Constant Van Graan, Vera Roos and Matthews Katjene
A significant increase in financial crime globally emphasises the importance of forensic interviewing to obtain useful and reliable information as part of a commercial forensic…
A significant increase in financial crime globally emphasises the importance of forensic interviewing to obtain useful and reliable information as part of a commercial forensic investigation. Previous research has identified two interviewing strategies that are aligned with the legal framework in South Africa: the PEACE model (P = preparation and planning; E = engage and explain; A = account, clarify and challenge; C = closure; E = evaluation) and the person-centred approach (PCA). The purpose of this paper is to explore the theoretical underpinnings and application of the PEACE model and the PCA as commercial investigative strategies aligned with the legal context in South Africa.
A scoping review was undertaken to identify literature relevant to the theoretical assumptions and application of the PEACE model and the PCA.
Literature for the most part reports on the PEACE model but offers very little information about the PCA. A critical analysis revealed that the PEACE model incorporates a clear guiding structure for eliciting information but lacks content needed to create an optimal interpersonal context. To promote this, the PCA proposes that interviewers demonstrate three relational variables: empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard. The PCA suggests a basic structure for interviewing (beginning, middle and end), while providing very little guidance on how to structure the forensic interview and what information is to be elicited in each phase.
Combining the PEACE model and PCA presents an integrated interviewing technique best suited for obtaining useful and reliable information admissible in a South African court of law. The PEACE model has a clear structure, and the PCA assists in creating an optimal interpersonal context to obtain information in an interview.
Jon Painter, Winola Chio, Liam Black and David Newman
This study aims to understand whether psychotropic prescribing practices for people with intellectual disabilities are in keeping with best practice guidelines.
This study aims to understand whether psychotropic prescribing practices for people with intellectual disabilities are in keeping with best practice guidelines.
This service evaluation project was a retrospective analysis of routinely collected data from the care records of all 36 people with intellectual disability discharged from an intellectual disability assessment and treatment unit during the first five years of the Stop Over medicating People with Intellectual Disabilities and/or autistic people (STOMP) initiative. Data were gathered at four time points (pre-admission, discharge, 6- and 12-month follow-up) before being analysed to understand whether psychotropic prescribing differed among people with different clinical characteristics/traits/diagnoses. Changes over time were also explored to ascertain whether and how prescribing altered from admission to discharge, and over the subsequent year of community living.
Most people with intellectual disabilities left the assessment and treatment unit on fewer regular psychotropic medications and at lower doses than at admission. These optimised regimes were still apparent 12 months post-discharge, suggesting effective discharge planning and community care packages. Inpatients with severe intellectual disabilities generally received more anxiolytics and hypnotics, at higher doses. Autistic people tended to receive more psychotropics in total and at higher cumulative doses, a pattern that persisted post discharge. A third of the sample were admitted on regular anti-psychotic medications despite having no corresponding psychotic diagnosis, a proportion that remained relatively stable through discharge and into the community.
This study highlights subsets of the intellectual disability population at particular risk of receiving high doses of psychotropics and a feasible template for providers intending to undertake STOMP-focused evaluations.
Constant Laubscher Van Graan, Vera Roos and Matthews Katjene
The continued prevalence of financial crime and the lack of effective commercial forensic interviewing strategies prompted the development, presented here, of a conceptual…
The continued prevalence of financial crime and the lack of effective commercial forensic interviewing strategies prompted the development, presented here, of a conceptual framework to explain the relational dynamics conducive to interactions during a commercial forensic interview (CFI). The purpose of this study is to present such a framework which may facilitate the process of obtaining admissible evidence in different forums.
A grounded theory approach was adopted to develop a conceptual framework, drawing on the findings of a scoping review, direct observations of interactions involving commercial forensic practitioners (FPs) and interviewees, and data obtained from semi-structured interviews, making use of critical realism as a meta-theoretical framework.
Data obtained from the review informed the integrated approach of the conceptual framework, thus combining the structure of the PEACE model and creating an optimal interpersonal context informed by the person-centred approach (PCA). Observational data were used to identify the relational qualities associated with the interpersonal styles (clusters of relational qualities) of FPs in the CFI context, thereby contributing to complex relational dynamics. Interview data were used both to describe effective and ineffective interpersonal styles and how they played out in the CFI with interviewees, yielding information that unfortunately proved not to be admissible in a legal context. The findings of the different phases indicated the need for an integrated conceptual approach, the Ponaletso CFI framework, which draws on the structure of the PEACE model and the PCA, as expressed in the relational qualities of interactional pattern analysis (IPA). The framework consists of the interview stage (before, during and after), the structure (phases) of the PEACE model, the type of questions (open- or closed-ended) according to the PCA, FPs’ interpersonal styles (clusters of relational qualities as explained by IPA) and the observable relational dynamics between FPs and interviewees. When FPs use the Ponaletso CFI framework, there is a greater likelihood of extracting admissible evidence because the interview is guided by a clear structure with a step-by-step questioning approach by FPs, while taking into consideration the relational dynamics to which they contribute.
The proposed conceptual framework considers relational dynamics and how FPs can navigate towards optimal relational dynamics in CFI contexts. FPs can apply the structure, ask appropriate questions at the relevant phases and observe the relational dynamics playing out in the interpersonal context of the CFI. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt at creating an integrated interviewing framework for conducting CFIs aligned with the legal context in South Africa. Using the Ponaletso CFI framework may aid FPs in obtaining admissible evidence and facilitate an optimal interpersonal context during commercial forensic investigations while respecting interviewees’ constitutional rights.