Roberts
May 24, 1973 Industrial Relations — Unfair dismissal — Reasonableness of dismissal — Contracts Manager's inability to co‐operate with clients — Employers' business suffered — No…
May 24, 1973 Industrial Relations — Unfair dismissal — Reasonableness of dismissal — Contracts Manager's inability to co‐operate with clients — Employers' business suffered — No specific warning of risk of dismissal — Tribunal's finding dismissal justified but for lack of warning — Whether warning necessary — Industrial Relations Act, 1971 (c.72), s.24(6).
Intellectual humility and religious conviction are often posed as antagonistic binaries; the former associated with science, reason, inclusive universality, and liberal…
Intellectual humility and religious conviction are often posed as antagonistic binaries; the former associated with science, reason, inclusive universality, and liberal secularism, the latter with superstition, dogma, exclusive particularity, and rigid traditionalism. Despite popular images of white American evangelicals as the embodied antithesis of intellectual humility, responsiveness to facts, and openness to the other, this article demonstrates how evangelicals can and do practice intellectual humility in public life while simultaneously holding fast to particularistic religious convictions. Drawing on textual analysis and multi-site ethnographic data, it demonstrates how observed evangelical practices of transposable and segmented reflexivity map onto pluralist, domain-specific conceptualizations of intellectual humility in the philosophical and psychological literature. It further argues that the effective practice of intellectual humility in the interests of ethical democracy does not require religious actors to abandon particularistic religious reasons for universal secular ones. Rather, particularistic religious convictions can motivate effective practices of intellectual humility and thereby support democratic pluralism, inclusivity, and solidarity across difference. More broadly, it aims to challenge, or at least complicate, the widespread notion that increasing strength of religious conviction always moves in lockstep with increasing dogmatism, tribalism, and intellectual unreasonableness.
Jan-Erik Vahlne and Jan Johanson
This paper seeks to offer a model on the evolution of the multinational business enterprise (MBE). It is meant to be an alternative to the eclectic paradigm, the preeminent…
This paper seeks to offer a model on the evolution of the multinational business enterprise (MBE). It is meant to be an alternative to the eclectic paradigm, the preeminent theoretical tool applied in studies of the multinational enterprise (MNE) and foreign direct investment. The label MBE aims at moving focus from structure of production to change processes in business relations and entrepreneurship.
While the eclectic paradigm is grounded in neo-classical economics meant primarily to be applied in studies of macroeconomic interest and is based on assumptions not applicable in studies of individual firms, the model of the MBE is meant to be used in studies at the micro-level. It is rooted in assumptions consistent with behavioural theory consequently being more realistic. The model is based on the Uppsala model with input from studies on dynamic capabilities, entrepreneurship research and research on management under uncertainty.
The realistic assumptions of the model imply that it is relevant for understanding the dynamics of strategy and management of the MBE.
Research limitations/implications
As the model aims at enriching our understanding of the dynamics of the MBE the paper recommends empirical longitudinal studies of firms.
Realistic and relevant assumptions imply that the model differs in critical respects from received theory in international business.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze how path dependence in the evolution of major theories of foreign direct investment (FDI) locked in a theoretical perspective of the…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze how path dependence in the evolution of major theories of foreign direct investment (FDI) locked in a theoretical perspective of the multinational enterprise that focused on asset-exploitation. This perspective is challenged by recent contradicting observations of multinationals from China and other emerging economies. A decisive re-orientation of FDI theory is proposed as a way forward to resolve this tension.
Placing FDI theories into the context of FDI patterns prevailing at the time they were developed, Thomas Kuhn’s framework on the evolution of scientific knowledge is employed to track how the mainstream FDI theory emerged, went through a period of normal science and then approached a crisis of science in this field.
The evolution of FDI theory is strongly path-dependent, which made it difficult for theory to effectively incorporate new conceptual discoveries and empirical findings about the nature of FDI activity.
FDI theory would benefit from a full re-orientation to a demand-oriented perspective which places the pursuit of advantages, assets, resources, etc., at the core of the theory. Such a change is implicit in many recent theoretical advances and would assure theory is generalizable to all types of FDI.
Alan M. Rugman and Alain Verbeke
Internalization theory explains the existence and functioning of the multinational enterprise. It contributes to understanding the boundaries of the multinational enterprise, its…
Internalization theory explains the existence and functioning of the multinational enterprise. It contributes to understanding the boundaries of the multinational enterprise, its interface with the external environment and its internal organizational design. Much work in the international strategic-management sphere has unfortunately not taken on board internalization-theory thinking and lacks the insights provided by this comparative institutional approach. In this chapter, we show how well-known international strategic-management models could be enriched and their normative implications altered by adopting an internalizing-theory lens.