Mesbah Fathy Sharaf and Abdelhalem Mahmoud Shahen
This paper investigates the asymmetric impact of the real effective exchange rate (REER) on Egypt's real domestic output from 1960 to 2020.
This paper investigates the asymmetric impact of the real effective exchange rate (REER) on Egypt's real domestic output from 1960 to 2020.
A Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model is utilized to isolate real currency depreciations from appreciations and account for the potential asymmetry in the impact of the REER. The analyses account for the various channels via which the REER could affect domestic output.
Results show evidence of a long-run asymmetry in the output effect of REER changes in which only real currency depreciations have a contractionary impact on output, while the REER has no impact on output in the short run.
Practical implications
The Egyptian monetary authority cannot rely on domestic currency depreciation as a policy instrument to boost domestic output.
Unlike most of the previous studies, which assume linearity in the impact of the REER on output, we relax this assumption and hypothesize that the REER changes have an asymmetric effect on the Egyptian domestic output in Egypt. We use a long time span from 1960 to 2020 and control for the potential structural breaks in the REER-output nexus and the various channels through which the REER can affect domestic output.
This paper aims to emphasize the need for a strategic approach to employee retention beyond financial benefits. This is directly proportional to employee retention. Bringing out…
This paper aims to emphasize the need for a strategic approach to employee retention beyond financial benefits. This is directly proportional to employee retention. Bringing out the retention measures preferred by employees, depicting the relationship of demographic profile with employee retention tendency and exploring implications giving importance to beyond paycheque factors are the objectives of the study.
This study uses applied qualitative approach with a realistic view to collect the details of retention measures and practices from purposively selected 36 health-care experts by the conduct of interview using a one-to-one discussion with written notes. With quantitative approach, opinion survey was administered to receive the perceived opinion of randomly selected 350 health-care employees on paycheque and on beyond paycheque factors boosting their intention to stay. Bhattacharya and Ramachandran’s health-care study framework on retention was applied for the identification of the factors.
Both paycheque and beyond paycheque benefits are important for retention. Most respondents prefer beyond paycheque factors practiced at sampled hospital. Age, marital status and residence of employees are significantly associated with retention. The strategic initiatives of the sampled hospital to retention concerning motivational needs of employees in the workplace are thank you board, camp head, ad act camp, success corner and so forth.
Research limitations/implications
Addressing health-care work and relationship-related issues in terms of employee retention giving importance to beyond paycheque benefits – remedy for compassion fatigue health-care employees face in routine works, meeting promises made by management regarding paycheque or beyond paycheque benefits, employees participative in decisions in medical, clinical and in functional areas, reducing workload and role stress by the conduct of role analysis.
Many research studies are emphasizing the contribution of financial benefits to employee retention. Only a few studies have been carried out exploring and emphasizing the importance of beyond financial benefits motivating employee retention. This is the study of evidence from a hospital that gives strategic importance to beyond paycheque elements as well as paycheque elements.
Arani Rodrigo and Trevor Mendis
The purpose of this paper is to provide the theoretical insights with regard to the green purchasing intention–behavior gap and the role played by…
The purpose of this paper is to provide the theoretical insights with regard to the green purchasing intention–behavior gap and the role played by social media influences in abating this gap. This paper takes into consideration a wider aspect with regard to the antecedents of behavioral intention through personal and social identities in place of the antecedents presented in the theory of planned behavior and social-identity theory. Furthermore, as the theories lack an explanation of how to reduce the intention–behavior gap, this paper also argues the source credibility model (SCM) in explaining the impact that social media influences can have on the behavioral gap.
Hypothetical deductive method is proposed for this concept paper under the positivism research paradigm.
Not applicable as this is a concept paper. However, the paper discusses the theoretical and managerial implications.
Research limitations/implications
This is a concept paper. Yes this paper discusses the theoretical, managerial, and social/ecological implications.
Practical implications
This paper highlights the relevance of consumers' personal and social identities when consumers make purchasing decisions regarding green products. How managers can make marketing strategies, based on credibility model, involving social media influences as product endorsers and ambassadors, as well as the policy makers to design products, earmark consumer behavior and to conduct marketing campaigns in time to come.
Social implications
As to how policies can be designed and adopted for bio-based economies where sustainability and circularity are given priority and to increase the attention of businesses moving toward sustainable practices.
Original thought developed based on research, theoretical and market gaps.
Andres Mauricio Gomez Sanchez, Juliana Isabel Sarmiento-Castillo and Claudia Liceth Fajardo-Hoyos
The aim of this paper is to disentangle the contemporaneous and non-contemporaneous relationship between regional business cycles and manufacturing productivity in a developing…
The aim of this paper is to disentangle the contemporaneous and non-contemporaneous relationship between regional business cycles and manufacturing productivity in a developing country, namely Colombia.
The methodology is quantitative. To deal with the problems of endogeneity in the production function and with the law motion of productivity (the Markov process), the authors obtain Total Factor Productivity (TFP) through the Wooldridge’s two equations system that can be jointly estimated under the generalized method of moments framework (GMM). Secondly, to avoid bias we estimate regional business cycles through the Kalman filter. Subsequently, we implement an instrumental variables/generalized method of moments regression (IV/GMM) to capture the contemporaneous and endogenous TFP–GDP cycles’ linkage at the regional level. Lastly, to deal with the non-contemporaneous link, the authors estimate a vector autoregressive model with exogenous variables (VARX) for each region. We also present the corresponding impulse–response functions.
The authors’ general results suggest a remarkable causality, both contemporary and non-contemporary, from productivity to GDP (but not vice versa) in the most developed regions of the country. This implied productivity could influence in the economic growth of regions in short and long runs. These results are different than those expected by economic theory and should be considered by local economic policy makers.
Research limitations/implications
The authors consider that a more detailed analysis should be carried out at the level of each sector within the manufacturing industry to further clarify these findings.
Practical implications
The policy should be oriented to obtaining cutting-edge technologies through subsidies, and also should facilitate the access to financial capital and the investment in R&D laboratories. On the other hand, the link with international trade also must be reinforced because the importing of intermediate inputs and exporting of output allow the firms to obtain embodied technologies, also to incur on learning by exporting and importing processes and finally to gain experience and competitiveness in foreign markets.
Social implications
The causality in the region that provides more than 50% of economic activity within the country (Third region) is only in one directional, from TFP towards gross domestic product (GDP) and not vice versa. As the influence from GDP towards TFP is minimal in the remaining regions, the manufacturing productivity influences both short and long run regional economic growth in Colombia. This implies that economic policy at the level of macro-region must be modified; the government should give additional support to the manufacturing sector, especially in developed regions and for the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (wich represent 92% of manufacturing firms) to increase economic growth in the future.
The authors’ contribution is threefold. First, they pay special attention to the contemporaneous cyclical relationship (i.e. pro-cyclical, counter-cyclical or acyclic) and the non-contemporaneous causality with productivity. Second, they estimate productivity with the GMM two equation system considering an endogenous Markov process. Third, to the best of their knowledge, at least in the case of Latin America, there are no studies in this direction combining these statistic methods, including that of Colombia.
Dao Van Le and Tuyen Quang Tran
This study explores the effect of local budget retention rate changes (RER) on total factor productivity (TFP) and its components in Vietnam.
This study explores the effect of local budget retention rate changes (RER) on total factor productivity (TFP) and its components in Vietnam.
The study employs a two-system generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator and data from 2012 to 2019 across all 63 provinces/cities of Vietnam.
The study finds that local budget retention rates significantly influence public investment, affecting scale and allocation efficiency. The reallocation of budgets between regions and from the central government to local levels incurs certain costs, often resulting in economically robust provinces experiencing reductions in their retention rates.
Practical implications
Recognizing the challenges of immediate structural budget changes due to cultural and historical factors, the study suggests a more gradual policy approach. It emphasizes the importance of policy predictability, as abrupt reductions in the retention rate lead to higher costs than gradual reductions, thus implementing budget policies with a clearer timeline. This study provides insight into local budget allocation regimes and their impact on productivity in transitioning countries.
First, the study provides fresh evidence of the impact of retention rate changes on TFP and its components in Vietnam. Second, the study provides insights into the mechanisms of the nexus of increased budget spending, capital efficiency and, most importantly, attaining improvement in education. We also offer further insights into inefficient budget allocation agents in Vietnam, especially in large cities, which should alert scholars to explore this topic further in the future.
Apithamsoonthorn Sompong and Suthiwartnarueput Kamonchanok
Outsourcing is recognized as one of the critical factors for efficient execution of pharmaceutical supply chain management (PSCM), and many pharmaceutical companies engage in…
Outsourcing is recognized as one of the critical factors for efficient execution of pharmaceutical supply chain management (PSCM), and many pharmaceutical companies engage in international outsourcing of services (IOS) to survive in global highly competitive business. Since the key success factors for both domestic & international alliances are partnership characteristics and strategic fit management, but there is no empirical research on this issue in Thai pharmaceutical partnership offshore outsourcing. Therefore, this survey of Thai and foreign companies, both contract providers (CPs) and contract manufacturers (CMs), seeks to indicate significant relationships among both outsourcing strategic fit and partnership types, including outsourcing performance outcome. This research is two-fold. First, the partnership types (Type I, II, & III), the strategic fit types (low fit, moderate fit, and good fit), and their correlations are analyzed. And second, their outsourcing performance (company revenues and growth rates) are presented. The results showed that the most of the Thai pharmaceutical outsourcing manufacturing are classified as the partnership Type II, as well as the moderate strategic fit, and strongly support the relationship between the two models. Both of the companies’ revenue and growth rate could predict the companies’ performances outcome for each of partnership and strategic fit types. However, it is not necessary that the most integrative type of partnership, Type III, will be always the best, because it depends also on the strategic fit between each pair of partners as well.
The past decade has witnessed a tremendous and progressive growth in the number of Nigerians who engage in medical tourism from Nigeria to India. Various commentators have…
The past decade has witnessed a tremendous and progressive growth in the number of Nigerians who engage in medical tourism from Nigeria to India. Various commentators have advanced diverse reasons for this trend. However, there is a dearth of research that has sought to provide empirical insights. This paper aims to investigate the decision-making process of Nigerian medical tourists and why they prefer medical tourism to India to medical care locally.
Eight Nigerian medical tourists are interviewed on a one-on-one basis with open-ended questions using purposive criterion sampling technique from an interpretivist mind-set.
The paper identifies two major motivators, namely, inadequate medical infrastructure and poor medical, and customer service from health workers in Nigeria, which spurred medical tourism from Nigeria to India. Further, it finds that first timers premise their decisions on advice from reference groups, while previous personal experiences guide decisions on subsequent medical travels. Findings are explained using the template provided by the theory of planned behaviour.
This exploratory nature of this research provides a useful basis to elucidate the course of decision-making of Nigerian patients so that appropriate marketing communication channels can be applied. It improves the process of recruiting and engaging Nigerian patients and nurturing wholesome relationships between Nigerian patients and hospitals.
Faizan Ali, Chokechai Suveatwatanakul, Luana Nanu, Murad Ali and Abraham Terrah
This study aims to examine the interrelationships between social media marketing activities, self-brand connections, brand equity, trust and loyalty.
This study aims to examine the interrelationships between social media marketing activities, self-brand connections, brand equity, trust and loyalty.
A total of 402 valid responses were collected from Amazon MTurk, and the data were subjected to partial least squares structural equation modeling and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA).
Findings indicate that social media marketing activities strongly and positively influence self-brand connection, brand equity and brand trust. Moreover, brand loyalty was strongly and positively influenced by self-brand connection, brand equity and brand trust. Moreover, the findings from fsQCA indicate that three causal paths lead to a high level of brand loyalty, and one causal path determines a low level of brand loyalty.
This research extends current knowledge by bridging the literature between social media marketing activities and branding using self-brand connections. Additionally, this study uses the strength of two complimentary methods – symmetrical and asymmetrical modeling – to uncover how social media marketing activities bridge customer-brand relationships.
Este estudio examina las interrelaciones entre las actividades de marketing en redes sociales, las conexiones de marca propia, el valor de la marca, la confianza y la lealtad.
Se recopilaron 402 respuestas válidas de Amazon MTurk, y los datos fueron sometidos a PLS-SEM y análisis cualitativo comparativo con conjuntos difusos (fsQCA).
Los resultados indican que las actividades de marketing en redes sociales influyen fuertemente y de manera positiva en la conexión de marca propia, el valor de la marca y la confianza en la marca. Además, la lealtad a la marca es influenciada fuerte y positivamente por la conexión de marca propia, el valor de la marca y la confianza en la marca. Además, los resultados de fsQCA indican que tres vías causales conducen a un alto nivel de lealtad a la marca, y una determina un bajo nivel de lealtad a la marca.
Esta investigación amplía el conocimiento actual al vincular la literatura entre las actividades de marketing en redes sociales y el branding utilizando conexiones de marca propia. Además, este estudio utiliza dos métodos complementarios – modelado simétrico y asimétrico – para descubrir cómo las actividades de marketing en redes sociales construyen las relaciones entre cliente y marca.
从亚马逊MTurk收集了402个有效回复, 并对数据进行了PLS-SEM和模糊集合质性比较分析 (fsQCA) 的处理。
研究发现, 社交媒体营销活动对自我品牌连接、品牌资产和品牌信任产生了强烈而积极的影响。此外, 自我品牌连接、品牌资产和品牌信任也对品牌忠诚度产生了强烈而积极的影响。fsQCA的结果显示, 导致高水平品牌忠诚度的有三条因果路径, 而导致低水平品牌忠诚度的有一条因果路径。
本研究通过构建社交媒体营销活动与品牌之间的桥梁, 利用自我品牌连接, 扩展了当前知识。此外, 利用对称和非对称建模两种互补方法的优势, 揭示了社交媒体营销活动如何建立客户品牌关系。
Jose Matas, Nieves Perez, Laura Ruiz and Marta Riquelme-Medina
This study aims to investigate the interplay between a proactive attitude towards disruptions – supply chain disruption orientation – and supply chain resilience, increasing our…
This study aims to investigate the interplay between a proactive attitude towards disruptions – supply chain disruption orientation – and supply chain resilience, increasing our understanding of their influence on reducing the impact of supply chain disruptions within the B2B context.
As unexpected disruptions are closely related to a dynamic and changing perception of the environment, this research is framed under the dynamic capabilities lens, consistent with existing resilience literature. The authors used partial least squares-path modeling (PLS-PM) to empirically test the proposed research model using survey data from 216 firms.
Results show that a proactive approach to disruptions alone is insufficient in mitigating their negative impact. Instead, a firm’s disruption orientation plays a crucial role in boosting its resilience, which acts as a mediator, reducing the impact of disruptions.
This paper sheds light on the mechanisms by which firms can mitigate the effects of supply chain disruptions and offers insights into how certain capabilities are needed so that firms’ attitudes can effectively impact firm performance. This research thus suggests that dynamic capabilities, traditionally perceived as being enabled by other elements, act themselves as enablers. Consequently, they have the potential to translate strategic orientation or attitudes into tangible effects on performance, enriching our understanding of how firms combine their internal attitudes and capabilities to achieve sustained competitive advantage.
Piera Centobelli, Roberto Cerchione, Livio Cricelli and Serena Strazzullo
This paper aims to propose a framework investigating the diffusion and adoption process of big data (BD) in the supply chain (SC) as a tool to manage process innovation at…
This paper aims to propose a framework investigating the diffusion and adoption process of big data (BD) in the supply chain (SC) as a tool to manage process innovation at technological, operational and strategical levels.
A comprehensive systematic literature methodology is used to develop the theoretical conceptual framework, which comprehensively describes and captures the innovative stages of BD technology adoption process in SC with a multilevel perspective.
Results show that BD has modified the supply network concept, starting from the dyadic relationships, triads up to the creation of a streamlined and integrated network. These changes are reflected in a novel integrated vision including both benefits and barriers.
Research limitations/implications
The proposed framework supports companies in redesigning the processes affected by the adoption of BD, helping them in identifying the critical elements, barriers, benefits and expected performance. One limitation is the focus of the study on the analysis of the processes of adoption of BD technology in the SC considering a particular structure of SC characterized by only two levels of supply and by a reduced number of members.
Although the role of BD in supply chain operations management (SCOM) is well acknowledged in the literature, its adoption and diffusion process from an interorganizational perspective is still missing. Specifically, the adoption stages of BD in SC have been defined at a strategic level, and successively the SC operations and technological perspective have been integrated to depict the operationalization of BD implementation and diffusion.