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1 – 10 of 76In this paper we provide evidence of successful online learning experience with UAE students at Zayed University in the UAE. First we describe the processes and technologies used…
In this paper we provide evidence of successful online learning experience with UAE students at Zayed University in the UAE. First we describe the processes and technologies used in delivering the online course "Virtual Business Challenges". Based on survey results we discuss students’ evaluations and experience and the technologies used. Overall, students had a positive learning experience in the course.
Bora Aktan, Şaban Çelik, Yomna Abdulla and Naser Alshakhoori
The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the effect of real credit ratings change on capital structure decisions.
The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the effect of real credit ratings change on capital structure decisions.
The study uses three models to examine the impact of credit rating on capital structure decisions within the framework of credit rating-capital structure hypotheses (broad rating, notch rating and investment or speculative grade). These hypotheses are tested by multiple linear regression models.
The results demonstrate that firms issue less net debt relative to equity post a change in the broad credit ratings level (e.g. a change from A- to BBB+). The findings also show that firms are less concerned by notch ratings change as long the firms remain the same broad credit rating level. Moreover, the paper indicates that firms issue less net debt relative to equity after an upgrade to investment grade.
Research limitations/implications
The study covers the periods of 2009 to 2016; therefore, the research result may be affected by the period specific events such as the European debt crisis. Moreover, studying listed non-financial firms only in the Tadawul Stock Exchange has resulted in small sample which may not be adequate enough to reach concrete generalization. Despite the close proximity between the GCC countries, there could be jurisdictional difference due to country specific regulations, policies or financial development. Therefore, it will be interesting to conduct a cross country study on the GCC to see if the conclusions can be generalized to the region.
The paper contributes to the literature by testing previous researches on new context (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, KSA) which lack sophisticated comparable studies to the one conducted on other regions of the world. The results highlight the importance of credit ratings for the decision makers who are required to make essential decisions in areas such as financing, structuring or operating firms and regulating markets. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study of its kind that has been applied on the GCC region.
The purpose of the paper is to study the relevance of macroprudential policies (MPPs) in influencing bank lending in small open economies with dual banking systems.
The purpose of the paper is to study the relevance of macroprudential policies (MPPs) in influencing bank lending in small open economies with dual banking systems.
In the analysis, the author employed the dynamic panel data methodology as compared to alternate techniques since it is able to address potential endogeneity challenges.
Using quarterly data from the period 2002–2020, the author finds that MPPs are highly effective in containing the growth of public credit, whereas its impact on private credit is much less effective. The disaggregated findings reveal that macroprudential measures are less effective in containing the growth of private credit by Islamic banks.
The majority of studies on MPPs are focused on emerging and advanced economies, limiting their policy appeal from the standpoint of small open economies. In this connection, this paper contributes to the literature on the relevance of such policies for a small open economy with a dual banking system and significant hydrocarbon exports. The paper's analysis therefore holds relevance for similar economies, both in the region and elsewhere, on the role and relevance of MPPs with emphasis on Islamic banks.
Abdulla Al-Towfiq Hasan, Md. Masudur Rahman and Mohammad Osman Gani
This study aims to explore factors that influence tourists’ visiting behaviors towards smart tourism destinations (STDs) by extending the theory of planned behavior.
This study aims to explore factors that influence tourists’ visiting behaviors towards smart tourism destinations (STDs) by extending the theory of planned behavior.
Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique is used to test the proposed hypotheses by analyzing 413 usable responses that are collected through personal interviews. Moreover, data are collected using structured interviews and analyzed by SmartPLS, 3.3.3.
This study results reveal that STD visit intentions significantly influence STD visiting behaviors among international and domestic tourists in Bangladesh. Moreover, the results show that e-attitude, resource efficiency norms and perceived environmental sustainability have significant impacts on STD visit intentions.
Practical implications
The study findings indicate that destinations’ electronic flowcharts of places, usage of low impact and biodegradable materials and history and culture presented in the forms of games and stories increase travelers’ motivation to visit STDs.
The study provides empirical evidence to support the importance of factors enhancing travelers’ STD visiting behaviors by integrating e-attitude, resource efficiency norms, perceived environmental sustainability and STD visit intentions.
研究人員以偏最小平方法的結構方程模型 (PLS-SEM) 技術去測試其提出之假設,方法是透過分析取自個人訪談413個可用的回應。這些數據均以結構化訪談方式收集,繼而以 SmartPLS 3.3.3 來進行分析。
Abdulla Al-Towfiq Hasan and Md Takibur Rahman
The purpose of this study is to predict family takāful purchase intentions (FTPIs) using an extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) with relevant mediating and moderating…
The purpose of this study is to predict family takāful purchase intentions (FTPIs) using an extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) with relevant mediating and moderating factors.
This study is based on a survey of 384 Muslim employees who work in both government and private organizations. This study used partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) for hypothesis testing, predictive relevance and measuring the effect size of the model.
The study found that attitude (ATT), subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioral control (PBC), saving motives (SM), promotional campaign (PC) and religiosity (RG) directly contribute to the prediction of FTPIs. Furthermore, ATT and SM partially mediate between PC and FTPI. Moreover, RG significantly moderates the association between ATT, SN, SM and FTPI, while RG insignificantly moderates the link between PBC and FTPI.
Practical implications
This study provides insight into understanding the factors leading to an enhanced understanding of FTPI in a country where the industry is growing very fast. Further, the study suggests informative and persuasive promotions to encourage FTPI in Bangladesh and similar countries.
This study provides insights into previously unaddressed FTPI among Muslim employees in Bangladesh and similar countries. Prior work on determining FTPI has not focused on promotional campaigns and saving motives, and thus, this study has extended TPB to understand the phenomenon.
Hanan Naser, Fatima Al-aali, Yomna Abdulla and Rabab Ebrahim
Over the last decade, investments in green energy companies have witnessed noticeable growth rates. However, the glacial pace of the world economic restoration due to COVID-19…
Over the last decade, investments in green energy companies have witnessed noticeable growth rates. However, the glacial pace of the world economic restoration due to COVID-19 pandemic placed a high degree of uncertainty over this market. Therefore, this study investigates the short- and long-term relationships between COVID-19 new cases and WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation Index (NEX) using daily data over the period from January 23, 2020 to February 1, 2023.
The authors utilize an autoregressive distributed lag bounds testing estimation technique.
The results show a significant positive impact of COVID-19 new cases on the returns of NEX index in the short run, whereas it has a significant negative impact in the long run. It is also found that the S&P Global Clean Energy Index has a significant positive impact on the returns of NEX index. Although oil has an influential effect on stock returns, the results show insignificant impact.
Practical implications
Governments have the chance to flip this trend by including investment in green energy in their economic growth stimulation policies. Governments should highlight the fundamental advantages of investing in this type of energy such as creating job vacancies while reducing emissions and promoting innovation.
First, as far as the authors are aware, the authors are the first to examine the effect of oil prices on clean energy stocks during COVID-19. Second, the authors contribute to studies on the relationship between oil prices and renewable energy. Third, the authors add to the emerging strand of literature on the impact of COVID-19 on various sectors of the economy. Fourth, the findings of the paper can add to the growing literature on sustainable development goals, in specific the papers related to energy sustainability.
Shekhar Mondal and Abdulla Al-Towfiq Hasan
The purpose of this paper is to explore factors and their impacts influencing online grocery shopping intentions among customers in the post COVID-19 situation. Moreover, the…
The purpose of this paper is to explore factors and their impacts influencing online grocery shopping intentions among customers in the post COVID-19 situation. Moreover, the study aims at evaluating the mediating roles of shopping habits during COVID-19 between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and post COVID-19 online grocery shopping intentions.
Based on a review of the literature and collection of 401 useable valid responses, the study was conducted through structured questionnaires applying personal interview technique. The subsequent analysis was conducted through partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using Smart PLS 3.3.3.
The study findings revealed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and shopping habits during COVID-19 have a significant influence on post COVID-19 online grocery shopping intentions. Also, the study has uncovered that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use significantly influence shopping habits during COVID-19 among customers. Furthermore, the current study has revealed that hopping habit during COVID-19 significantly mediates the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and post COVID-19 online grocery shopping intentions.
Practical implications
The study findings have provided practical suggestions of developing and improving technological platforms to attract new customers for online grocery shopping. Further, the study suggests that online grocery retailers should apply adjusted pricing strategies using coupons and discount offers.
This paper investigates factors and its impacts on online grocery shopping intentions in post COVID-19 context. Therefore, the study uncovers the factors that add value to understanding customers' post COVID-19 online grocery shopping intentions by integrating perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and shopping habits during COVID-19.