Appolonia Masunungure and Mbulaheni O. Maguvhe
The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore barriers to cultural and linguistic diversity teaching in mainstream secondary schools in South Africa.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore barriers to cultural and linguistic diversity teaching in mainstream secondary schools in South Africa.
The study was underpinned by the culturally responsive pedagogy theory as a framework. Face-to-face interviews were conducted to explore the barriers to teaching in culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) classrooms.
The authors found that teachers experience a plethora of challenges in teaching CLD learners. The findings show that culturally responsive practices, collaboration with relevant stakeholders and seeking professional development opportunities may advance the productive engagement of CLD learners in secondary schools.
Practical implications
Pre-service and in-service teachers should be conscientious about CLD teaching and learning through professional development. Teachers should be trained and retrained to accommodate CLD learners.
This study highlights significant aspects that hinder the inclusion of CLD learners and encourages the Department of Higher Education (tertiary institutions) and the Department of Basic Education Curriculum Developers to reconsider aspects of CLD in curriculum planning.