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1 – 10 of 16Barry J. Fraser and Abeer A. Hasan
In this study in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), we investigated college students’ perceptions of their past experience of receiving one-to-one tutoring support in mathematics…
In this study in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), we investigated college students’ perceptions of their past experience of receiving one-to-one tutoring support in mathematics when they were in secondary school. In addition, we also explored students’ reasons for taking one-to-one tutoring in mathematics, the perceived impact of one-to-one tutoring in overcoming shortcomings of school mathematics teaching and on their mathematics achievement, and whether the learning environment at school influenced decisions about having one-to-one tutoring. Eight case-study students were involved in recalling how beneficial one-to-one tutoring was through semi-structured interviews. Because of the small sample size, the research involved only qualitative data based on the recollections of college students who were attending a one-year course in the General Education department of Abu Dhabi Men’s College. The research provided valuable insights into how some students considered having a one-to-one tutor beneficial for their achievement when they were in secondary school. Educators must consider students’ learning environment as being one of the main reasons for deciding whether or not to undertake one-to-one tutoring to raise their achievement in mathematics.
ﻓﻲ ھذه اﻟد را ﺳﺔ ﻓﻲ دوﻟ ﺔ ا ﻹﻣﺎ را ت اﻟ ﻌرﺑﯾﺔ اﻟ ﻣﺗ ﺣدة، د رﺳﻧﺎ ﺗ ﺻورا ت طﻼب اﻟ ﺟﺎ ﻣﻌﺎ ت ﻋن ﺗ ﺟرﺑﺗﮭم اﻟ ﺳﺎﺑﻘﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺗﻘدﯾم د ﻋم ﺗﻌﻠﯾﻣ ﻲ ﻓ رد ي ﻓﻲ اﻟ رﯾﺎ ﺿﯾﺎ ت ﻋﻧدﻣﺎ ﻛﺎﻧ وا ﻓﻲ اﻟ ﻣد رﺳﺔ اﻟﺛﺎﻧ وﯾﺔ. ﺑﺎ ﻹ ﺿﺎﻓﺔ إ ﻟ ﻰ ذ ﻟ ك ، ا ﺳ ﺗ ﻛ ﺷ ﻔ ﻧ ﺎ أ ﯾ ﺿً ﺎ أ ﺳ ﺑ ﺎ ب ا ﻟ ط ﻼ ب ﻹ ﺟ ر ا ء د ر و س ﻓ ر د ﯾ ﺔ ﻓ ﻲ اﻟر ﯾﺎ ﺿ ﯾﺎ ت ، وا ﻟﺗﺄﺛﯾ ر اﻟ ﻣﻠ ﺣو ظ ﻟﻠ د رو س اﻟﻔ ردﯾ ﺔ ﻋﻠ ﻰ ﺗ ﺣ ﺻ ﯾﻠ ﮭم ﻓ ﻲ اﻟر ﯾﺎ ﺿ ﯾﺎ ت ، وﻣ ﺎ إذا ﻛﺎﻧ ت ﺑﯾﺋﺔ اﻟﺗ ﻌﻠم ﻓ ﻲ اﻟ ﻣد رﺳﺔ ﻗد أﺛ ر ت ﻋﻠ ﻰ اﻟﻘ را را ت اﻟ ﻣﺗ ﻌﻠﻘﺔ ﺑﺎ ﻟ ﺣ ﺻ ول ﻋ ﻠ ﻰ ﺗد ر ﯾ ب ﻓ ر د ي . د ر س وا ﺣ د. ﺷ ﺎ ر ك ﺛ ﻣﺎﻧ ﯾ ﺔ ﻣ ن ط ﻼ ب د ر ا ﺳ ﺔ اﻟﺣ ﺎﻟ ﺔ ﻓ ﻲ اﻟﺗذﻛﯾ ر ﺑ ﻣد ى ﻓﺎﺋدة اﻟﺗد رﯾ س اﻟﻔ رد ي ﻣ ن ﺧﻼل ﻣ ﻘ ﺎ ﺑ ﻼ ت ﺷ ﺑ ﮫ ﻣ ﻧ ظ ﻣ ﺔ . ﻧ ظ رً ا ﻟ ﺻ ﻐ ر ﺣ ﺟ م ا ﻟ ﻌ ﯾ ﻧ ﺔ ، ﺗ ﺿ ﻣ ن ا ﻟ ﺑ ﺣ ث ﻓ ﻘ ط ﺑ ﯾ ﺎ ﻧ ﺎ ت ﻧ و ﻋ ﯾ ﺔ ا ﺳ ﺗ ﻧ ﺎ دًا إ ﻟ ﻰ ذ ﻛ ر ﯾ ﺎ ت ط ﻼ ب ا ﻟ ﺟ ﺎ ﻣ ﻌ ﺎ ت ا ﻟ ذ ﯾ ن ﺣ ﺿ ر و ا دو رة ﻣدﺗ ﮭﺎ ﻋﺎم وا ﺣد ﻓ ﻲ ﻗ ﺳم اﻟﺗ ﻌﻠﯾم اﻟ ﻌﺎم ﻓ ﻲ ﻛﻠﯾﺔ أﺑو ظ ﺑ ﻲ ﻟ ﻠ ط ﻼ ب . ﻗ د م ا ﻟ ﺑ ﺣ ث ر ؤ ى ﻗ ﯾّﻣ ﺔ ﺣ و ل ﻛﯾ ﻔﯾ ﺔ ﻧ ظر ﺑ ﻌ ض اﻟ طﻼب ﻓ ﻲ وﺟود ﻣد ر س وا ﺣد ﻣﻔﯾد ﻟﺗ ﺣﻘﯾﻘ ﮭم ﻋﻧدﻣ ﺎ ﻛﺎﻧ وا ﻓ ﻲ اﻟ ﻣد رﺳﺔ اﻟﺛﺎﻧ وﯾ ﺔ. ﯾ ﺟ ب ﻋﻠ ﻰ اﻟ ﻣﻌﻠ ﻣﯾ ن ا ﻋﺗﺑﺎ ر ﺑﯾﺋ ﺔ ﺗ ﻌﻠم اﻟ طﻼب وا ﺣدة ﻣ ن ا ﻷﺳﺑﺎ ب اﻟ رﺋﯾ ﺳﯾ ﺔ ﻟﺗ ﻘ ر ﯾ ر ﻣﺎ إ ذا ﻛﺎ ن ﯾ ﺟ ب ﻋ ﻠﯾﮭم إ ﺟ ر ا ء د ر و س ﻓ ر دﯾ ﺔ أ م ﻻ ﻟ ر ﻓ ﻊ ﻣ ﺳ ﺗ و ى ﺗ ﺣ ﺻ ﯾﻠﮭم ﻓ ﻲ اﻟ ر ﯾﺎ ﺿ ﯾﺎ ت .
The purpose of this paper is to develop an integrated theoretical framework for energy security concept and to shed light on the policies and strategies applied by the European…
The purpose of this paper is to develop an integrated theoretical framework for energy security concept and to shed light on the policies and strategies applied by the European Union countries to confront the challenges that faces them.
The research paper uses Regional Security complexes theory, which mainly developed in Copenhagen school for security studies, that founded by Barry Buzan. This school tried to clarify the untraditional security aspects, through expanding its scope by adding new dimensions than military perspective.
Despite the consolidated efforts exerted by the European Union to assure safe levels of energy security, and their continuous pursuit to be liberated from Russian energy over dependence, but the results are still limited.
The value of this research paper stems from the fact that it encompass the theoretical aspect by shedding light on all the developments occurred to energy security concept, in addition to the Empirical side, by analyzing various European energy security challenges and their confrontation strategies.
Rosemarie Santa González, Marilène Cherkesly, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Marie-Eve Rancourt
This study aims to deepen the understanding of the challenges and implications entailed by deploying mobile clinics in conflict zones to reach populations affected by violence and…
This study aims to deepen the understanding of the challenges and implications entailed by deploying mobile clinics in conflict zones to reach populations affected by violence and cut off from health-care services.
This research combines an integrated literature review and an instrumental case study. The literature review comprises two targeted reviews to provide insights: one on conflict zones and one on mobile clinics. The case study describes the process and challenges faced throughout a mobile clinic deployment during and after the Iraq War. The data was gathered using mixed methods over a two-year period (2017–2018).
Armed conflicts directly impact the populations’ health and access to health care. Mobile clinic deployments are often used and recommended to provide health-care access to vulnerable populations cut off from health-care services. However, there is a dearth of peer-reviewed literature documenting decision support tools for mobile clinic deployments.
This study highlights the gaps in the literature and provides direction for future research to support the development of valuable insights and decision support tools for practitioners.
Michelle Stella Mars, Ian Seymour Yeoman and Una McMahon-Beattie
Sex tourism is well documented in the literature, but what about porn tourism? Whether it is a Ping Pong show in Phuket or the Banana show in Amsterdam, porn and tourism have an…
Sex tourism is well documented in the literature, but what about porn tourism? Whether it is a Ping Pong show in Phuket or the Banana show in Amsterdam, porn and tourism have an encounter and gaze no different from the Mona Lisa in the Louvre or magnificent views of New Zealand’s Southern Alps. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
This paper explores the intersections of tourism, porn and the future as a conceptual framework.
Four intersections are derived from the conceptual framework. Intersection 1, the Future of Tourism, portrays the evolution of tourism and explores its technological future. Interaction 2, Porn in Tourism, distinguishes between soft- and hard-core porn tourism. Intersection 3, Portraying Porn as a Future Dimension, delves into futurism, science fiction and fantasy. The fourth intersection, the Future Gaze, conveys the thrust of the paper by exploring how technological advancement blends with authenticity and reality. Thus the porn tourist seeks both the visual and the visceral pleasures of desire. The paper concludes with four future gazes of porn tourism, The Allure of Porn, The Porn Bubble, Porn as Liminal Experience and Hardcore.
The originality of this paper is that this is the first paper to systematically examine porn tourism beyond sex tourism overlaying with a futures dimension. Porn tourists actively seek to experience both visual and visceral pleasures. Tourism and pornography both begin with the gaze. The gaze is an integral component of futures thinking. Technology is changing us, making us smarter, driving our thirst for liminal experiences. Like the transition from silent movies to talking pictures the porn tourism experience of the future is likely to involve more of the bodily senses.
This paper argues for an increased volume of references to Gabriel Tarde and Georg Simmel in the field of organization sociology. The text emphasizes the importance of these two…
This paper argues for an increased volume of references to Gabriel Tarde and Georg Simmel in the field of organization sociology. The text emphasizes the importance of these two sociologists in understanding the role of imperfection in organizing and the phenomena of fashion and imitation in contemporary organizations. Tarde’s theory challenged the antinomy between continuity and discontinuity, considering finite entities as cases of infinite processes and stable situations as transitory. Simmel’s theory of fashion explores the democratic and democratizing nature of fashion, which satisfies the demand for social adaptation and differentiation. They both saw fashion as a selection mechanism for organizational forms and managerial practices. Furthermore, referring to Tarde and Simmel can help counter the overemphasis on identity construction and the neglect of alterity in social sciences. The construction of identity often overlooks the inevitability of difference and alterity, which are essential aspects of collective projects. Lastly, this paper discusses Simmel’s concept of the stranger and its relevance in analyzing the experiences of foreigners and their potential advantages as “double strangers” in academia and society. The conclusion is that Tarde and Simmel’s contributions offer valuable insights for understanding the dynamics of management, organizing, and social interactions in contemporary organizations.
Markus Kantola, Hannele Seeck, Albert J. Mills and Jean Helms Mills
This paper aims to explore how historical context influences the content and selection of rhetorical legitimation strategies. Using case study method, this paper will focus on how…
This paper aims to explore how historical context influences the content and selection of rhetorical legitimation strategies. Using case study method, this paper will focus on how insurance companies and labor tried to defend their legitimacy in the context of enactment of Medicare in the USA. What factors influenced the strategic (rhetorical) decisions made by insurance companies and labor unions in their institutional work?
The study is empirically grounded in archival research, involving an analysis of over 9,000 pages of congressional hearings on Medicare covering the period 1958–1965.
The authors show that rhetorical legitimation strategies depend significantly on the specific historical circumstances in which those strategies are used. The historical context lent credibility to certain arguments and organizations are forced to decide either to challenge widely held assumptions or take advantage of them. The authors show that organizations face strong incentives to pursue the latter option. Here, both the insurance companies and labor unions tried to show that their positions were consistent with classical liberal ideology, because of high respect of classical liberal principles among different stakeholders (policymakers, voters, etc.).
Research limitations/implications
It is uncertain how much the results of the study could be generalized. More information about the organizations whose use of rhetorics the authors studied could have strengthened our conclusions.
Practical implications
The practical relevancy of the revised paper is that the authors should not expect hegemony challenging rhetorics from organizations, which try to influence legislators (and perhaps the larger public). Perhaps (based on the findings), this kind of rhetorics is not even very effective.
Social implications
The paper helps to understand better how organizations try to advance their interests and gain acceptance among the stakeholders.
In this paper, the authors show how historical context in practice influence rhetorical arguments organizations select in public debates when their goal is to influence the decision-making of their audience. In particular, the authors show how dominant ideology (or ideologies) limit the options organizations face when they are choosing their strategies and arguments. In terms of the selection of rhetorical justification strategies, the most pressing question is not the “real” broad based support of certain ideologies. Insurance company and labor union representatives clearly believed that they must emphasize liberal values (or liberal ideology) if they wanted to gain legitimacy for their positions. In existing literature, it is often assumed that historical context influence the selection of rhetorical strategies but how this in fact happens is not usually specified. The paper shows how interpretations of historical contexts (including the ideological context) in practice influence the rhetorical strategies organizations choose.
Jim Haslam, Jiao Ji and Hanwen Sun
The purpose of this paper is to summarise and reflect upon key issues at the interface of prices, information and regulation with a focus upon the stock market in context…
The purpose of this paper is to summarise and reflect upon key issues at the interface of prices, information and regulation with a focus upon the stock market in context. Reflecting upon academic research in the area of efficient markets, and regulatory policy, the concern is to discern issues in terms of policy and support for policy. What does the research imply for policy? Is it possible that the research, perhaps given its rhetoric, can be misinterpreted in relation to policy? The study is also concerned to develop avenues for future research based on these considerations.
The paper is an analytical and critical review and writing.
The reading of the research suggests a pragmatic regulatory policy that should be concerned to improve stock market functioning, including with respect to information, as well as the context of which this is part. At the same time, the literature may be read as promoting anti-regulatory policy.
Practical implications
On the one hand, these are consistent with the pragmatic policy referred to above. On the other hand, further research is suggested to explore substantively the rhetoric of the research and its interpretation and to explore understandings of the research and its implications amongst key constituencies in practice.
The concern is to bring key insights from the academic literature together with a view to promoting a pragmatic policy orientation, while cautioning in a critical perspective about how this academic literature and research might be interpreted from a policy perspective.
Ankie de Bekker, Päivi Reckman, Peter Kemper and Lidwien Lemmens
Investing in prevention could be of great benefit to public health. Especially for people with health risks, such as overweight, depressive symptoms, low social-economic status or…
Investing in prevention could be of great benefit to public health. Especially for people with health risks, such as overweight, depressive symptoms, low social-economic status or people who experience loneliness or a sedentary lifestyle. In the Netherlands, different parties are responsible for financing and organising selective and indicated preventive interventions: the government, municipalities and health insurance companies. The aim of this study was two-fold: First, to describe the transition towards a sustainable prevention infrastructure. And second, to gain insight into barriers and facilitators associated with intersectoral collaboration regarding organising prevention for high-risk groups.
A longitudinal qualitative study was conducted among collaborative networks working together to build a prevention infrastructure. During a five-year study period, 86 semi-structured interviews were held. The COM-B model was used for data analysis.
Barriers to intersectoral collaboration are: unknown (cost-)effectiveness, limited incentives to invest in collaboration, lack of clarity about responsibilities, differences in priorities and organisational culture between municipalities and health insurers. Facilitators are commitment, trust, sharing knowledge between parties, meeting regularly within the network and acknowledgement of mutual responsibilities. Also, national policy interventions targeted at the development of regional prevention infrastructures facilitated collaboration.
This study shows that collaboration regarding prevention is becoming increasingly common. It can be concluded that the transition towards a sustainable prevention infrastructure has started. The relationship between key stakeholders, like municipalities and health insurers, is generally stronger than it was five years ago. They have a better understanding of each other’s interests and expectations.
Collaboration between creative professionals (artists and designers) and companies has become more prominent. In so-called “crossovers,” indicated with the acronym CoCreaCO…
Collaboration between creative professionals (artists and designers) and companies has become more prominent. In so-called “crossovers,” indicated with the acronym CoCreaCO (collaboration of creative professionals with companies) when they concern specific crossover of creative professionals with companies, societal and organizational challenges such as becoming more innovative are addressed through multidisciplinary collaboration that increasingly embraces and exploits the distinctive way of thinking and working of artists and designers. Over the past years, several scholars focused their research on the effect of artistic interventions or arts-based initiatives (ABIs) and design thinking in organizations. Hardly any research has been done on the conditions (organizational and individual factors) that are conducive to ABIs in organizations, such as trust and common ground. The central question for this study is which conditions foster successful collaboration between creative professionals and organizations in crossovers. For this study, the conditions for collaboration between creative professionals and four Dutch organizations were studied by interviewing ten creative professionals, project managers and employees who worked together, following which a survey of 60 questions was filled in by 41 Dutch respondents. This study shows that despite the differences between the disciplines of creative professionals and employees for this type of crossover, both disciplines requested quite similar conditions for collaboration. Both creative professionals and employees should realize and encourage trust and common ground by focusing on an open process and outcome, a shared creative process started with a shared problem. Experience with this type of collaboration, art disciplines, the role and qualities of the artist (individual factors) as well as the organization's sector seem to influence neither expectations of collaboration nor the intention to engage in this type of cooperation in the future.
Both ten employees (project managers) and creative professional(s) with whom the organization cooperated were interviewed (four case studies, semistructured interviews). Thereafter, 41 respondents have been filled in a survey.
Successful cooperation can be explained by six concepts of determinants, which are briefing, qualities of creative professionals, organizational qualities, organization factors and common ground. More particular, creative professionals' independency and their ability to render observations and to reflect of these and organization's role by informing employees and organizing a clear work process need to be addressed before or during collaboration.
past years, many scholars focused their research on the effects of artistic interventions or ABIs and design thinking in organizations. There is hardly any research on the conditions that are conductive to artistic interventions in organizations such as trust and common ground.
Michelle M.E. van Pinxteren, Ruud W.H. Wetzels, Jessica Rüger, Mark Pluymaekers and Martin Wetzels
Service robots can offer benefits to consumers (e.g. convenience, flexibility, availability, efficiency) and service providers (e.g. cost savings), but a lack of trust hinders…
Service robots can offer benefits to consumers (e.g. convenience, flexibility, availability, efficiency) and service providers (e.g. cost savings), but a lack of trust hinders consumer adoption. To enhance trust, firms add human-like features to robots; yet, anthropomorphism theory is ambiguous about their appropriate implementation. This study therefore aims to investigate what is more effective for fostering trust: appearance features that are more human-like or social functioning features that are more human-like.
In an experimental field study, a humanoid service robot displayed gaze cues in the form of changing eye colour in one condition and static eye colour in the other. Thus, the robot was more human-like in its social functioning in one condition (displaying gaze cues, but not in the way that humans do) and more human-like in its appearance in the other (static eye colour, but no gaze cues). Self-reported data from 114 participants revealing their perceptions of trust, anthropomorphism, interaction comfort, enjoyment and intention to use were analysed using partial least squares path modelling.
Interaction comfort moderates the effect of gaze cues on anthropomorphism, insofar as gaze cues increase anthropomorphism when comfort is low and decrease it when comfort is high. Anthropomorphism drives trust, intention to use and enjoyment.
Research limitations/implications
To extend human–robot interaction literature, the findings provide novel theoretical understanding of anthropomorphism directed towards humanoid robots.
Practical implications
By investigating which features influence trust, this study gives managers insights into reasons for selecting or optimizing humanoid robots for service interactions.
This study examines the difference between appearance and social functioning features as drivers of anthropomorphism and trust, which can benefit research on self-service technology adoption.