Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
The Council of the Institution has announced that Mr K. H. Platt, C.B.E., C.Eng., F.I.Mech.E., will be retiring as Secretary of the Institution in the autumn of 1976, and that…
The Council of the Institution has announced that Mr K. H. Platt, C.B.E., C.Eng., F.I.Mech.E., will be retiring as Secretary of the Institution in the autumn of 1976, and that they have appointed Mr Alex McKay, C.B., C.Eng., F.I. Mech.E., F.I.E.E., as Secretary.
WHEN John I. Snyder Jr. flew over from the United States he probably did not relish the Cassandra rôle into which circumstances had forced him. As president of U.S. Industries he…
WHEN John I. Snyder Jr. flew over from the United States he probably did not relish the Cassandra rôle into which circumstances had forced him. As president of U.S. Industries he gave one of the most depressing addresses of modern times. Since his firm is a large manufacturer of automation machines it was probably natural that he should say: ‘Automation is inevitable. Its use is rapidly increasing. Positive action by the makers of automation machines must be taken now to preserve the human values which could otherwise become cannon fodder of the automation barrage.’
ONE of the problems which have to be solved in the immediate future concerns the increasing percentage of sulphur present in diesel fuel oil. A paper recently presented to the…
ONE of the problems which have to be solved in the immediate future concerns the increasing percentage of sulphur present in diesel fuel oil. A paper recently presented to the Diesel Engine Users Association by C. G. Williams, D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S., F.Inst.Pet. and A. Wilson, M.Eng., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Inst.Pet. is therefore of interest. The paper was entitled “Diesel Fuel Research at Thornton Research Centre” and referred, inter alia, to the ill effects of sulphur in fuel oil and the efforts being made to counteract them.
J.H. Argyris, Air Cdre. F.R. Banks and A.D. Baxter
THE emergence of the digital computer has revolutionised the Engineering Science in every major discipline and industry during the past fifteen years. This revolution has advanced…
THE emergence of the digital computer has revolutionised the Engineering Science in every major discipline and industry during the past fifteen years. This revolution has advanced the state of the art in many disciplines by making possible timely and detailed computations leading to solutions hitherto impossible to obtain. A significant amount of highly skilled effort has been invested in these developments.
FROM the very beginning of their career as aircraft engine builders in 1915, Messrs. Rolls‐Royce have held the view that any sacrifice of efficiency in the interests of expediency…
FROM the very beginning of their career as aircraft engine builders in 1915, Messrs. Rolls‐Royce have held the view that any sacrifice of efficiency in the interests of expediency was not permissible. It was for this reason that water‐cooling was adopted from the outset and has been developed continuously up to the production of their latest “F” and “H” engines, which form the subject of this article.
THE method given in “The Stressing of Rigid‐Jointed Frames” published in the Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society for June, 1936, may be applied to the case of frames…
THE method given in “The Stressing of Rigid‐Jointed Frames” published in the Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society for June, 1936, may be applied to the case of frames embodying initially curved members, as for example, monocoque rings.
NEW COUNCIL The Council for the year 1948/49 is as follows:
THE following list of contracts placed by the Air Ministry during March is extracted from the April issue of The Ministry of Labour Gazette:—
NOWADAYS one tends to associate the terra statistics entirely with numeration and mathematical analysis. It is perhaps of some interest therefore that when the term was first used…
NOWADAYS one tends to associate the terra statistics entirely with numeration and mathematical analysis. It is perhaps of some interest therefore that when the term was first used in 1770 it was defined as ‘The science of the political arrangement of all the modern states of the known world’. Later (in 1787) it was related to the science of ‘the power of the several modern states arising from their natural advantages, industry, etc.’