THE following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during March is extracted from the April issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette:—
THE following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during November is extracted from the December issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette:—
THE following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during October is extracted from the November issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette:
A List of Orders Placed During the Months of January and February.
THE following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during the month of May is extracted from the June issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette:
THE following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during February is extracted from the March issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette:—
The following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during July is extracted from the August issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette.
Orders Placed during the Months of July and August this Year
Placed during December, 1931 :—
What do you feel about the status of management in British industry today? Has the manager's job been helped or hindered by legislation concerning equal pay, dismissal proceedings…
What do you feel about the status of management in British industry today? Has the manager's job been helped or hindered by legislation concerning equal pay, dismissal proceedings and union recognition rights? Given current rates of taxation, which has the greater influence over job choice — pay or perks?