A. Gens and D.M. Potts
Elasto‐plastic models based on critical state formulations have been successful in describing many of the most important features of the mechanical behaviour of soils. This review…
Elasto‐plastic models based on critical state formulations have been successful in describing many of the most important features of the mechanical behaviour of soils. This review paper deals with the applications of this class of models to the numerical analysis of geotechnical problems. After a brief overview of the development of the models, the basic critical state formulation is presented together with the main modifications which have actually been used in computational applications. The problems associated with the numerical implementation of this type of models are then discussed. Finally, a summary of reported computational applications and some specific examples of analyses of geotechnical problems using critical state models are presented.
Zaza Nadja Lee Hansen, Yufeng Zhang and Saeema Ahmed‐Kristensen
Companies are increasingly engaged with global engineering networks through offshoring of product development activities from R&D to production. This creates many new challenges…
Companies are increasingly engaged with global engineering networks through offshoring of product development activities from R&D to production. This creates many new challenges as operations get physically and culturally decoupled. The purpose of this paper is to improve understanding of how to effectively manage engineering offshoring activities in a context of global engineering networks. The main research question, therefore, is: “Can offshoring of engineering tasks be explained and managed using the concept of Global Engineering Networks (GEN)?” Effective approaches to handling the associated risks of engineering offshoring will be a key area of the investigation.
The research approach is based on the engineering design research methodology developed by Blessing and Chakrabarti, including a descriptive phase and a prescriptive phase. Four case studies of large multinational corporations in Denmark were carried out. Data gathering was mainly documentary studies and interviews. The main data analysis approaches were coding (Strauss and Corbin) and pattern‐matching (Yin). The dataset was analysed using the GEN framework suggested by Zhang et al. and Zhang and Gregory.
Engineering offshoring presents companies with challenges related to communication and knowledge sharing which is addressed through formal and informal mechanisms as well as a more streamlined operation. However, this did not remove the challenges. The GEN framework suggests a systematic approach to understanding global engineering networks through investigating their contextual features, critical capabilities to compete in a particular contextual circumstance, and configuration characteristics to deliver the capabilities. Using the GEN framework, the challenges faced by companies and the risks associated with their engineering offshoring activities can be explained as a mismatch between the required capabilities and the companies' ability to deliver these capabilities.
This paper provides new theoretical insight into both engineering offshoring and GEN theories by extending the GEN framework to address complications within engineering offshoring. This strengthens both academic fields, and will be able to help engineering managers to develop appropriate engineering network configurations for offshore engineering operations.
A. Gens and D.M. Potts
In the finite element method two options are currently available for dealing with problems involving an axisymmetric geometry but in which loads, displacements or other boundary…
In the finite element method two options are currently available for dealing with problems involving an axisymmetric geometry but in which loads, displacements or other boundary conditions do not have rotational symmetry. The first involves a full three‐dimensional solution whereas the second is to use a two‐dimensional (2D) axisymmetric formulation and to express the non‐symmetric loads/displacements as Fourier series in the circumferential direction. There are some cases, however, that, in spite of not being truly axisymmetric, it can be shown that the non‐zero components of the full strain tensor number four or less. In this paper it is shown that such problems may be solved using simple 2D finite element formulations and two alternative solution methods are presented. One of these involves a modification to the matrix relating strains to displacements and the second employs conventional 2D formulations with tied degrees of freedom. The solution procedures are applied to three examples which have some geotechnical interest, namely the behaviour of a long rigid pile under either torsional or vertical loading and the behaviour of a hollow cylinder sample subjected to torsion. In all three cases the soil is modelled by means of an elastoplastic constitutive law of the Cam‐clay type.
S. Olivella, A. Gens, J. Carrera and E.E. Alonso
Presents numerical aspects of the program CODE_BRIGHT, which is a simulator for COupled DEformation, BRIne, Gas and Heat transport problems. It solves the equations of mass and…
Presents numerical aspects of the program CODE_BRIGHT, which is a simulator for COupled DEformation, BRIne, Gas and Heat transport problems. It solves the equations of mass and energy balance and stress equilibrium and, originally, it was developed for saline media. The governing equations also include a set of constitutive laws and equilibrium conditions. The main peculiarities of saline media are in the dissolution/precipitation phenomena, presence of brine inclusions in the solid salt and creep deformation of the solid matrix.
John Overby, Mike Rayburn, David C. Wyld and Kevin Hammond
Epidemiologists are concerned the next deadly global cognition will be a new kind of deadly flu which humans have no resistance. Since the 1960s, their alarm has been focused on a…
Epidemiologists are concerned the next deadly global cognition will be a new kind of deadly flu which humans have no resistance. Since the 1960s, their alarm has been focused on a bird (avian) virus (H5N1). This virus is generally harmless in its host species, but it is extremely deadly when contracted by humans. H5N1 mutates quickly and tends to pick up genes from flu viruses that affect other species. The flu is far more contagious and harder to contain than the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus. It is projected that 30‐40 per cent of the population would be infected in a H5N1 flu pandemic, and as many as one‐third would die. The 1918 Spanish flu caused 20 to 50 million deaths world wide. One scientist observed that the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic could have caused civilisation to disappear within a few weeks. Currently, more than 50 million chickens have been slaughtered in eight Asian countries in efforts to curb the spread of avian influenza. This article examines the roots and dangers of the potential avian influenza pandemic, examining the business and social ramifications that could ensue if the worst case scenario occurs.
This chapter studies a political rationale by which colonial law forged socially assigned individuals as criminally accused persons. Focussing on archived documents of a…
This chapter studies a political rationale by which colonial law forged socially assigned individuals as criminally accused persons. Focussing on archived documents of a preliminary examination that took place in 1883 in the North West Territories (now Alberta), it highlights how an accused person was moulded as a culpable individual. Arranged by a justice of the peace, and member of the North West Mounted Police, the investigation in this case reveals how colonial law unleashed an individualising force that obscured power relations behind the settlement it aimed to further. The unequal ways in which certain distinctions of person were legally recognised and individualised may be traced to long-standing western uses of social hierarchies as ‘masks’ from which law unequally recognised persons. Challenging such approaches to personhood, the analysis works off Naffine’s ‘legalistic’ ideas of persons as fictions, calling for a retelling of the fictions around accused persons. By pointing out the possibility of accusing relational rather than individual constructions, it concludes with a brief insinuation of legal forms directed at ‘collective persons’, interrupting a key political logic of colonial criminal law with allied promises of social justice beyond colonisation.
Jeffrey M. Cucina, Kevin A. Byle, Nicholas R. Martin, Sharron T. Peyton and Ilene F. Gast
The purpose of this paper is to examine the presence of generational differences in items measuring workplace attitudes (e.g. job satisfaction, employee engagement).
The purpose of this paper is to examine the presence of generational differences in items measuring workplace attitudes (e.g. job satisfaction, employee engagement).
Data from two empirical studies were used; the first study examined generational differences in large sample, multi-organizational administrations of an employee survey at both the item and general-factor levels. The second study compared job satisfaction ratings between parents and their children from a large nationwide longitudinal survey.
Although statistically significant, most generational differences in Study 1 did not meet established cutoffs for a medium effect size. Type II error was ruled out given the large power. In Study 2, generational differences again failed to reach Cohen’s cutoff for a medium effect size. Across both studies, over 98 percent of the variance in workplace attitudes lies within groups, as opposed to between groups, and the distributions of scores on these variables overlap by over 79 percent.
Prior studies examining generational differences in workplace attitudes focused on scale-level constructs. The present paper focused on more specific item-level constructs and employed larger sample sizes, which reduced the effects of sampling error. In terms of workplace attitudes, it appears that generations are more similar than they are different.
Linda M. Waldron, Danielle Docka-Filipek, Carlie Carter and Rachel Thornton
First-generation college students in the United States are a unique demographic that is often characterized by the institutions that serve them with a risk-laden and deficit-based…
First-generation college students in the United States are a unique demographic that is often characterized by the institutions that serve them with a risk-laden and deficit-based model. However, our analysis of the transcripts of open-ended, semi-structured interviews with 22 “first-gen” respondents suggests they are actively deft, agentic, self-determining parties to processes of identity construction that are both externally imposed and potentially stigmatizing, as well as exemplars of survivance and determination. We deploy a grounded theory approach to an open-coding process, modeled after the extended case method, while viewing our data through a novel synthesis of the dual theoretical lenses of structural and radical/structural symbolic interactionism and intersectional/standpoint feminist traditions, in order to reveal the complex, unfolding, active strategies students used to make sense of their obstacles, successes, co-created identities, and distinctive institutional encounters. We find that contrary to the dictates of prevailing paradigms, identity-building among first-gens is an incremental and bidirectional process through which students actively perceive and engage existing power structures to persist and even thrive amid incredibly trying, challenging, distressing, and even traumatic circumstances. Our findings suggest that successful institutional interventional strategies designed to serve this functionally unique student population (and particularly those tailored to the COVID-moment) would do well to listen deeply to their voices, consider the secondary consequences of “protectionary” policies as potentially more harmful than helpful, and fundamentally, to reexamine the presumption that such students present just institutional risk and vulnerability, but also present a valuable addition to university environments, due to the unique perspective and broader scale of vision their experiences afford them.
This chapter examines the training of indigenous Mayan catechists by the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico, and their subsequent role in the…
This chapter examines the training of indigenous Mayan catechists by the Roman Catholic Diocese of San Cristóbal de Las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico, and their subsequent role in the establishment and growth of the Ejercito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) in the period prior to the Zapatistas' 1994 uprising. It considers the adequacy of Timothy Wickham-Crowley's model of guerrilla insurgencies in Latin America in explaining the Zapatista case. It finds, contrary to Wickham-Crowley's model of the relations between urban university leadership groups and peasant support bases, that the catechists constituted a stratum of “organic indigenous-campesino intellectuals” that radically undermined their communities’ traditional intellectual dependence on outsiders and enabled them to constitute themselves as a new collective political subject.
Mathias Béjean and Annie Gentès
This paper aims to contribute to the field of research that considers how artefacts and information and communication technologies (ICT) shape organizational practices. In…
This paper aims to contribute to the field of research that considers how artefacts and information and communication technologies (ICT) shape organizational practices. In particular, it aims at understanding how tools not only reconfigure relations in organizations, i.e. how people coordinate between each other, but also meaning, i.e. how people interpret the fundamental meaning of their work content and tasks.
The paper reports findings from a longitudinal ethnographic study which investigates the writing process of an interactive live performance written by a group of non-professional writers that was led by French video and multimedia artist Michel Jaffrennou during three months.
The paper shows how multiplying writing software induced the group members to challenge their initial understanding of the cultural and traditional genre of “theater play”. It provides an empirically based account of the capacity of tools to reconfigure meaning in organizational contexts.
Practical implications
The paper provides insights about how tools can be used not only as means to an end, but also as ways in which to build original strategies for exploration, especially during creative group sessions.
The paper sheds light on distinctive albeit poorly studied aspects of tools and ICT within organizations, namely their capacity to reconfigure meaning, which more empirical studies could further investigate.