The paper presents a mathematical problem involving quasistatic contact between a thermo-electro-viscoelastic body and a lubricated foundation, where the contact is described…
The paper presents a mathematical problem involving quasistatic contact between a thermo-electro-viscoelastic body and a lubricated foundation, where the contact is described using a version of Coulomb’s law of friction that includes normal damped response conditions and heat exchange with a conductive foundation. The constitutive law for the material is thermo-electro-viscoelastic. The problem is formulated as a system that includes a parabolic equation of the first kind for the temperature, an evolutionary elliptic quasivariational inequality for the displacement and a variational elliptic equality for the electric stress. The author establishes the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem by utilizing classical results for evolutionary quasivariational elliptic inequalities, parabolic differential equations and fixed point arguments.
The author establishes a variational formulation for the model and proves the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem using classical results for evolutionary quasivariational elliptic inequalities, parabolic difierential equations and fixed point arguments.
The author proves the existence of a unique weak solution to the problem using classical results for evolutionary quasivariational elliptic inequalities, parabolic difierential equations and fixed point arguments.
The author studies a mathematical problem between a thermo-electro-viscoelastic body and a lubricated foundation using a version of Coulomb’s law of friction including the normal damped response conditions and the heat exchange with a conductive foundation, which is original and requires a good understanding of modeling and mathematical tools.