Pavao Marović, Željana Nikolić and Mirela Galić
To provide an insight in one relatively simple and efficient numerical model for analysing reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, and to raise a discussion leading to the…
To provide an insight in one relatively simple and efficient numerical model for analysing reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, and to raise a discussion leading to the creation of one universal and robust 3D algorithm.
A new numerical model for analysing reinforced and prestressed concrete structures is developed and main theoretical details are described to aid the understandings. The approach is clear, easily readable and the body of the text is divided into logical sections starting from theoretical explanations ending in the large number of different practical examples.
Provides information about developing new and relatively simple numerical model for analysing reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, indicating what can be improved. Recognises the lack of knowing real behaviour of 3D concrete and starts a discussion on it.
Research limitations/implications
The knowledge of the 2D and especially 3D concrete behaviour is still poor and the concrete model developers use many simplifications. So, many new experiments should be performed and better numerical models should be developed. There is large area for researchers but having in mind that experiments are very expensive.
Practical implications
Obtained results of the 3D analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures can stand as a benchmark for future researches in this field especially to the young researchers and concrete model developers.
This paper presents new and very simple numerical model for analysing reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. Paper could be very valuable to the researchers in this field as a benchmark for their analyses.
Nikolina Zivaljic, Hrvoje Smoljanovic and Zeljana Nikolic
The purpose of this paper is to present a new numerical model based on a combined finite-discrete element method, capable of predicting the behaviour of reinforced concrete…
The purpose of this paper is to present a new numerical model based on a combined finite-discrete element method, capable of predicting the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures under dynamic load up to failure.
An embedded model of reinforcing bars is implemented in combined finite-discrete element code. Cracking of the structure was enabled by a combined single and smeared crack model. The model for reinforcing bars was based on an approximation of the experimental curves for the bar strain in the crack. The developed numerical model includes interaction effects between reinforcement and concrete and cyclic behaviour of concrete and steel during dynamic loading.
The findings provide a realistic description of cracking in the concrete structure, where all non-linear effects are realized in joint elements of the concrete and reinforcing bars. This leads to a robust and precise model for non-linear analysis of reinforced concrete structures under dynamic load.
This paper presents new robust finite-discrete element numerical model for analysis and prediction of the collapse of reinforced concrete structures. The model is capable of including the effects of dynamic loading on the structures, both in the linear-elastic range, as well as in the non-linear range including crack initiation and propagation, energy dissipation due to non-linear effects, inertial effects due to motion, contact impact, and the state of rest, which is a consequence of energy dissipation in the system.
Mirela Galic, Pavao Marovic and Zeljana Nikolic
The main aim of this paper is to present a three‐dimensional numerical material model for concrete which combines plasticity with a classical orthotropic smeared crack…
The main aim of this paper is to present a three‐dimensional numerical material model for concrete which combines plasticity with a classical orthotropic smeared crack formulation. A further aim is to raise a discussion leading to the creation of a comprehensive computer programme for the analyses of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.
A new numerical material model for concrete is developed and main theoretical explanations are given to aid in understanding the algorithm. The model is based on Mohr‐Coulomb criterion for dominant compression and Rankine criterion for dominant tension influences. A multi‐surface presentation of the model is implemented which permits the rapid convergence of the mathematical procedure. The model includes associated and non‐associated flow rules, strain hardening and softening where the development of the plastic strain was described by the function of cohesion.
Provides information about developing a new numerical material model for concrete.
Practical implications
The model is implemented into the computer programme PRECON3D for the three‐dimensional nonlinear analysis of the reinforced and prestressed concrete structures.
In this model, the very complex behaviour of concrete is defined by elementary material parameters which can be obtained by a standard uniaxial test. The presented model enables a very detailed and precise analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures until crushing with a high accuracy, so that the expensive experimental tests can be reduced. The paper could be very valuable to researchers in this field as a benchmark for their analyses.
Zeljana Nikolic and Ante Mihanovic
Presents a non‐linear numerical model for the computations of post‐tensioned plane structures. Generally curved prestressing tendons and reinforcing bars are embedded into the…
Presents a non‐linear numerical model for the computations of post‐tensioned plane structures. Generally curved prestressing tendons and reinforcing bars are embedded into the concrete and they are modelled independently of the concrete mesh using one‐dimensional curvilinear elements. Among the losses which influence the decrease in the prestress force, it is possible to compute the losses caused by friction between tendons and the concrete, the losses which result from the concrete deformation and the losses in the anchorage zone. The computation for post‐tensioned structures is organized in phases: the phase preceding prestressing (Phase I), the prestressing phase (Phase II) and the phase following prestressing (Phase III). The load is applied incrementally until failure. The model is tested on a number of examples.