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1 – 10 of 69Cynthia Richter Ojijo and Robert Steiger
This study aims to reveal residents’ individual perceptions of nature-based destination development and preferences for infrastructure and tourism superstructure development among…
This study aims to reveal residents’ individual perceptions of nature-based destination development and preferences for infrastructure and tourism superstructure development among communities that rely heavily on wildlife tourism.
A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was used among the Maasai community based in the villages and towns near the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. The attributes included type of tourism accommodation, location of tourism accommodations, types of access roads (tarmac or marram), tourist numbers and desired land-use options (between tourism development, livestock grazing and agriculture). A DCE analysis with hierarchical Bayes estimation was performed.
It revealed that the introduction to land-use restrictions and the location of tourism accommodations were the most important attributes for the respondents, with average importance values of 30.36% and 24.02%, respectively. A significant less important attribute was the types of access roads with an average importance of just 8.38%. Cluster analysis revealed widespread heterogeneity in preferences.
Research limitations/implications
The survey-based DCE was conducted in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, and therefore may not be relevant in other contexts. The focus was also only on the residents’ preferences. The findings broaden the knowledge on tourism developments and residents’ support for development and management of protected areas.
Practical implications
For policymakers, conservation practitioners and tourism businesses, this study provides a source of reference for understanding the development preferences of the Maasai community. In general, the study contributes to a better understanding of local communities in relations to tourism development and residents’ support for developments and management of protected areas (PAs).
This study fills the gap in the literature on tourism development and residents’ support for developments in PAs by presenting some limits of acceptable and desirable use of PAs among a community that has a complex coexistence with a wildlife tourism destination. It provides an alternative perspective for future research by examining residents’ choice towards destination development and preferences for infrastructure and tourism superstructure development using an experimental approach.
离散选择实验(DCE)在肯尼亚马赛马拉国家保护区附近村庄和城镇的马赛社区中进行。这些属性包括旅游住宿类型、旅游住宿地点、通路类型(停机坪或马拉姆)、游客数量以及所需的土地利用选择(在旅游开发、牲畜放牧和农业之间)。使用分层贝叶斯估计进行 DCE 分析。
结果显示, 土地使用限制和旅游住宿地点是受访者最重要的属性, 平均重要性值分别为30.36%和24.02%。一个不太重要的属性是通路类型, 平均重要性仅为 8.38%。聚类分析揭示了偏好的广泛异质性。
对于政策制定者、保护从业者和旅游企业来说, 这项研究为了解马赛社区的发展偏好提供了参考来源。总的来说, 该研究有助于更好地了解当地社区与旅游业发展的关系以及居民对保护区开发和管理的支持。
这项研究通过提出在与野生动物旅游目的地复杂共存的社区中可接受和理想的保护区使用的一些限制, 填补了关于旅游发展和居民对保护区发展的支持的文献空白。它通过使用实验方法研究当地人对目的地开发的选择以及对基础设施和旅游上层建筑开发的偏好, 为未来的研究提供了另一种视角。
Este estudio pretende revelar las percepciones individuales de los residentes sobre el desarrollo de destinos basados en la naturaleza y sus preferencias por el desarrollo de infraestructuras y superestructuras turísticas entre las comunidades que dependen en gran medida del turismo de fauna salvaje.
Se empleó un experimento de elección discreta (DCE en inglés) entre la comunidad masai asentada en las aldeas y pueblos cercanos a la Reserva Nacional de Maasai Mara en Kenia. Los atributos incluían el tipo de alojamiento turístico, la ubicación de los alojamientos turísticos, los tipos de carreteras de acceso (asfaltadas o de marram), el número de turistas y las opciones de uso de la tierra deseadas (entre desarrollo turístico, pastoreo de ganado y agricultura). Se realizó un análisis DCE con estimación jerárquica de Bayes.
El estudio reveló que la introducción de restricciones en el uso de la tierra y la ubicación de los alojamientos turísticos eran los atributos más importantes para los encuestados, con unos valores medios de importancia del 30,36% y el 24,02% respectivamente. Un atributo significativamente menos importante fueron los tipos de carreteras de acceso, con una importancia media de sólo el 8,38%. El análisis de conglomerados reveló una amplia heterogeneidad en las preferencias.
Para los responsables políticos, los profesionales de la conservación y las empresas turísticas, este estudio constituye una fuente de referencia para comprender las preferencias de desarrollo de la comunidad masai. En general, el estudio contribuye a una mejor comprensión de las comunidades locales en relación con el desarrollo turístico y el apoyo de los residentes al desarrollo y la gestión de las zonas protegidas.
Este estudio llena el vacío existente en la bibliografía sobre el desarrollo turístico y el apoyo de los residentes a los desarrollos en áreas protegidas al presentar algunos límites del uso aceptable y no deseable de las áreas protegidas entre una comunidad que tiene una coexistencia compleja con un destino turístico de vida salvaje. Proporciona una perspectiva alternativa para futuras investigaciones al examinar la elección de los residentes hacia el desarrollo del destino y las preferencias por el desarrollo de infraestructuras y superestructuras turísticas utilizando un enfoque experimental.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the sensitivity of ski businesses and of the accommodation sector in Tyrol to warm winter seasons and to draw conclusions for climate…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the sensitivity of ski businesses and of the accommodation sector in Tyrol to warm winter seasons and to draw conclusions for climate change vulnerability.
Operational indicators of ski areas and overnight stays in the destinations were analysed in the record warm winter season 2006/2007. Comparing the climatic anomalies of that season with climate change scenarios, the season can serve as an analogue year for average future winter seasons. By interpreting changes in the analogue year, the potential vulnerability of the winter tourism industry in the study area can be assessed.
While the impact on ski areas was relatively small on the province level, the analysis on the basis of individual businesses showed a high sensitivity of small to medium and low‐altitude ski areas as well as of ski areas with insufficient snowmaking facilities. Significant differences in the impact on the accommodation sector were found on the district level, with longer‐lasting negative effects on the regional tourism economy in two districts with low‐altitude ski areas. Climate change increases the risk of financial losses for individual ski businesses as well as for tourism‐dependent regional economies, as happened in the 2006/2007 season. As the season represents an extreme event, the long‐term effect of a rising frequency of warm winters on demand cannot be assessed.
The paper presents a valuable and inexpensive approach to assess the impact of warm winter seasons on the supply side as well as on the demand side.
The Bureau of Economics in the Federal Trade Commission has a three-part role in the Agency and the strength of its functions changed over time depending on the preferences and…
The Bureau of Economics in the Federal Trade Commission has a three-part role in the Agency and the strength of its functions changed over time depending on the preferences and ideology of the FTC’s leaders, developments in the field of economics, and the tenor of the times. The over-riding current role is to provide well considered, unbiased economic advice regarding antitrust and consumer protection law enforcement cases to the legal staff and the Commission. The second role, which long ago was primary, is to provide reports on investigations of various industries to the public and public officials. This role was more recently called research or “policy R&D”. A third role is to advocate for competition and markets both domestically and internationally. As a practical matter, the provision of economic advice to the FTC and to the legal staff has required that the economists wear “two hats,” helping the legal staff investigate cases and provide evidence to support law enforcement cases while also providing advice to the legal bureaus and to the Commission on which cases to pursue (thus providing “a second set of eyes” to evaluate cases). There is sometimes a tension in those functions because building a case is not the same as evaluating a case. Economists and the Bureau of Economics have provided such services to the FTC for over 100 years proving that a sub-organization can survive while playing roles that sometimes conflict. Such a life is not, however, always easy or fun.
Patricia Peterson, Bill Morrison, Robert Laurie, Viviane Yvette Bolaños Gramajo and John Brock Morrison
This paper explores the use of the mental fitness and resiliency inventory (MFRI) as a tool for the management of workplace health and well-being. The MFRI provides information on…
This paper explores the use of the mental fitness and resiliency inventory (MFRI) as a tool for the management of workplace health and well-being. The MFRI provides information on the extent to which positive workplace practices are experienced within three mental fitness domains and five resiliency domains. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factorial structure and internal consistency of the MFRI.
The MFRI was administered to 1,519 employees in multiple workplace environments in Canada. The factorial structure of the MFRI was examined to conduct confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). In addition to the CFA indexes, the internal consistency of each latent construct was calculated, with results reported using Cronbach's coefficient alpha.
The reliability of the MFRI is very high (alpha = 0.973). The fit indexes from the CFA indicate that the model is permissible. The MFRI can be used with confidence to highlight mental fitness and resiliency strengths, as well as areas needing further development in workplace environments.
Research limitation/implications
Limitations may include the selection of fit indexes upon which to base judgment as to whether the model is satisfactory. Although the MFRI model has been confirmed based on the data from the study sample, there is not yet sufficient data to conclude that the model is a true predictive model. Current and ongoing research will enable elaboration on this matter. In addition, formal documented observations regarding the MFRI's face validity and ease of explanation and understanding of the results may confirm a priori expectations on the part of the users and may strengthen the conclusions from this study.
Practical implications
Implications for workplaces arising from the validation of the MFRI include a growth in capacity to measure the existence of positive psychology practices within organizational environments and to identify and address areas for needed growth and development. By assessing the prevalence of mental fitness and resiliency practices in workplace environments, reports can be produced that indicate various levels of development and integration of these practices. The application of the MFRI facilitates the use of evidence-informed decision-making in addressing organizational goals related to positive workplace cultures.
The MFRI is a new, validated instrument that measures the presence of positive practices that contribute to healthy and effective workplace cultures. The results of the MFRI provide workplace health managers with a profile of organizational strengths (practices that are embedded and comprehensive) and areas for development (practices requiring promotion and capacity building) related to mental fitness and resiliency.
Jannik Davidsen, The State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark, died suddenly on 28 November 1983, aged forty‐two years. Jannik Davidsen was educated as a geologist with…
Jannik Davidsen, The State and University Library, Aarhus, Denmark, died suddenly on 28 November 1983, aged forty‐two years. Jannik Davidsen was educated as a geologist with special emphasis on applied geology, at the Universities in Copenhagen and Aarhus.
With inflation and the headaches posed by VAT yet to be sorted out, small and medium‐sized firms are hesitant about venturing into Europe. Yet it is these companies who face the…
With inflation and the headaches posed by VAT yet to be sorted out, small and medium‐sized firms are hesitant about venturing into Europe. Yet it is these companies who face the gravest threat from Continental incursions into the UK market. Thomas Hickman examines the dilemma of these ‘fainthearts’, reports the experiences of three companies who took up the EEC challenge and outlines essential qualities for the British executive based in Europe.
Susana Correia Santos, António Caetano, Robert Baron and Luís Curral
The purpose of this paper is to obtain evidence concerning the basic dimensions included in cognitive prototypes pertaining to opportunity recognition and decision to launch a new…
The purpose of this paper is to obtain evidence concerning the basic dimensions included in cognitive prototypes pertaining to opportunity recognition and decision to launch a new venture; identifying the underlying dimensions of both prototypes – the cognitive frameworks current or nascent entrepreneurs employ in performing these important tasks.
The bi-dimensional models were tested in a sample of 284 founder entrepreneurs, using a 48-item questionnaire. It was used as structural equation confirmatory factor analysis to compare fit indices of uni-dimensional second-order and third-order bi-dimensional models of business opportunity and decision to launch a venture.
Results support the bi-dimensional models and offer support that both prototypes include two basic dimensions. For the business opportunity prototype these are viability and distinctiveness while for the decision to launch a new venture, the basic dimensions are feasibility and motivational aspects.
Research limitations/implications
These results help to further clarify the nature of the cognitive frameworks individuals use to identify potential opportunities and reach an initial decision about whether to pursue their development. Uncovering the cognitive functioning of opportunity recognition and decision to exploit it, allow individuals to recognize opportunities easier and successfully; and to make more accurate and effective decisions.
Practical implications
Knowing the basic dimensions of opportunity and decision-making prototypes contributes to develop effective skills with respect to business opportunity recognition among students enrolled in entrepreneurship programs. These surveys can be used for self-assessment and also for investors, tutors, and entrepreneurship agents in order to help evaluate features of business opportunities and decision to launch a venture.
This study embraces a conceptual contribution, proposing a different model of the business opportunity and decision to exploit prototypes, and it extends Baron and Ensley (2006) previous work, to another important step in the entrepreneurial process – the decision to develop an identified opportunity through the launch of a new venture.