PARLIAMENT passed the Equal Pay Act in 1970 and it comes into full force at the end of 1975. In the meantime a Government order could increase the pay of women to at least 90 per…
PARLIAMENT passed the Equal Pay Act in 1970 and it comes into full force at the end of 1975. In the meantime a Government order could increase the pay of women to at least 90 per cent of men's by December 31st next year. Like other legislative forays into the industrial world in recent years, this Act, despite its deceptively simple title, bristles with problems and will greatly change the country's economic life.
THERE HAS BEEN a continuous improvement in capability of the F28 since its certification in February 1969. This development is depicted in maximum design weight growth and the…
THERE HAS BEEN a continuous improvement in capability of the F28 since its certification in February 1969. This development is depicted in maximum design weight growth and the operational envelope given in fig 11. It shows the advantage of the strength potential, demonstrated by the structural test programme results so that only local modifications were needed.
A single system to replace the four existing methods has been proposed for world‐wide use; if adopted by the Council, all users will benefit—airport and aircraft operators and…
A single system to replace the four existing methods has been proposed for world‐wide use; if adopted by the Council, all users will benefit—airport and aircraft operators and aircraft manufacturers …
An index language usually incorporates various methods for improving recall and/or precision when searching. Recall devices tend to increase the size of retrieved document sets…
An index language usually incorporates various methods for improving recall and/or precision when searching. Recall devices tend to increase the size of retrieved document sets, while precision devices tend to reduce them. The most common recall and precision devices are described in general terms and their usage in several thesauri is examined. The thesauri looked at relate to databases available for searching in the ESA IRS online information system at one time or another and include the NASA Thesaurus; Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms; Thesaurus of Metallurgical Terms; Subject Headings used by the USAEC; Subject Headings for Engineering; INIS Thesaurus and the INSPEC Thesaurus. The extent to and the way in which the recall and precision devices are used in the ESA IRS online system for controlled and uncontrolled subject term searching are discussed.
Development and research activity was an outstanding feature of the 1980 Farnborough Display and Exhibition, both as regards existing aircraft where the results of increasing…
Development and research activity was an outstanding feature of the 1980 Farnborough Display and Exhibition, both as regards existing aircraft where the results of increasing sophistication and advanced technology were evident, and also in the trends that are apparent and will be realised in the next few years. Looking further ahead, design organisations are embarked upon a course of action that will produce safer, more environmentally acceptable and more fuel‐efficient aircraft in the future.
“Streets broad and narrow”. In terms of shops and retail trade, it was always the narrow streets of town centres which attracted the trade, although the shops were small cramped…
“Streets broad and narrow”. In terms of shops and retail trade, it was always the narrow streets of town centres which attracted the trade, although the shops were small cramped for space, but always a cosy, friendly air. Few ever became vacant and although interspersing chain shops seemed to break the rhythm, most were privately owned, run through the years by generations of the same family. The shops removed the proverbial meanness of narrow streets; the lights, the shopping crowds, especially on Saturday nights; shop frontmen bawling their prices, the new boys calling the late editions—all this made shopping an attractive outing; it still does. There were the practical advantages of being able to cross and re‐cross the street, with many shops on both sides within the field of vision. The broad highway had none of these things and it was extremely rare for shops to exist both sides of the street, and still less to flourish. It is much the same to this day. Hygiene purists would find much to fault, but it was what the public wanted and curiously, there was very little food poisoning; it would be untrue to say outbreaks never occurred but they were extremely rare.
Gordon Wills and Angela Rushton
Since 1975, physical distribution management in the UK has developed rapidly. Indicative of this is the move by the Centre for Physical Distribution Management (CPDM) to take…
Since 1975, physical distribution management in the UK has developed rapidly. Indicative of this is the move by the Centre for Physical Distribution Management (CPDM) to take individual professional members as well as corporate sponsors and the support given to the seminars, conferences and courses run by CPDM and other organisations including, of course, Cranfield.
Every country concerns itself to some extent with the efficient and equitable distribution of goods to its people. In order to unravel the logistics of physical distribution in…
Every country concerns itself to some extent with the efficient and equitable distribution of goods to its people. In order to unravel the logistics of physical distribution in China, it is critical to understand the political and economic context in which it is carried out. The policy of capitalist or mixed economy countries is to let manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers compete to provide the goods at the time, place and price desired by the customer. As a rule, neither government policy nor the distribution process is set up to ensure that people will get the particular goods for a set price or at a given location. Prices are a function of the relative power held by consumers, distribution channels and producers. Location is a function of customer demand. It is assumed that the discipline of the marketplace will keep the system operating with reasonable efficiency.
The early timing of the 1985 event, the 27th Salon International des Composants Electroniques, may have left those avid to sample the year's Beaujolais Nouveau a little…
The early timing of the 1985 event, the 27th Salon International des Composants Electroniques, may have left those avid to sample the year's Beaujolais Nouveau a little disappointed, but the ‘long weekend’ (commemorating All Saints) that preceded the exhibition culminated in a sunny, clear‐skied Sunday before the considerably more changeable, murky and damp conditions that prevailed during the Salon week. Among the many seasonal delights to be enjoyed on the Sunday was the simple pleasure of a stroll along the ‘quais de la Seine’ with autumn leaves adding a lively blend of colour, and the enticing smell of roasting chestnuts lingering in the crisp air.
Peter Herring, London Borough of Enfield's Deputy Librarian and Cultural Officer assures NLW that this is a true story of what happened to the new mobile library during its first…