Anna Wójcik-Karpacz, Sascha Kraus and Jarosław Karpacz
This article investigates (in)direct relationships between team-level entrepreneurial orientation and team performance, where team entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is measured as…
This article investigates (in)direct relationships between team-level entrepreneurial orientation and team performance, where team entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is measured as a team-level construct, not as concentration of team members' scores. In this article, the authors present and explore how EO-oriented behaviour within a team affect its performance, taking into account the team's trust in a manager and commitment to team and company goals.
This article focuses on a quantitative analysis of 55 teams operating within a large high-tech manufacturing enterprise, gathered through a traditional survey. The conceptual framework for this research was based on the theories of organisational citizenship, extra-role behaviour and social exchange. The authors explain how contextual factors establish a framework which enables team EO transformation towards higher performance of teams.
The results show that (team) performance benefits from EO-related behaviours. However, individual dimensions of EO are not universally beneficial and need to be combined with a mutual trust and/or commitment to team enterprise's goals to achieve high performance.
The findings provide important insight into which team factors may be targeted at the intervention or support of team members, including managers and immediate superiors who lack an active personality and are not willing to take risks at workplace. The authors adopted EO instruments, mutual trust and commitment from an individual scale to a team one, and also offer new opportunities to analyse such phenomena from a new level and evaluate them from the perspective of team managers.
Talshyn Tokyzhanova and Susanne Durst
The purpose of this systematic literature review (SLR) is to examine the theoretical landscape of knowledge hiding (KH) research, identifies prevailing theories, the different…
The purpose of this systematic literature review (SLR) is to examine the theoretical landscape of knowledge hiding (KH) research, identifies prevailing theories, the different ways KH is understood within these theories and the underlying assumptions that shape these views. Based on this, ideas for further research are derived to advance the theoretical basis of KH studies.
Using a theory-based SLR, the authors analysed 170 scientific papers from Scopus and Web of Science. This involved thematic analysis to categorise theories frequently applied in KH research and a detailed examination to link core assumptions to these theoretical perspectives.
The analysis revealed a reliance on 86 distinct theories, with a notable emphasis on social exchange theory and conservation of resources theory. KH is predominantly conceptualised as a negative, objective, reactive and relational behaviour rooted in social reciprocity and resource conservation. The review uncovers the multifaceted nature of KH, challenging the field to incorporate broader theoretical views that encompass positive aspects, subjective experiences, strategic intentions and non-relational determinants of KH.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to systematically map and analyse the theoretical underpinnings of KH research. It offers a unique contribution by categorising the diverse theories applied in KH studies and explicitly linking these theories to their inherent assumptions about KH. This approach provides a comprehensive overview that not only identifies gaps in the current research landscape but also proposes alternative theoretical perspectives for exploring KH, thereby setting a new direction for future studies in this field.
Tayebeh Nikraftar and Mehrnaz Farahani
Despite the essential role of entrepreneurs in creating social value, there is limited understanding of their mindsets concerning this value. This study aims to investigate the…
Despite the essential role of entrepreneurs in creating social value, there is limited understanding of their mindsets concerning this value. This study aims to investigate the mental models of tourism entrepreneurs regarding the social value they create. We hypothesize that their perspectives on tourism influence the type of value they generate
Q methodology was employed. Initially, a concourse was established in this area, followed by selecting a representative sample of 36 statements. The Q questionnaire was administered to 30 tourism entrepreneurs, and the data were analyzed post-collection.
Three distinct mental patterns emerged from the data: Destination Fans, Host Fans, and Tourist Fans. Among these, Destination Fans were the most prominent, indicating that most entrepreneurs perceive the destination as a critical factor in attracting tourists and developing their businesses.
Given the high competition within the tourism sector, many entrepreneurs seek to enhance their competitive positions by creating unique destination identities and tourism services. Consequently, they view the destination as pivotal for attracting tourists. This study illustrates that entrepreneurs leverage various methods to create value in the tourism sector, with differences stemming from their perspectives on the role of entrepreneurship in value creation.