A flexible model which is based on a Triangular intuitionistic flexibility ranking and aggregating (TIFRA) operator is proposed for failure detection and reliability management in…
A flexible model which is based on a Triangular intuitionistic flexibility ranking and aggregating (TIFRA) operator is proposed for failure detection and reliability management in a Wind Turbine system. The model which is employed when there are limited research data and valid source of information, uses expert-based knowledge/opinion for failure detection and reliability management. The results from the study concludes that, the most important area affected by failure with respect to the failure criteria used, includes; oil level sensor tilt sensors for tower installation and accelerometers for tower sway (A2), Pressure sensor for blade monitoring (A3), and the Pitch actuator (A4). The main advantage of the proposed method is that it provides advanced information about faults that identifies the intensity of the system behavior also; the method provides a more complete view of the reliability management and root cause of failure in the Wind Turbine (WT) system using the flexibility parameter in the model.