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1 – 10 of 14William Alomoto, Angels Niñerola and Maria-Victòria Sánchez-Rebull
The growth of mental disorders and their costs represents a public health challenge. This study aims to explore how a social club can help mitigate its impact through arts and…
The growth of mental disorders and their costs represents a public health challenge. This study aims to explore how a social club can help mitigate its impact through arts and sports workshops.
Using the social return on investment (SROI) methodology, the impact of the social club is evaluated by identifying stakeholders and quantifying their contributions. In addition, the relationship between patients’ attendance and the reduction of relapses and medication consumption is explored.
The SROI showed a positive return on investment, €12.12 per euro invested. This ratio indicates that the social club generates social value well above its initial costs. On the other hand, two stakeholders were identified as higher impact generators, and it was confirmed that sports activities generate more social and economic impact than art activities – however, the positive effects of art activities last longer over time. The study revealed a positive relationship between social club attendance and relapse reduction. Almost 90% of the participating users reported no relapses or emergency hospitalizations during the past year of attendance. In addition, a substantial decrease in medication dosage was observed. These results suggest that social clubs help stabilize mental health and reduce the burden on health-care systems.
The case study highlights the vital role of social clubs in supporting people facing mental health issues. Policymakers and health-care providers can use this knowledge to invest in more effective and sustainable mental health support activities.
Ahmed Nazzal, Maria-Victòria Sánchez-Rebull and Angels Niñerola
This study introduces a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the foreign direct investment (FDI) literature by multinational corporations (MNCs) focusing on emerging economies…
This study introduces a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the foreign direct investment (FDI) literature by multinational corporations (MNCs) focusing on emerging economies to identify the most influential authors, journals and articles in FDI research and reveals the fields' conceptual and intellectual structures. The purpose of this paper is to address these issues.
The study analyzed 533 articles published between 1974 and 2020 in 226 academic journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases. We used the R language for statistical computing to map author collaboration, co-word and develop a conceptual and intellectual map of the field.
The results show that, although the FDI literature has many authors, few dominate the field. The International Business Review (IBR) and International Journal of Emerging Markets (IJoEM) are the main sources of the publications. Moreover, bibliometric laws show that our dataset follows the Lotka law of scientific productivity and Bradford law of scattering, identifying the core journals. Finally, FDI by MNCs in emerging economies research is divided into four sub-research themes related to (1) FDI determinants, (2) entry mode, (3) MNCs and FDI performance and (4) the internationalization process.
The current article provides several starting points for practitioners and researchers investigating FDI. It contributes to broadening the vision of the field and offers recommendations for future studies.
Elena Higueras-Castillo, Helena Alves, Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas and Ángel F. Villarejo-Ramos
This study proposes a hierarchic segmentation that develops a tree-based classification model and classifies the cases into groups. This allows for the definition of e-commerce…
This study proposes a hierarchic segmentation that develops a tree-based classification model and classifies the cases into groups. This allows for the definition of e-commerce user profiles for each of the groups. Additionally, it facilitates the development of actions to improve the adoption of the online channel that is in such high demand in the current pandemic COVID-19 context.
Regarding the created segments, two extreme segments stand out due to their marked differences and high volume. Segment 3 with 23% of the sample is the group with the most predisposition to use the online channel and is characterised by a high level of trust, more habitual use in comparison with other groups and the belief that its use implies high performance, which indicates they believe it to be useful, quick and helpful for more an effective shopping experience. The other extreme is found in segment 7. This group makes up 17.7% of the total and is the most reluctant to use the online channel. These users are characterised by the complete opposite: they have a low level of trust in this channel. However, the effort expectancy is low, i.e. they consider that the adoption of the online channel does not involve many difficulties in its learning and use. Nevertheless, they use it less regularly than the others.
Based on the conclusions reached in this study, in the current pandemic context in which consumer demand for online shopping channels for all types of products is on the rise, it is recommended that companies focus on the following aspects. It is essential to build trust with the user and show them the real benefits of e-commerce, how it would improve their life and why they should use it. Additionally, it is vital that the user perceives it as an easy procedure that does not require a significant learning curve. Other fundamental aspects would be to reduce any uncertainty the user might have about the online shopping process, to make it as easy as possible, and to design a simple, intuitive and user-friendly interface. It is also recommendable to manage data usage efficiently. To do so, the authors recommend asking the user for the least amount of information possible, offering a data protection policy and assuring them that their information will not be misused nor shared with third parties. All of this provides a series of facilities to modify the online shopping habits of users.
Research limitations/implications
As in most of the research, this study presents a series of limitations that should be debated and that could open future lines of investigation. Firstly, regarding the sample used that was limited to two neighbouring countries with similar profiles a priori; it would be necessary to compare their possible cultural differences according to Hofstede's dimensions as well as increase the number of European countries being analysed to reach a more generalised conclusions. Secondly, the variables used are a combination of those derived from the UTAUT2 model and others suggested in the literature as decisive in technology adoption by users, in this sense other theories and variables could be incorporated to complete a more holistic model.
Practical implications
This work contributes in a general way to (1) analysing the intention to use e-commerce platforms from a set of antecedents previously defined by their importance, after a period of economic and social restrictions derived from the pandemic; (2) determination of customer segments from the classification made by the CHAID analysis; (3) characterisation of the previously defined segments through the successive divisions that were proposed in the analysis carried out.
Social implications
Other fundamental aspects would be to reduce any uncertainty the user might have about the online shopping process to make it as easy as possible, and to design a simple, intuitive, and user-friendly interface. It is also recommended to manage data usage efficiently. To do so, the authors recommend asking the user for the least amount of information possible, offering a data protection policy, and assuring them that their information will not be misused or shared with third parties.
The results obtained have allowed us to establish predictive and explanatory models of the behaviour of the segments and profiles created, which will help companies to improve their relationships with online customers in the coming years.
本研究擬提出一個會發展基於樹的分類模型、以及會把案例歸入不同的類別的層次細分。這讓我們能為每個類別考慮到電子商務用戶輪廓的定義和解釋; 這亦促進我們優化採用在線渠道的發展工作,而在線渠道於現時2019冠狀病毒病肆虐的情況下,實在供不應求。
就創設的細分而言,兩個極端的細分因其明顯的差別和大批量而顯得突出。佔樣本百分之二十三的細分3是擁有最大使用在線渠道傾向的細分,而細分3的特徵包括他們對在線渠道呈高信任度,比其他類別更習慣地使用,以及其相信使用在線渠道會帶來更高的績效,這表示他們相信使用在線渠道是有效的,是快捷的,是可幫助帶來成功的購物體驗的。另外的極端在細分7內發現。這類別佔整體的百分之十七點七,而他們是最不願意使用在線渠道的類別。這類別的特徵和前述的剛剛相反: 他們對在線渠道的信任程度是低的,唯其努力期望是低的,也就是說,他們認為使用在線渠道是不會涉及很多在學習上或在實際應用上的困難。即使是這樣,他們較其他人卻較少使用在線渠道。
基於研究的結論,我們的建議是: 於目前大流行肆虐期間,消費者對於以在線渠道網購各類商品的需求不斷增加,企業應聚焦以下的範疇: 企業必須建立消費者對電子商務的信心,並為他們展示電子商務的真正好處; 企業也必須使消費者明瞭電子商務如何能改善其生活,以及他們為何要使用電子商務。更重要的是使消費者覺得使用電子商務是輕而易舉的,又不涉及陡峭的學習曲線。凡此種種,就成為消費者改變其網上購物習慣的動力和誘因。至於其他基本的考慮,包括減輕消費者對使用電子商務的不確定情緒,使電子商務易於使用,以及設計一個簡易的、憑直覺能知曉的、方便使用的介面。另外,值得推薦的是、數據使用情況須有效地管理。為此,我們建議應儘量向使用者索取最低限度的資料,為他們提供資料保護政策,保證他們的資料不會被濫用或與第三者分享。
與其他大多數的研究一樣,本研究展現了一系列值得辯論的局限,而這些局限或許會開展未來研究的領域。首先,考慮到使用了一個局限於兩個以因及果演繹而成的、概況相似的相鄰國家為樣本,我們或許需要根據霍夫斯泰德文化維度理論對這兩個國家進行比較,以瞭解它們的文化差異; 另外,為求能達致可普遍適用的結論,我們也需把被分析的歐洲國家的數目增加。其次,被使用的變數是兩組變數的組合,他們是從UTAUT2模型中取得的變數,以及在有關的文獻裡,就技術採用而言、使用者認為是重要的變數。就此而言,若其他的理論和變數能被包含其中,則達致的模型將會是一個更為整體的模型。
本研究就一般而言有以下的貢獻: (一) 、 在因大流行病而引起的經濟和社會限制實施時期後,研究人員分析人們如何從一套過去被認定是電子商務平台的重要前身而選擇使用電子商務平台,本研究對這方面的分析作出了貢獻; (二) 、本研究幫助確定從透過CHAID分析而來的分類中得到的顧客細分; (三) 、本研究透過進行連續分解、幫助歸納過去被認定的細分的特徵。
企業必須建立消費者對電子商務的信心,並為他們展示電子商務的真正好處; 企業也必須使消費者明瞭電子商務如何能改善其生活,以及他們為何要使用電子商務。更重要的是使消費者覺得使用電子商務是輕而易舉的,又不涉及陡峭的學習曲線。凡此種種,就成為消費者改變其網上購物習慣的動力和誘因。至於其他基本的考慮,包括減輕消費者對使用電子商務的不確定情緒,使電子商務易於使用,以及設計一個簡易的、憑直覺能知曉的、方便使用的介面。另外,值得推薦的是、數據使用情況須有效地管理。為此,我們建議應儘量向使用者索取最低限度的資料,為他們提供資料保護政策,保證他們的資料不會被濫用或與第三者分享。
Mariah Yates and Michael J. Urick
This chapter explores the influence and charisma of Taylor Swift, highlighting her use of power to captivate audiences. The chapter examines the five bases of power – coercive…
This chapter explores the influence and charisma of Taylor Swift, highlighting her use of power to captivate audiences. The chapter examines the five bases of power – coercive, reward, legitimate, expert, and referent – demonstrated through Swift’s strategic actions in the music industry. Swift’s ability to inspire, reward, and connect authentically with her audience showcases her remarkable leadership. Swift exemplifies how true power lies in authentic connections and steadfast determination, turning personal stories into widely inspiring and authoritative narratives.
In today's world, technology is at the forefront of the new global focus, and it is a key field of interest for countries striving to excellence. Integrating technology into the…
In today's world, technology is at the forefront of the new global focus, and it is a key field of interest for countries striving to excellence. Integrating technology into the agricultural sector has the potential to significantly improve progress toward sustainable development goals. This study investigates how applying technology and sustainability to agriculture can influence women's roles in this sector in Jordan. We examine the impacts of technological implementation, including access to information, economic empowerment, skill development, and environmental impact, as well as the challenges such as financial barriers, limited land access, and cultural constraints. Our findings highlight the importance of the government and major organizations in facilitating the use of technology through training programs and financial support for farmers. We recommend implementing project ideas that promote technological advancement in agriculture, such as our proposed project “HASSAD,” which aims to increase technology adoption among farmers while also providing additional services. By supporting these initiatives, we can promote economic growth while also empowering women in agriculture, resulting in a more sustainable and inclusive agricultural sector.
Anna-Marie Turley, Marie Ryan and Eleanor Doyle
This paper investigates the motivations and challenges of women entrepreneurs in Ireland, assessing the role of policies and Enterprise Ireland (EI) support for women-led…
This paper investigates the motivations and challenges of women entrepreneurs in Ireland, assessing the role of policies and Enterprise Ireland (EI) support for women-led companies and high potential start-ups (HPSUs). It employs the gendered theory of entrepreneurship and opportunity recognition theory to analyse the enablers and obstacles to women’s entrepreneurship, particularly in the context of EI’s support, aiming to suggest improvements.
Grounded in a feminist epistemology and employing a mixed-methods approach, a targeted survey explores motivations, barriers and supports the needs of female entrepreneurs in Ireland, offering a comprehensive gender perspective evaluation for policy enhancement.
Findings note a shift in Irish women’s entrepreneurship motivations and outlines major hurdles like limited funding and work–life balance issues. It recommends policy enhancements in data collection, website usability, financial guidance and childcare support.
Practical implications
This paper aims to highlight the impact of gender-specific factors on entrepreneurship, the study highlights the importance of ongoing data collection and gender comparative analyses. It advocates for women mentoring networks and improved financial support to build a more inclusive entrepreneurial environment in Ireland, with potential global implications.
This study is unique for its in-depth exploration into Irish female entrepreneurship challenges, this study proposes actionable strategies with local and global relevance. Advocating for caregiving support integration and women’s increased involvement in tech, it offers a blueprint for fostering female entrepreneurship. It contributes to global discussions on creating supportive, equitable entrepreneurial ecosystems, serving as a valuable resource for advancing gender inclusivity and equity in entrepreneurship worldwide. It identifies scope for integration of a feminist epistemology in policy development.
Andrew Ebekozien, Clinton Aigbavboa, Mohamed Ahmed Hafez Ahmed, Mohamad Shaharudin Samsurijan and John Aliu
In developing countries, informal construction artisans are vital to economic growth. Governments encourage enrolment into micro health insurance schemes to sustain artisans’…
In developing countries, informal construction artisans are vital to economic growth. Governments encourage enrolment into micro health insurance schemes to sustain artisans’ well-being and achieve universal health coverage. The peculiarity associated with the informal construction artisans may hinder the scheme enrolment, particularly in Nigeria. It may threaten to improve achieving sustainable development goal 3 (good health and well-being). This study investigated the level of awareness and causes and suggested measures to improve micro health insurance policy enrolment for construction artisans in the informal sector and, by extension, improve the achievement of Goal 3.
This study adopted face-to-face interviews to collect data in Lagos and Benin City, Nigeria. The researchers engaged 40 participants and achieved saturation at the 35th participant. The researchers manually analysed the collected data and reported the findings using the thematic approach.
Results showed low enrolment of informal sector construction artisans into micro health insurance schemes and identified the contributory factors. This includes poor awareness and poor funding of micro health insurance schemes, lax expertise and understanding of the micro insurance market space, extreme poverty, poor medical services, uneducated clients/customers/consumers, etc.
As part of the study’s implications, it recommends that the government invest more in social health for the informal sector’s low-income earners to enhance accomplishing universal health coverage and, by extension, improve achieving Goal 3. This study may stir policymakers to call for a review of the National Health Insurance Authority Act 2022 with implementable and enforceable clauses to reduce uninsured informal sector construction artisans.
Samuel Wayne Appleton and Christodoulos Pavlou
The purpose of this research is to develop theory, thereby attending to the existing knowledge gap regarding the impact of family firms on entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs)…
The purpose of this research is to develop theory, thereby attending to the existing knowledge gap regarding the impact of family firms on entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs). Reducing such a gap is both timely and relevant given the ubiquity of family firms across the globe and the lack of theoretical development at the intersection of EE and family firm literatures. By employing social capital theory in a propositional theorizing approach, this article presents unique propositions that enrich current understanding of the EE phenomenon.
Our method adopts a three-step propositional theorizing approach. The first step outlines our conceptualization, drawing on social capital theory and identifying multiple levels of analysis pertaining to EEs and family firms. The second step precisely identifies the constructs used for the theorization process, drawing upon relevant literature. The third step involves proposition building, which produces our findings.
As a result of our propositional theorizing method, we developed 10 theoretical propositions to explain interactions between family members, nonfamily entrepreneurs, family firms and new ventures in the EE, thereby focusing on the social elements of the EE and reducing its conceptual complexity while extending the explanatory power of family social capital in the EE.
Research limitations/implications
Despite being increasingly relevant in research, policy and practice discourse, EEs remain under theorized. By theorizing in this context, we provide explanations of the mechanisms to explain social interactions between family members, nonfamily entrepreneurs, family firms and new ventures and how such interactions are likely to provide better access to the untapped resources in the EE. Furthermore, our theorization also identifies underexplored research areas paving the way for future scholars.
Practical implications
This article is relevant to practitioners and policymakers interested in creating balanced, inclusive and effective EE policies and interventions. Our theorization generates insights that complement a bottom-up approach where the state assumes a facilitating role for actors such as family firms to positively impact their EE. This research is both timely and necessary because, if unaddressed, it will lead to ineffective and potentially exclusionary policies and EE interventions.
We contribute to the literature by synthesizing the two domains and thereby advancing knowledge at the intersection of EE and family firm literatures. We strengthen the link between two burgeoning research areas through a propositional theorizing mode of theory development. Under the assumptions of a grand theory, social capital theory, we highlight the benefits that derive from social interactions in the EE between family firms and other EE actors.
Sylvia Novillo-Villegas, Wendy Anzules-Falcones and Juan Ignacio Martin-Castilla
This study aims to explore the relationship between the innovation capacity and performance of manufacturing firms in the Ecuadorian pharmaceutical and chemical sectors using…
This study aims to explore the relationship between the innovation capacity and performance of manufacturing firms in the Ecuadorian pharmaceutical and chemical sectors using strategic foresight analysis.
From an extensive literature review, the fundamental variables related to manufacturing firms’ innovation for better performance were identified. Six hypotheses and actions were proposed related to financing, economic resources, capacities and research and development. Several scenarios were tested through foresight methodology to determine the more appropriate to be implemented by manufacturing firms over the next five years.
Scenario 01, where all the hypotheses resulted positive, has a 15.3% probability of occurrence. The results offer a relevant understanding of the behavior of the variables proposed as strategic actions for the sector.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, foresight methodology is applied for the first time to analyze the manufacturing sector in Ecuador. The authors propose a plan of action from the strategic scenario identified in this study, supporting the development of the industrial sectors under study.
Edmundo Inacio Junior, Eduardo Avancci Dionisio and Fernando Antonio Padro Gimenez
This study aims to identify necessary conditions for innovative entrepreneurship in cities and determine similarities in entrepreneurial configurations among them.
This study aims to identify necessary conditions for innovative entrepreneurship in cities and determine similarities in entrepreneurial configurations among them.
The authors assessed the necessary conditions for various levels of entrepreneurial output and categorized cities based on similar patterns by applying necessary condition analysis (NCA) and cluster analysis in a sample comprised of 101 cities from the entrepreneurial cities index, representing a diverse range of urban environments in Brazil. A comprehensive data set, including both traditional indicators from official Bureau of statistics and nontraditional indicators from new platforms of science, technology and innovation intelligence, was compiled for analysis.
Bureaucratic complexity, urban conditions, transport infrastructure, economic development, access to financial capital, secondary education, entrepreneurial intention, support organizations and innovation inputs were identified as necessary for innovative entrepreneurship. Varying levels of these conditions were found to be required for different entrepreneurial outputs.
Research limitations/implications
The static nature of the data limits understanding of dynamic interactions among dimensions and their impact on entrepreneurial city performance.
Practical implications
Policymakers can use the findings to craft tailored support policies, leveraging the relationship between city-level taxonomy and direct outputs of innovative entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs).
Social implications
The taxonomy and nontraditional indicators sheds light on the broader societal benefits of vibrant EEs, emphasizing their role in driving socioeconomic development.
The cluster analysis combined with NCA’s bottleneck analysis is an original endeavor which made it possible to identify performance benchmarks for Brazilian cities, according to common characteristics, as well as the required levels of each condition by each city group to achieve innovative entrepreneurial outputs.