Ken Green, Barbara Morton and Steve New
Asks how does green purchasing change the environmental performance of the firms in a supply chain/network and what is the influence of supply chain and industry structure on that…
Asks how does green purchasing change the environmental performance of the firms in a supply chain/network and what is the influence of supply chain and industry structure on that performance? Do such changes contribute to companies’ overall environmental performance and to sustainability? Discusses these, and related questions, by exploring the activities of the UK hardware retailer, B&Q, as an example of green purchasing and supply in action.
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
We issue a double Souvenir number of The Library World in connection with the Library Association Conference at Birmingham, in which we have pleasure in including a special…
We issue a double Souvenir number of The Library World in connection with the Library Association Conference at Birmingham, in which we have pleasure in including a special article, “Libraries in Birmingham,” by Mr. Walter Powell, Chief Librarian of Birmingham Public Libraries. He has endeavoured to combine in it the subject of Special Library collections, and libraries other than the Municipal Libraries in the City. Another article entitled “Some Memories of Birmingham” is by Mr. Richard W. Mould, Chief Librarian and Curator of Southwark Public Libraries and Cuming Museum. We understand that a very full programme has been arranged for the Conference, and we have already published such details as are now available in our July number.
Margaret McAllister, Cathie Withyman and Bruce Allen Knight
The implementation of mental health promotion is a core part of the role for all mental health professionals. This involves working with individuals and groups to facilitate the…
The implementation of mental health promotion is a core part of the role for all mental health professionals. This involves working with individuals and groups to facilitate the uptake and application of new knowledge, skills and personal attributes. Recently, an Australian intervention that included teaching nurses and educators the skills of mental health promotion was implemented and evaluated. The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of the qualitative evaluation and explore specific attributes of this facilitation, which helps to clarify and articulate a hidden, and taken-for-granted practice.
A qualitative mixed-methods study was designed to evaluate the perceived skills and attributes necessary for effective facilitation of a mental health promotion program in schools.
This evaluation revealed that facilitation is more than simply allowing free-flowing discussion amongst participants. For mental health promotion to be effective, the leader needs to be able to balance content delivery with flexibility, to use interpersonal behaviors that support and empower, and be willing to see the self as always learning and growing.
Practical implications
Without explicit training or discussion of facilitation, it is possible that mental health professionals may slip into teaching didactically. Didactic teaching may not empower learners to articulate their own views, or internalize and demonstrate new skills. A facilitative approach is more fitting to the values of twenty-first-century health promotion. Facilitation is a skill that deserves to be taught explicitly within all mental health promotion courses, so that mental health professionals are inspired to teach in ways that are transactional, and empowering.
A facilitative approach is more fitting to the values of twenty-first-century health promotion. This study confirms that facilitation is a skill that deserves to be taught explicitly to all mental health professionals so they are inspired to implement effec"tive mental health promotion.
David S. Bright, Arran Caza, Elizabeth Fisher Turesky, Roger Putzel, Eric Nelson and Ray Luechtefeld
New educators may feel overwhelmed by the options available for engaging students through classroom participation. However, it may be helpful to recognize that participatory…
New educators may feel overwhelmed by the options available for engaging students through classroom participation. However, it may be helpful to recognize that participatory pedagogical systems often have constructivist roots. Adopting a constructivist perspective, our paper considers three meta-practices that encourage student participation: designing activities, leading others, and assessing peers. We explored the consequences of these meta-practices for important student outcomes, including content knowledge, engagement, self-efficacy, sense of community, and self-awareness. We found that different meta-practices were associated with different combinations of outcomes. This discovery demonstrates the benefit of studying meta- practices so as to reveal the nuanced effects that may arise from pedagogical choices. In addition, an understanding of meta-practices can help leadership educators to be more discerning and intentional in their course designs.
Stephen B. Gilbert, Michael C. Dorneich, Jamiahus Walton and Eliot Winer
This chapter describes five disciplinary domains of research or lenses that contribute to the design of a team tutor. We focus on four significant challenges in developing…
This chapter describes five disciplinary domains of research or lenses that contribute to the design of a team tutor. We focus on four significant challenges in developing Intelligent Team Tutoring Systems (ITTSs), and explore how the five lenses can offer guidance for these challenges. The four challenges arise in the design of team member interactions, performance metrics and skill development, feedback, and tutor authoring. The five lenses or research domains that we apply to these four challenges are Tutor Engineering, Learning Sciences, Science of Teams, Data Analyst, and Human–Computer Interaction. This matrix of applications from each perspective offers a framework to guide designers in creating ITTSs.
WITH the advent of honeycomb construction, double skin aircraft surface structures have also been introduced, mainly for control and wing surfaces. The cylindrical and voluminous…
WITH the advent of honeycomb construction, double skin aircraft surface structures have also been introduced, mainly for control and wing surfaces. The cylindrical and voluminous nature of the fuselage has normally allowed for adequate strength using a single skin. However, the stringers and stiffeners still required can be shared by two skins, and the strength/weight ratio thereby increased. Moreover, it is thus possible to share the pressurization stresses between the skins. Unpressurized structures of this nature are already used by Handley‐Page Ltd., the welded outer skin having an exceptionally smooth surface.
THIS number will appear at the beginning of the Leeds Conference. Although there is no evidence that the attendance will surpass the record attendance registered at the Birmingham…
THIS number will appear at the beginning of the Leeds Conference. Although there is no evidence that the attendance will surpass the record attendance registered at the Birmingham Conference, there is every reason to believe that the attendance at Leeds will be very large. The year is one of importance in the history of the city, for it has marked the 300th anniversary of its charter. We hope that some of the festival spirit will survive into the week of the Conference. As a contributor has suggested on another page, we hope that all librarians who attend will do so with the determination to make the Conference one of the friendliest possible character. It has occasionally been pointed out that as the Association grows older it is liable to become more stilted and formal; that institutions and people become standardized and less dynamic. This, if it were true, would be a great pity.
Helisse Levine, Marc Fudge and Geoffrey Propheter
Rainy day stabilization funds (RDSFs) and local option sales taxes (LOSTs) are two strategies local governments deploy to combat fiscal stress. While the literature on both is…
Rainy day stabilization funds (RDSFs) and local option sales taxes (LOSTs) are two strategies local governments deploy to combat fiscal stress. While the literature on both is robust, it has thus far failed to consider empirically that the two may be connected. One way the marginal LOST dollar could be spent is by saving it for future use. We test the connection with a sample of 414 counties and correct for selection bias with the Heckman correction technique. We find that each $10 increase in LOST revenue per capita is associated with a $0.10 increase in undesignated general fund balance. Though small, the positive effect size supports the theory that LOSTs contribute to a greater propensity to save.
Sir Raymond Streat, C.B.E., Director of The Cotton Board, Manchester, accompanied by Lady Streat. A Vice‐President: F. C. Francis, M.A., F.S.A., Keeper of the Department of…
Sir Raymond Streat, C.B.E., Director of The Cotton Board, Manchester, accompanied by Lady Streat. A Vice‐President: F. C. Francis, M.A., F.S.A., Keeper of the Department of Printed Books, British Museum. Honorary Treasurer: J. E. Wright, Institution of Electrical Engineers. Honorary Secretary: Mrs. J. Lancaster‐Jones, B.Sc., Science Librarian, British Council. Chairman of Council: Miss Barbara Kyle, Research Worker, Social Sciences Documentation. Director: Leslie Wilson, M.A.