Mercedes Villanueva-Flores, Dara Hernández-Roque, Mariluz Fernández-Alles and Mirta Diaz-Fernandez
Scholars have emphasized intellectual capital’s importance for universities in obtaining competitive advantages and creating value. The purpose of this paper is to identify the…
Scholars have emphasized intellectual capital’s importance for universities in obtaining competitive advantages and creating value. The purpose of this paper is to identify the influences of two components of intellectual capital, relational and human capital at the international level, and psychological capital on international orientation of academic entrepreneurs, and the mediating effects of international relational and human capital.
On the basis of a literature review, a theoretical model is proposed to explain the relationship between the studied variables. Our hypotheses are tested on a sample of 173 academic spin-offs of Spanish universities using bootstrapping methodology.
The results show that the international market relational capital and international human capital of academic entrepreneurs influence their international orientation, and that their psychological capital is directly, and indirectly, related to international orientation through international human capital and international market relational capital.
Practical implications
This study provides a better understanding of the antecedents of the international orientation of academic entrepreneurs, which would provide an important contribution to the literature on intellectual capital, academic entrepreneurship and internationalization. The achieved results highlight important implications for training of academic entrepreneurs and for managers and management teams of companies willing to enter, or even those already operating in, international markets.
In this study, the international orientation of academic entrepreneurs is explained through the psychological capital that is studied jointly with two components of intellectual capital, relational and human capital at the international level. Although some recent work has focused on the study of the internationalization of academic spin-off, this line of research is still incipient.
Dolores de la Rosa-Navarro, Mirta Díaz-Fernández and Alvaro Lopez-Cabrales
A strong HRM system (encompassing the dimensions of distinctiveness, consistency and consensus) facilitates a collective interpretation of Human Resource Management (HRM…
A strong HRM system (encompassing the dimensions of distinctiveness, consistency and consensus) facilitates a collective interpretation of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices in a common direction, and consequently, a conjoint response by employees. The purpose of this paper is two fold: first to argue that those dimensions have a direct impact on the reaction of employees (organisational citizenship behaviour, OCB and intention to remain, IR); and second, the authors propose that these dimensions are not independent, but rather can interact in such a way that consensus impacts on the consistency of an HRM system, and consistency mediates the relationship between consensus and OCB and IR.
The authors surveyed HR managers and employees from a sample of 102 Spanish hotels. Specifically, HR managers were asked to complete a questionnaire assessing the dimensions of HRM strength, and employees completed a different questionnaire reporting their levels of OCB and IR. The authors examined the reliability and validity of measures by means of Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Finally, structural equations models were applied to test direct effects and mediating hypotheses.
As an initial finding, the authors obtained two dimensions of HRM strength: consistency and a new factor, which is a combination of distinctiveness and consensus, labelled the “Reputation” of the HRM system. A second result is that such the reputation of the HRM system positively affects OCB and IR. Third, consistency mediates in the relationships between the reputation of the HRM system and OCB and IR.
Research limitations/implications
Although the authors are aware of the limitations of our paper, regarding the cross-sectional data design and the assessment of HR strength by managers, the authors believe that the results highlight the importance of HRM system strength, since it affects individual outcomes.
One of the valuable contributions made by this paper is that the authors obtained two dimensions for HRM strength instead of the three proposed by Bowen and Ostroff (2004): consistency and reputation (as a combination of distinctiveness and consensus). The authors explain that the new dimension is related to the concept of employer branding, emphasising HRM system’s internal image, facilitating common expectations that guide employees towards the desired responses. Second, Reputation impacts Consistency, improving employees’ OCB and IR; hence, the dimensions of HRM system strength are not independent, but they are better able to interact in order to affect employee outcomes.
Susana Pasamar, Mirta Diaz-Fernandez and Ma Dolores de la Rosa-Navarro
There is some research showing that leadership behaviors could be important antecedents to learning, but knowledge is scarce on the impact of which leadership styles support…
There is some research showing that leadership behaviors could be important antecedents to learning, but knowledge is scarce on the impact of which leadership styles support exploitative and explorative learning. The purpose of this paper is to hypothesize that transformational leadership – more concerned with innovation – will encourage generalist human capital (HC), while transactional leadership – more focused on the efficiency of existing operations – will promote specialist HC.
To test the hypotheses, the authors adopt a structural ambidexterity approach as the authors consider that organizations need units working on both types of learning.
The results show the versatile role of transformational leaders, who are able to promote both types of HC and, in turn, both types of organizational learning. The authors have also found that marketing departments are more willing to explore than production departments.
This study highlights the relevance of considering the department as a unit of analysis (structural ambidexterity approach), the significant role of transformational leaders in organizational learning and the mediating role of HC.
M. Carmen Díaz-Fernández, M. Rosario González-Rodríguez and Brendan Paddison
The purpose of this paper is to determine the top management team (TMT) intangible assets (demographical and managerial experience) diversity which influences firm performance in…
The purpose of this paper is to determine the top management team (TMT) intangible assets (demographical and managerial experience) diversity which influences firm performance in a diverse industrial context.
The paper analyses 159 whole TMTs from Latin American and European enterprises. The study focuses on three indicators (sales, return on assets and return on sales) as proxies of firm performance. The hypotheses formulated were tested using panel data and applying a random-effects model.
The paper reveals a large degree of volatility in the findings depending on the type of firm performance indicator. This provides insights regarding the controversy surrounding the black box Upper Echelon Theory and for entrepreneurial purposes concerning the relationship between TMT composition and the achievement of a high level performance.
Research limitations/implications
This study could be extended by analysing other important variables, such as top mangers’ physiological traits and cultural differences within the TMTs. The analysis could also be applied to a wider geographical area.
Practical implications
This paper may help enterprises to reach a better understanding of their TMT’s internal complex diversity by providing appropriate insights for a better decision-making process required to achieve an accurate firm outcome.
The paper is an extension on prior studies not only by focusing on a different geographical area different from the traditional USA context but also applying a longitudinal study scarcely applied in the demographic literature. In addition, attributes for all the TMT’s members (not only CEOs), three different proxies of performance and a highly diverse industry context from Latin American and European companies have been considered.
El propósito de este artículo es determinar la diversidad de los activos intangibles del equipo de alta dirección (características demográficas y experiencia directiva) que influyen en el rendimiento empresarial en un contexto industrial diverso.
El artículo analiza 159 equipos de alta dirección completos procedentes de empresas Latino-Americanas y Europeas. El estudio se centra en tres indicadores como proxies del rendimiento empresarial (ventas, rotación de los activos y la rotación de las ventas). Las hipótesis fueron testadas utilizando datos de panel y aplicando un modelo de efectos aleatorios.
El artículo pone de manifiesto una gran volatilidad en los resultados dependiendo del tipo de indicador de rendimiento utilizado. Este resultado proporciona luz a la controversia existente en torno a la “caja negra” de la Upper Echelon Theory y para propósitos empresariales concernientes a la relación entre la composición del equipo de alta dirección y el logro de altos niveles de rendimiento.
Limitaciones de la Investigación/implicaciones
Este estudio podría ser ampliado a partir del análisis de otras variables importantes como los rasgos psicológicos de los altos directivos y las diferencias culturales existentes dentro del equipo de alta dirección. El análisis puede ser también aplicado a una más amplia área geográfica.
Implicaciones prácticas
Este artículo puede ayudar a las empresas a alcanzar una mayor comprensión de la de la complejidad de la diversidad interna de su equipo de alta dirección proporcionando necesario para adoptar el mejor proceso de toma de decisiones para alcanzar y asegurar los objetivos empresariales.
El artículo es una extensión de estudios anteriores que no solo se centran en un área geográfica diferente al contexto tradicional norteamericano sino que también es una aplicación de una estudio longitudinal escasamente aplicado en la literatura demográfica. Además, se han considerado atributos de la totalidad de los miembros del equipo de alta dirección (no solo aquellos referentes a los CEOs), tres diferentes proxies del rendimiento y todo ello aplicado en un contexto industrial altamente diverso integrado por empresas Latino-Americanas y Europeas.
Wein-Hong Chen, Min-Ping Kang and Bella Butler
Penrose’s argument regarding the managerial constraint on continual expansion over two consecutive periods is termed the “Penrose effect,” a relatively less investigated premise…
Penrose’s argument regarding the managerial constraint on continual expansion over two consecutive periods is termed the “Penrose effect,” a relatively less investigated premise in Penrose’s growth theory. The purpose of this paper is to empirically re-examine the Penrose effect from the perspective of upper echelons theory and investigated how top management team (TMT) composition influences the continual growth of a firm.
This study empirically tested the hypotheses based on a sample of listed manufacturing firms operating in Taiwan, a newly industrialized economy in the Asia–Pacific region. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses were applied to test hypotheses.
The empirical results suggest that low TMT diversity (in terms of educational, functional and team tenure diversity) is likely to engender a situation in which the Penrose effect might occur. Additionally, the results indicate that the proportion of functional executives plays a significant role in influencing the growth trend over two consecutive periods and may soften the impact of the Penrose effect.
Practical implications
This paper suggests that appropriate structuring of TMTs and appropriate management of their members’ backgrounds and team tenure diversity can help firms overcome the Penrose effect and grow continually. Furthermore, the proportion of functional executives in a TMT is influential.
This paper uniquely contributes to the theoretical and empirical development of Penrose’s growth theory, upper echelons theory and resource-based view concerning managerial resources.
Winifred Okong’o and Joshua Rumo Arongo Ndiege
The purpose of this study is to examine the state of the literature on knowledge sharing in open source software (OSS) development communities by examining the existing research…
The purpose of this study is to examine the state of the literature on knowledge sharing in open source software (OSS) development communities by examining the existing research and identifying the knowledge gaps and opportunities that can inform areas for future research.
A systematic literature review was conducted of literature published between January 2011 and February 2023. A total of 24 papers were identified and reviewed.
The findings reveal that the literature on knowledge sharing in OSS development communities from developing countries are limited. Additionally, there exists a limited focus on the development of frameworks to support knowledge sharing in OSS communities. The transient nature of OSS development contributors’ results in knowledge loss; thus, knowledge retention needs further investigation.
Research limitations/implications
This study only included papers whose titles, keywords or abstracts included the search keywords “knowledge sharing” and “Open Source Software”. While the keywords were carefully applied, when applying the search, it cannot be ruled that some relevant studies might have been missed. The study was also limited to conferences and journal papers published in English. Despite the limitations, the study provides a systematic review of knowledge sharing in OSS communities and presents findings that can be useful to researchers and practitioners interested in this area.
The study provides a systematic literature review of published papers and identifies themes and future research areas on knowledge sharing in OSS communities. Additionally, this review offers insights into future research avenues for theory, content and context on knowledge sharing in OSS development communities.
María Carmen Díaz-Fernández, María Rosario González-Rodríguez and Marek Pawlak
The importance of the performance of a firm and the essential role played by the management in their accomplishment has been discussed and recognised by many researchers from…
The importance of the performance of a firm and the essential role played by the management in their accomplishment has been discussed and recognised by many researchers from Drucker to Upper Echelon Theory. Nonetheless, currently, anybody has been able to determine the precious and reliable parameters which let the firm achieve required-level performance. The confusion around this objective is still sufficient and the controversial has being growing widely over time, being the findings achieved contradictory, insufficient, imprecise and unreliable. Regarding the demographical literature findings focus on the premises previous related to Upper Echelon Theory. The purpose of this paper is to go further and try to test how, not only the level, but also the diversity of constructs like top management teams (TMT)'s demographic characteristics influence the firm performance accomplished by the managers by applying a Hierarchical Linear Regression Model.
Based on primary data from two Spanish databases – SABI, CNMV – and secondary data, a sample size of 147 TMTs in large companies from 18 industries sector with headquarters in Spain over a four years period (2004-2007) were obtained. The analysis focused on the total TMT for each firm. To test the relationship between the company performance and the demographic constructs, a more recent methodology based on hierarchical linear models (HLMs) using a longitudinal dataset of multinational big firms with headquarters in Spain was applied.
After applying the statistical techniques the results show a partial confirmation of the hypotheses formulated in the theoretical model proposed. First, the analysis evidences that company size is both highly correlated with TMT size and their demographic variables in terms of diversity. Second, the HLM shows that TMT's education-level diversity has a negative and significant impact on corporate performance and no significant effects for functionality and education background diversity have been found. Based on the accomplished findings, organisations appear to be more concerned about the employee's education level rather than their education background. Moreover, the model further supports that companies seem to be more aware of industry experience diversity than functionality diversity, also confirming a greater influence of the more international experience diversity of TMT on corporate performance.
This study offers a significant contribution not only by specifying a three-level hierarchical regression models regarding diverse approaches to measure the performance variable as dependent variable but also by considering as predictors not only the level of the demographic variables but also their diversity. This knowledge is relevant for entrepreneurial purposes since it highlights the achievement of high performance. The results allow us to explain which constructs influence the achievement of firm performance. Thus, this knowledge could be relevant to the entrepreneurs to encourage the firm survival and growth. Furthermore, focused on an ambitious purpose, it reveals the parameters needed to achieve to get the optimums performance level. Hence, the present study contributes an attempt to advance the literature on TMT composition by applying multi-level theory given the nested structure of the data set. The paper is one of few studies which apply panel data to analyse the influences of TMT characteristics on corporate performance and one of the first focused on Spanish entrepreneurial context.
Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinarič and Piotr Wójcik
The purpose of this study is to synthesize the literature on the topic of strategic renewal by identifying the key dimensions of extant research and the connections between…
The purpose of this study is to synthesize the literature on the topic of strategic renewal by identifying the key dimensions of extant research and the connections between fragmented research domains.
This study applies systematic literature review to identify the level of consistency and generalizability of research findings across existing studies in a comprehensive manner.
This study identifies six main themes of strategic renewal in the extant literature: (1) antecedents, (2) initiation, (3) logic, (4) structure, (5) process and (6) outcomes of strategic renewal.
Research limitations/implications
By integrating the current streams of research, the review offers a conceptual model of strategic renewal that maps the current state of the research and provide insights into key themes for the future research.
This study, identifies connections between fragmented research domain and offers a conceptual framework of strategic renewal.
The service industry is facing the huge impact of digital transformation, in which artificial intelligence (AI) plays one of the most important roles. This study aims to expand…
The service industry is facing the huge impact of digital transformation, in which artificial intelligence (AI) plays one of the most important roles. This study aims to expand the understanding of the AI acceptance framework and confirm whether consumers’ digital skills have a moderating effect on the research model.
Hypotheses were tested using a data set of 1,641 individuals. Partial least squares structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis were used to estimate the model.
The results indicate that antecedent factors influence consumers’ willingness to use AI devices in services. The two groups of different digitally savvy respondents differ because the influence of anthropomorphism, social influence and hedonic motivation on respondents’ perceived efforts to use AI devices in service delivery depends on respondents’ digital skills.
The novel contribution of this study is reflected in a comprehensive model that explains the moderating effect of individual digital skills on willingness to use AI devices. The attitudes of experienced and digitally skilled consumers are valuable and highlight some important theoretical, practical implications and future lines of research.
Mengsang Chen, Mengdi Wu, Xiaohui Wang and Haibo Wang
This meta-analytical review aims to clarify the relationships between three bundles of human resource management (HRM) practices—competency-enhancing, motivation-enhancing and…
This meta-analytical review aims to clarify the relationships between three bundles of human resource management (HRM) practices—competency-enhancing, motivation-enhancing and opportunity-enhancing—and organizational innovation by addressing two questions: (a) Which types of HRM bundles are most strongly related to different forms of innovation (i.e. process and product innovation)? And (b) Which mechanism provides a stronger explanation for the positive effects of HRM bundles on innovation?
Based on data from 103 studies, a meta-analysis was conducted to quantitatively summarize existing HRM–innovation studies at the organizational level.
The results showed that the competency-enhancing bundle was more positively related to product innovation than the motivation-enhancing and opportunity-enhancing bundles. The opportunity-enhancing bundle was most strongly associated with process innovation. The authors further found that knowledge management capability (KMC) and employee motivation mediated the positive relationship between the three HRM bundles and innovation outcomes. In comparing the two mechanisms, this review suggests that KMC better explains both the impact of the competency-enhancing HRM bundle on product innovation and the effect of the opportunity-enhancing bundle on process innovation.
Based on behavioral and knowledge management perspectives, this study takes a sub-bundle approach to providing an integrative review by comparing the direct effects and mediating paths of HRM bundles on product and process innovation.