Support sought for changes to copyright law EIIA members have been asked to support a change in the copyright laws to permit some ‘fair use’ copying of software. A proposal is…
Support sought for changes to copyright law EIIA members have been asked to support a change in the copyright laws to permit some ‘fair use’ copying of software. A proposal is likely to go to the European Commission this month. Meanwhile, Memoranda of Mutal Understanding have been signed with the United States' HA and Japan's JICOA, to co‐operate in activities such as supporting the free flow of information.
The purpose of this paper is to examine how entrepreneurship culture affects start-up and venture capital co-evolution during the early evolution of an entrepreneurial ecosystem…
The purpose of this paper is to examine how entrepreneurship culture affects start-up and venture capital co-evolution during the early evolution of an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) and its ability to foster the emergence of ambitious entrepreneurship as an outcome of its activity. Unlike studies that capture entrepreneurship culture at the national level, this study focusses specifically on the culture of venture capital-financed entrepreneurship and understanding its implications to the development of venture capital markets and successful firm-level outcomes within ecosystems.
Relying on EE and organisational imprinting theory, this study specifies characteristics of venture capital-financed entrepreneurship of Silicon Valley to illustrate the American way of building start-ups and examine whether they have as imprints affected to the entrepreneurship culture and start-up and venture capital co-evolution in Finland during the early evolution of its EE between 1980 and 1997.
The results illustrate venture capital-financed entrepreneurship culture as a specific example of entrepreneurship culture beneath the national level that can vary across geographies like the findings concerning Finland demonstrate. The findings show that this specific culture matters through having an impact on the structural evolution and performance of EEs and on the ways how they deliver or fail to deliver benefits to entrepreneurs.
The results show that venture capital-financed entrepreneurship and the emergence of success stories as outcomes of start-up and venture capital co-evolution within an EE are connected to a specific type of entrepreneurship culture. This paper also contributes to the literature by connecting the fundamentals of organisational imprinting to EE research.
In December 1989, Pomona College and Claremont McKenna College (CMC) received a grant from the Knight Foundation to fund increased availability of, access to, and use of…
In December 1989, Pomona College and Claremont McKenna College (CMC) received a grant from the Knight Foundation to fund increased availability of, access to, and use of electronic databases. This article will describe the role of the Libraries of the Claremont Colleges in carrying out specifications of the grant through implementation of a CD‐ROM local area network with remote access and through preparation and presentation of instructional sessions focusing on use of the available databases. It will also discuss some of the changes that increased use of electronic technologies has brought to the Libraries.
Reports on a conference held in 1989 in Wisconsin, which focused onthe topic of providing better access to information for people withdisabilities. According to the author, the…
Reports on a conference held in 1989 in Wisconsin, which focused on the topic of providing better access to information for people with disabilities. According to the author, the conference concentrated mainly on those with vision‐related difficulties. Summarizes two of the speeches made at the conference and examines some of the technology on display. Stresses the need for adaptive technology to enable people with a disability to access the increasing amounts of computer technology in everyday life.
The number of library‐related RSS and Atom applications is increasing daily. But, as yet, the formats and technology involved are far from stable. This article looks at the…
The number of library‐related RSS and Atom applications is increasing daily. But, as yet, the formats and technology involved are far from stable. This article looks at the current state of the field, discusses future developments and considers implications for the library.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Term. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.
Over the past two decades, a number of social and legislative forces have had the effect of increasing disabled peoples' attendance at institutions of higher education. Major…
Over the past two decades, a number of social and legislative forces have had the effect of increasing disabled peoples' attendance at institutions of higher education. Major national legislation, such as the landmark Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, requires provision of equal access for people with disabilities to educational programs that receive federal funding. The more recent Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law by President Bush on 26 July 1990; considered by some the “Bill of Rights” for people with disabilities, the ADA extends opportunity in the areas of employment, housing, and a number of other basic civil rights.
Saztec Europe forms new division. Saztec Europe has formed a new division which will specifically concentrate on marketing its services to European libraries. Chris Dowd and…
Saztec Europe forms new division. Saztec Europe has formed a new division which will specifically concentrate on marketing its services to European libraries. Chris Dowd and Glenda Rousseau, who have 30 years of bibliographic services experience between them, head a team of 10 specialists in London and Scotland. Detailed knowledge and experience in multilingual database creation are claimed. Talks are currently taking place with European national libraries on the prospects for further work of this kind. Conrad Lealand, Managing Director of Saztec Europe, said he believed a number of major catalogue conversions would take place during the next four years.
Rachid Zeffane and Bruce Cheek
Because information is vital to effective decision making, the fostering of conditions which promote effective use of existing channels of information is therefore seen as a prime…
Because information is vital to effective decision making, the fostering of conditions which promote effective use of existing channels of information is therefore seen as a prime element contributing to organizational survival and success (Fulmer et al, 1990). In particular, the way in which characteristics of individuals and the attributes of the tasks they perform, affect the use of different information sources is a pertinent issue in organizational analysis. It is also an important consideration in information systems development and management. Much of the existing research in this area has been dominated by attempts to define appropriate modes of information processing and the construction of models that might enhance effective communication (O'Reilly, 1982; Schick et al, 1990; Kim 8c Lee, 1991). The importance of this area of research has been heightened by the dynamics and complexities of industrial organizations and the need for various modes of information processing to address these dynamics (Kim & Lee, 1991). Also, because the appropriate use of information is the ‘life‐blood’ of organizational dynamics, the identification of aspects that might affect differential use of various channels (of information) is fundamental to an understanding of the area.
Marjorie Peregoy, Julia M. Rholes and Sandra L. Tucker
This is a resource guide for librarians who wish to gather books and other materials to use in promoting National Women's History Week or, as it will be soon, National Women's…
This is a resource guide for librarians who wish to gather books and other materials to use in promoting National Women's History Week or, as it will be soon, National Women's History Month. The emphasis is on history rather than on current women's issues. Most of the materials cited have appeared within the past ten years, but a few important older works are included as well.