THIS article is prefaced by a few notes of an historical nature which should assist the reader to appreciate some of the background aspects involved in the creation of an…
THIS article is prefaced by a few notes of an historical nature which should assist the reader to appreciate some of the background aspects involved in the creation of an organization to undertake the vast job of returning damaged Mosquitoes to warlike operations in the shortest time and most economical manner possible.
Elder suicide is a major problem, particularly in the USA, that accounts for 15.9 in 100,000 deaths, or an average of one death every 95 minutes. The rate of elder suicide is…
Elder suicide is a major problem, particularly in the USA, that accounts for 15.9 in 100,000 deaths, or an average of one death every 95 minutes. The rate of elder suicide is higher than that of any other age group. Unlike teens, or younger age groups, the elderly attempting suicide are largely successful. This selective literature guide includes materials on elder suicide that deal with all aspects of the topic, including identification of those at risk, prevention, and survivors, as well as resources addressing alternative views of suicide, such as assisted, rational, and pre‐emptive suicide.
This article deals with the joint use of two branches of Physics for the solution of flow problems. These two branches arc Optics and Fluid Mechanics. The basic principles of…
This article deals with the joint use of two branches of Physics for the solution of flow problems. These two branches arc Optics and Fluid Mechanics. The basic principles of Optics arc employed in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory to provide insight into the flow of liquids and gases. Only techniques used in incompressible flow arc discussed: emphasis being laid on those useful in ‘free surface’ and ‘boundary’ type problems. Basic principles of similarity and optics are described and a brief appraisal of some of the methods is attempted, illustrated by experiments carried out in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of the Melbourne Technical College. Two techniques which are frequently used in problems of incompressible flow receive fairly detailed treatment; these are the fluid photo‐elastic apparatus and the smoke generator.
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States…
Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and publications of other similar Research Bodies as issued.
The Marathon I (M.60) is an all‐metal, short/medium‐range aeroplane capable of carrying a maximum of 22 passengers or, by simple adaptation, freight and mixed cargo. Two flight…
The Marathon I (M.60) is an all‐metal, short/medium‐range aeroplane capable of carrying a maximum of 22 passengers or, by simple adaptation, freight and mixed cargo. Two flight crew (first pilot and second pilot/navigator) are carried; radio is installed immediately aft of the cockpit on the starboard side while directly opposite this location provision is made for a forward freight compartment or a seat for a third crew member. A toilet can be fitted on the left‐hand side of the passenger cabin just aft of the entrance door and a space at the rear on the‐right hand side can be utilized as a wardrobe.
An area of increasing importance has been the use of quality measures in the study of health care. One specific application involves the performance of nursing homes. Previous…
An area of increasing importance has been the use of quality measures in the study of health care. One specific application involves the performance of nursing homes. Previous studies using data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology to study this problem have revealed several problems, including the selection of quality output measures and the assignment of weights to these measures that result in minimizing their impact. In this chapter, we will use weight restrictions as an effective means of including important quality measures in the DEA model and allowing the DEA results to discriminate among high- and low-quality performing nursing homes.
THE policy and organization of the Avro Repair Group was based upon intelligent anticipation—anticipation of the many and varied types of damage that might be expectedl…
THE policy and organization of the Avro Repair Group was based upon intelligent anticipation—anticipation of the many and varied types of damage that might be expectedl anticipation of quantities, and anticipation of facilities to deal with all contingencies. The central depot at Bracebridge Heath, Lincoln, developed from an ex‐1914–18 war hangar to an establishment employing nearly 3,000 men and forming the hub of an organization that embraced many stations and subcontractors' works, civilian out‐working parties, of A. V. Roe personnel, effected a high proportion of major repairs to Lancaster, York and Anson aircraft; such parties were stationed all over the British Isles and were supplemented by a fleet of some seventy mobile workshops.
Sheryl Brahnam, Loris Nanni, Shannon McMurtrey, Alessandra Lumini, Rick Brattin, Melinda Slack and Tonya Barrier
Diagnosing pain in neonates is difficult but critical. Although approximately thirty manual pain instruments have been developed for neonatal pain diagnosis, most are complex…
Diagnosing pain in neonates is difficult but critical. Although approximately thirty manual pain instruments have been developed for neonatal pain diagnosis, most are complex, multifactorial, and geared toward research. The goals of this work are twofold: 1) to develop a new video dataset for automatic neonatal pain detection called iCOPEvid (infant Classification Of Pain Expressions videos), and 2) to present a classification system that sets a challenging comparison performance on this dataset. The iCOPEvid dataset contains 234 videos of 49 neonates experiencing a set of noxious stimuli, a period of rest, and an acute pain stimulus. From these videos 20 s segments are extracted and grouped into two classes: pain (49) and nopain (185), with the nopain video segments handpicked to produce a highly challenging dataset. An ensemble of twelve global and local descriptors with a Bag-of-Features approach is utilized to improve the performance of some new descriptors based on Gaussian of Local Descriptors (GOLD). The basic classifier used in the ensembles is the Support Vector Machine, and decisions are combined by sum rule. These results are compared with standard methods, some deep learning approaches, and 185 human assessments. Our best machine learning methods are shown to outperform the human judges.
Mahsa Mohajeri, Shiva Hoojeghani, Azimeh Izadi, Mohammad Ghahremanzadeh, Farhad Pourfarzi, Ali Nemati and Ali Barzegar
This study aims to investigate the food choice motivations and some healthy food intake among Ardabil adults with different socioeconomic status.
This study aims to investigate the food choice motivations and some healthy food intake among Ardabil adults with different socioeconomic status.
The analysis is based on a focus group study conducted in September 2018. Self-assessed other food choice motivations, healthy food intake and socioeconomic status were reported in questionnaires. The study data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA test and χ2 test in groups of study.
Price was a primary motivation of food choice for low-level socioeconomic status persons. The wealthiest people total vegetable consumption was 3.59Â ± 0.004 serving/day, whereas the total vegetable consumption of poorest participants was significantly less than them (p = 0.012). Of the socioeconomics category 1 (SEC1) group participants, 82 per cent said that they consider food price when they were purchasing for their households, while only 28 per cent of SEC4 group said that they consider food prices when food choosing. Only 1 per cent of this group participants pay attention to food label when they choose foods.
This is the first study that investigated the food choice motivations in Ardabil adults. The results indicated that food price is the most critical food choice motivation. Based on this study results, the food policymaker can change people food security and food choices with some programs like as healthy food subsidies and unhealthy food taxes.
The situating of pimatisiwin as a framework for spatial justice and self-determination aids educators in strengthening their understandings of Indigenous knowledges to support an…
The situating of pimatisiwin as a framework for spatial justice and self-determination aids educators in strengthening their understandings of Indigenous knowledges to support an authentic inclusion of Indigenous students with disabilities. Through the sharing of Canada’s colonial history, and by critically examining the principles of care within special education, the author exposes its relationship with ableism, normalcy, eugenics, and white privilege to show how Indigenous peoples continue to be marginalized in the twenty-first century. This justice work asks educators to shift their perspectives of inclusion and wellness through the insertion of an Indigenous lens, one to help them see and hear the faces and voices of disabled Aboriginal children and their kinships. The chapter discusses the social model of disability, the psychology of Gentle Teaching, Indigenous ethics, and principles of natural laws through the voices of Nehiyawak and other knowledge keepers, in order to suggest an agenda for educators to come to an understanding of an emancipatory and gentle education. Spatial justice and Indigenous epistemologies merge as synergistic, inclusive, and holistic entities, to support Aboriginal children and youth as both they and those who teach learn to celebrate disabled ontologies. The chapter concludes by presenting how Gentle Teaching and Indigenous ways of knowing should be honored in this quest of creating an equitable, caring, and inclusive society for all disabled Indigenous children and youth.