Paz Rico-Belda and Bernardí Cabrer-Borrás
This study uses an extensive sample of firms from Germany, France, UK, Portugal and Spain with the aim of obtaining conclusive results on the determinants that drive a firm to be…
This study uses an extensive sample of firms from Germany, France, UK, Portugal and Spain with the aim of obtaining conclusive results on the determinants that drive a firm to be high-growth firm (HGF). This sample includes micro firms, which are not generally considered in the literature. There are several reasons to take them into account: not excluding an important part of the business fabric, the results can be extrapolated, the study can show if micro firms also present high growth and if there are differences in the factors that determine the probability of being an HGF between both segments of firms.
A multivariate dynamic model of binary choice is used to analyse the probability of a company being classified as high growth. Then, with the Blinder and Oaxaca decomposition, the differences in the probability of being an HGF between micro firms and non-micro firms are studied.
The results show that HGFs demonstrate persistence, and younger firms are more likely to be HGFs. Micro firms also register high growth, although they are less dynamic and show a negative differential with respect to larger firms as highlighted by the characteristic component.
In some countries, such as Spain and Portugal, micro firms predominate, and these tend to be less dynamic, so to identify how to improve business dynamics, the factors that limit the growth of this type of company must first be determined. In this paper, in line with Acs and Mueller (2008), we therefore include firms with less than ten employees so as not to exclude an important part of the business fabric and to ascertain whether this type of firm also shows high growth.
研究的方法是透過把研究焦點集中於一個何謂高速增長公司的更廣泛的定義,而該定義之所以更廣泛,是因為它納入高速增長的微型公司。研究人員以 Birch-Schreyer 指數把公司分類為高速增長。本研究旨在評定高速增長的公司在廣義上是否受賦予可把其區別於低增長公司的獨特特點。為達到這個目標,研究人員使用二元選擇的多元動態模型,去分析一間公司會被分類為高速增長的機率,繼而以 Blinder-Oaxaca 分解方法,去探討微型公司會被分類為高速增長的機率,與非微型公司的機率兩者之間的差異。
研究結果顯示、高速增長的公司展示了毅力; 而且,年輕的公司更有可能成為高速增長的公司。研究結果亦顯示、雖然根據特徵成份所強調,微型公司的活力不及較大的公司; 而且,微型公司展示負面的差分,唯它們也躋身高速增長公司的行列。