Áurea Rodrigues and Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro
This study aims to explore the relationships among novelty, meaningfulness, hedonism and loyalty in the context of an astrotourism experience.
This study aims to explore the relationships among novelty, meaningfulness, hedonism and loyalty in the context of an astrotourism experience.
Data were collected using a convenience sample at an astrotourism event in Portugal. A self‐administered questionnaire was designed using established scales. In total, 296 usable responses were analyzed using partial least square (PLS)-structural equation modeling.
The result of the structural model shows that novelty and meaningfulness affect hedonism, which in turn influences loyalty. Novelty and meaningfulness contribute 62.8% to the variance in hedonism and 31.3% to the variability in loyalty.
This study deepens knowledge of the tourist behavior of astrotourists. Destinations and managers that develop astrotourism activities can also benefit from deeper knowledge about the emotional process of the astrotourism experience and its impact on behavioral loyalty.