Samar Rahi, Mazuri Abd Ghani, Aamir Rashid and Rizwana Rasheed
The artificial intelligence-enabled service robot has the potential to serve in consumer market. However, there is limited knowledge of how users across the globe respond to this…
The artificial intelligence-enabled service robot has the potential to serve in consumer market. However, there is limited knowledge of how users across the globe respond to this innovation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an integrated research model led by three known theories, namely, diffusion of innovation, theory of planned behavior and DeLone and McLean model, and investigates consumer intention to adopt robot-enabled services.
The quantitative research design is selected in this research. Data were collected through structured questionnaires. Overall, 221 airline passengers participated in the service robot survey. These responses were further analyzed with a structural equation modeling approach.
Statistical findings have revealed that jointly perceived behavioral control, compatibility, innovativeness, information quality, system quality and service quality explained R2 50.3% variance in user attitude to adopt service robots. In addition to that robot appearance and user attitude have explained a large variance R2 48.9 % in user intention to adopt service robots. Nevertheless, results have revealed an insignificant moderating impact of robot appearance on user attitude and intention to adopt service robots.
Practical implications
Practically, this research has suggested that information quality, adequate system quality and service quality boost user confidence and encourage users to adopt services led by robots. Similarly, this research has suggested that compatibility brings ease to the use of robot technology and innovativeness attracts technology users. Therefore, policymakers should focus on compatible and innovative characteristics of robot services. Moreover factors such as subjective norms and perceived behavioral control have shown a positive impact in measuring user intention to adopt service robots and hence need managerial attention.
The current research is original, as it gives deep insight into understanding user behavior toward the adoption of service robots. Moreover, the integration of three known theories, namely, DeLone and McLean model, the diffusion of innovation model and the theory of planned behavior in service robot setting has made current research more unique. Similarly, this study is consistent with United Nations sustainable development goals and ignites SDG progress by promoting artificial-driven robotic technology in the services sector.