Álvaro Saavedra, Raquel Chocarro, Mónica Cortiñas and Natalia Rubio
This paper aims to understand how the perceived usefulness of voice assistants (VAs) is affected by the perceived quality of the process (interaction) and the outcome…
This paper aims to understand how the perceived usefulness of voice assistants (VAs) is affected by the perceived quality of the process (interaction) and the outcome (information). The authors also aim to determine the extent to which the perceived usefulness of VAs improves the perceived privacy associated with their use and increases users’ intention to continue using them. Consumer technology innovativeness is included as a personal trait moderator, to compare the results between tech and nontech innovators. For this purpose, the authors use the framework of the uses and gratifications theory (U>).
A survey of 467 VA users was conducted and structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data.
The authors identify two main determinants of the perceived usefulness of VAs that influence users’ intention to continue using this technology, process quality and outcome quality. These two factors influence the continued use of VAs in different ways depending on the technology innovativeness of the consumers. The results show that tech innovators are oriented toward the interactive experience, and therefore, mainly value the process quality. In addition, nontech innovators are oriented toward a satisfactory response from VAs, and therefore, primarily value the outcome quality. In addition, the positive effect of perceived usefulness on perceived privacy is higher for tech innovators.
This study enhances the literature on the perceived usefulness of VAs within the framework of U>. It identifies two antecedents (process quality and outcome quality) of perceived usefulness and observes significant differences based on technological innovativeness.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo entender cómo la utilidad percibida de los Asistentes de Voz (AV) se ve afectada por la calidad percibida del proceso (interacción) y el resultado (información). Asimismo, busca determinar hasta qué punto la utilidad percibida de los AVs mejora la privacidad percibida asociada con su uso y, consecuentemente, la intención de los usuarios de seguir utilizándolos. La innovación tecnológica se incluye como moderador personal para comparar los resultados entre innovadores tecnológicos y no tecnológicos. Para este propósito, utilizamos la Teoría de Usos y Gratificaciones (U>).
Se realizó una encuesta a 467 usuarios de AVs, y se utilizó la modelización de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para analizar los datos.
La calidad del proceso y la calidad del resultado son antecedentes claros de la utilidad percibida de los AVs, que afecta a la intención de los usuarios de seguir usándolos. La influencia de ambos factores difiere entre usuarios según su nivel de innovación tecnológica. Los resultados muestran que los innovadores tecnológicos valoran más la experiencia interactiva y la calidad del proceso, mientras que los no innovadores tecnológicos se enfocan en obtener respuestas satisfactorias de los AVs. Además, la influencia positiva de la utilidad percibida en la privacidad percibida es más pronunciada en los innovadores tecnológicos.
Este estudio enriquece la literatura sobre la utilidad percibida de los AVs dentro del marco de la U>. Identifica dos factores previos (calidad del proceso y calidad del resultado) de la utilidad percibida y observa diferencias significativas basadas en la innovación tecnológica.
本文旨在了解语音助手(VAs)的感知有用性如何受到过程(交互)和结果(信息)的感知质量的影响。我们还旨在确定语音助手的感知有用性在多大程度上改善了与使用语音助手相关的感知隐私, 并提高了用户继续使用语音助手的意愿。我们将消费者的技术创新性作为个人特质调节因素, 以比较技术创新者和非技术创新者的结果。为此, 我们使用了 “使用与满足理论"(U>)框架。
我们对 467 名增值服务用户进行了调查, 并使用结构方程模型(SEM)对数据进行了分析。
我们确定了影响用户继续使用该技术意向的虚拟机构感知有用性的两个主要决定因素:(1)过程质量和(2)结果质量。根据消费者的技术创新能力, 这两个因素以不同的方式影响着虚拟现实技术的持续使用。结果显示, 技术创新者以互动体验为导向, 因此主要看重过程质量。此外, 非技术创新者倾向于从虚拟机构获得令人满意的回应, 因此主要看重结果质量。此外, 对于科技创新者来说, 感知有用性对感知隐私的积极影响更大。
本研究在 U> 框架内加强了有关虚拟机构感知有用性的文献。它确定了感知有用性的两个前因(过程质量和结果质量), 并观察到了基于技术创新性的显著差异。
Since the early 1990s, I have conducted fieldwork in the Bolivian city of El Alto, investigating the effects of urbanization on Aymara migrants who move from the countryside…
Since the early 1990s, I have conducted fieldwork in the Bolivian city of El Alto, investigating the effects of urbanization on Aymara migrants who move from the countryside (campo) to the capital in search of employment, education, and a better life. El Alto is perched above La Paz, spreading out across the high plain (Altiplano) and increasing in size by nearly 10% each year. Although neighborhoods (barrios) in El Alto are often defined by geographic boundaries and population density, I argue that the concept of community is based upon trust (confianza). In El Alto, one's lineage eclipses heritage, as residents are more apt to define their “community” as those they trust rather than those who live near them or friends from the campo. For two years, I lived with Alvaro and his extended family at the periphery of El Alto, in the barrio of Huayna Potosí. Over time, he introduced me to other migrants, such as Teófilo, Pablo, and Marcelo, and their families, each of whom originated from different provinces near Lake Titicaca. In essence, migrants have similar bucolic backgrounds and skills which they implement in the city in order to survive, heightening competition for employment and suspicion between neighbors.
Roy Boyd, Maria Eugenia Ibarrarán and Roberto Vélez-Grajales
Colin C Williams, Alvaro Martinez-Perez and Abbi Kedir
Reflecting the moral theorisation of bribery as a negative phenomenon, bribery has been widely shown to have a deleterious impact at the national level on economic development and…
Reflecting the moral theorisation of bribery as a negative phenomenon, bribery has been widely shown to have a deleterious impact at the national level on economic development and growth. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate whether it is also the case at the firm level that bribery has negative impacts on firm performance. Until now, the few studies conducted in individual nations and regions have produced mixed results. Here, therefore, a more comprehensive evaluation of the relationship between bribery and firm performance is undertaken across the developing world.
To do so, World Bank Enterprise Survey data on 106,805 enterprises across 132 developing countries is used to provide a firm-level analysis of the relationship between bribery and firm performance.
The finding is that bribery enhances firm performance. Firms asserting that it is necessary for enterprises like theirs to give gifts or payments to public officials in order to get things done have 13.9 per cent higher average annual sales growth rates and 48 per cent higher annual productivity growth rates, after controlling for other determinants of firm performance.
Practical implications
Given that engaging in bribery at the firm level results in higher firm performance, despite bribery having an overall detrimental negative impact at the country level, public authorities will need to develop measures to alter not only the cost-benefit ratio confronting individual enterprises but also the institutional deficiencies that result in the prevalence of bribery.
This is the first firm-level evaluation of the relationship between bribery and firm performance across the developing world.
This study aims to present a novel framework of “communication-led behavioral intention” in an effort to aid in the process of planning and coordinating social marketing campaigns…
This study aims to present a novel framework of “communication-led behavioral intention” in an effort to aid in the process of planning and coordinating social marketing campaigns on difficult subjects that go against social conventions, including the proper postnatal nutrition practices.
The study followed a quasi-experimental research design. Health communications (public service announcements) were shown to the women aged 18–65 years and responses were collected using a quantitative questionnaire. Structural equation modeling with exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses was used to investigate the linkage between the factors that influence breastfeeding outcomes.
A strong positive impact of contextual communication was confirmed empirically on the behavioral intention to follow and recommend exclusive breastfeeding. Three communication-specific factors – “content quality,” “message clarity” and “belief in message” – were found to play a pivotal role in inducing the “behavioral intention.” These relationships were found to be mediated by “empathy” which is an emotional state experienced out of the respondent’s ability to sense the thoughts and feelings of the characters in the communication.
This study is one of the few attempts on measuring breastfeeding outcomes using theoretical constructs. The framework suggested in the study has a lot of potential in assisting practitioners and researchers to develop effective interventions on complex topics that challenge social norms. Further, this paper offers important insights on the women with limited decision-making capacity on breastfeeding and child care.
Yeri Tordecilla Avila, Jana Schmutzler, Patricia Beatriz Marquez Rodriguez and Eduardo Gómez Araujo
This paper aims to evaluate whether entrepreneurs with an innovative product/service are more likely to formally register their businesses. Understanding the decision of business…
This paper aims to evaluate whether entrepreneurs with an innovative product/service are more likely to formally register their businesses. Understanding the decision of business registration as a rational choice of the entrepreneurs, where she weighs the costs versus the benefits of such formalization, the study expands the literature on informal entrepreneurship by looking at the benefit-side rather than the typically evaluated cost-side of an individual cost-benefit evaluation.
The authors relied on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) adult population survey to evaluate the hypothesis. Specifically, the authors used the GEM data of 2016 for Colombia, covering 2,069 observations (a representative sample at the country level), evaluating the relationship between innovativeness and business registration for the early stage of the entrepreneurial process. Given the nature of our dependent variable, the authors estimated a logistic regression model.
Different from what the authors hypothesized, they did not find empirical evidence for a positive correlation between an innovative product or service and business registration. Instead, businesses that compete with many others offering the same product/service have a higher tendency to register at the Chamber of Commerce. Contrarily of what might be suspected, opportunity-based entrepreneurship – as opposed to necessity-based – is not a relevant variable when formalizing a business, providing evidence for our hypothesis that necessity-based entrepreneurship cannot be equalized with informal entrepreneurship. Additionally, the authors show that an entrepreneur with higher socioeconomic status is more likely to register his company.
Research limitations/implications
The results provide first exploratory evidence that the benefit evaluation may play a role in formalizing a start-up, thus calling for future research that not only tackles the influence of registration costs and administrative burden but rather looks at the outcome of a cost-benefit analysis. The data imply several limitations which future research should address: variables measuring the innovativeness of the product/service are rather coarse measures and need to be expanded and detailed in future research. Additionally, the authors acknowledge that a relatively high number of missing values may generate a selection bias in our population sample. Finally, because of situating the research in a developing country, the research results may lack generalizability. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to test the proposed propositions further.
Practical implications
In a country like Colombia with very high levels of informality, it is necessary that the government fully understands the role of innovation in the formalization process of start-ups. The results indicate that a differentiation of support mechanisms to increase the formalization of businesses according to the different stages of their development may be necessary and that aside from costs, benefits of formalization play a role. A higher level of formality is not only related to economic growth but also much better protection of workers, therefore going beyond the reduction of registration costs and the implied administrative burden should be an additional public policy target for decreasing informality. Finally, the correlation of socioeconomic stratum with the decision to register hints at a varying evaluation of formalization, a point that merits attention by government and academia.
The study shifts the focus from the evaluation of solely costs for business registering as a barrier to start-up formalization to the cost-benefit analysis. The authors propose – and show – that such an evaluation is not generalizable for all kinds of business. Specifically, the authors show that a start-up is more likely to register when it competes with a large number of competitors than when it competes with a smaller number of others offering the same. At the same time, the authors also show that the stage at which the start-up company is at influences the decision to formalize.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo evaluar si los empresarios con un producto/servicio innovador son más propensos a registrar formalmente sus negocios, entendiendo la decisión de registrar el negocio como una elección racional, en la que el emprendedor sopesa los costos frente a los beneficios de dicha formalización. Este estudio amplía la literatura sobre el emprendimiento informal al plantear un análisis enfocado en los beneficios de una formalización del negocio.
Se utiliza la encuesta Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Adult Population Survey para evaluar nuestras hipótesis. Específicamente, utilizamos los datos del GEM de 2016 para Colombia, cubriendo 2.069 observaciones (una muestra representativa a nivel de país), evaluando la relación entre una oferta innovadora y el registro de negocios para la etapa temprana del proceso emprendedor. Dada la naturaleza de nuestra variable dependiente, estimamos un modelo de regresión logística.
Contrario a la hipótesis propuesta, no encontramos una correlación estadísticamente significativa positiva entre un producto o servicio innovador y el registro de empresas. En su lugar, las empresas que compiten con muchas otras empresas que ofrecen el mismo producto/servicio tienen una mayor tendencia a registrarse en la Cámara de Comercio. Asimismo, el emprendimiento basado en la oportunidad -en contraposición al basado en la necesidad- no es una variable relevante a la hora de formalizar un negocio, hallazgo en congruencia con a nuestra hipótesis de que el emprendimiento basado en la necesidad no puede equipararse al emprendimiento informal. Además, mostramos que un emprendedor con un estatus socioeconómico más alto tiene una mayor probabilidad de registrar su empresa.
Limitaciones/implicaciones de la investigación
Los resultados obtenidos proporcionan la primera evidencia exploratoria de que la evaluación de los beneficios puede desempeñar un rol en la formalización de una empresa de nueva creación, por lo que se requiere mayor investigación que no sólo aborde la influencia de los costos de registro y administrativos asociados, sino que examine el resultado de un análisis costo-beneficio. Los datos utilizados tienen varias limitaciones que una investigación posterior debería abordar: las variables que miden el carácter innovador del producto/servicio son medidas muy básicas y deben ampliarse y detallarse en futuros estudios. Además, el número relativamente alto de valores perdidos puede generar un sesgo de selección en nuestra muestra empleada. Por último, al situar nuestra investigación en el contexto de un país de desarrollo, los resultados pueden ser poco generalizables. Por lo tanto, futuras investigaciones deberían abordar en detalle los hallazgos presentados.
Implicaciones prácticas y sociales
En un país como Colombia, con niveles muy altos de informalidad, es necesario que el gobierno comprenda plenamente el papel de la innovación en el proceso de formalización de las empresas emergentes. Nuestros resultados indican que una diferenciación de los mecanismos de apoyo para aumentar la formalización de las empresas según las diferentes etapas de su desarrollo puede ser necesario. A su vez, además de los costos, los beneficios de la formalización juegan un papel importante. Un mayor nivel de formalidad no sólo está relacionado con el crecimiento económico sino también con una mejor protección de los trabajadores, por lo que ir más allá de la reducción de los costos de registro y de la carga administrativa implícita debería ser un objetivo adicional de política pública para disminuir la informalidad. Por último, la correlación del estrato socioeconómico con la decisión de registrarse sugiere que la evaluación de formalizarse varía dependiendo del estatus socioeconómico, un punto que merece la atención del gobierno y la academia.
Nuestro estudio desplaza la atención exclusiva en los costos de registro de una empresa, y sus barreras asociadas, hacia el análisis costo-beneficio como parte de la evaluación y decisión de formalización de las nuevas empresas. Proponemos ‐y demostramos‐ que dicha evaluación no es generalizable para todo tipo de empresas. En concreto, demostramos que es más probable que una empresa emergente se registre cuando compite con un gran número de competidores que cuando compite con un número menor de otras que ofrecen lo mismo. A su vez, también mostramos que la etapa de desarrollo en la cual se encuentra la empresa emergente influye en la decisión de formalizarse.