We are all concerned about satety but are not always conscious of all the factors necessary to ensure it. However, aviation of one kind or another has been with us right through…
We are all concerned about satety but are not always conscious of all the factors necessary to ensure it. However, aviation of one kind or another has been with us right through this century and the painful experience of accidents has taught us lessons: enabling us to establish procedures to limit the likelihood of re‐occurrence.
T.D.T. FIMF Latter TEng(CEI and MInstNDT
The importance of anti‐corrosion coatings has recently been high‐lighted by the news media with reefrence to recent discoveries of corrosion on North Sea oil pipelines. Most…
The importance of anti‐corrosion coatings has recently been high‐lighted by the news media with reefrence to recent discoveries of corrosion on North Sea oil pipelines. Most people are aware of the need for protection, but the question remains as to how critically the actual coatings being applied are controlled. Quality control costs money and because the benefits are not always readily seen, these costs are often amongst the first to be cut when production budgets have been exceeded. Undoubtedly, checks are made, but are such checks repeatable, reliable and searching enough?