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Publication date: 28 November 2023

Alice J.M. Tan, Shujuan Xiao, Katie Kaiqi Jiang and Zitong Chen

This study aims to examine the relationship between employees’ psychological contract breach and two types of voice behavior based on the social exchange theory. Additionally, the…



This study aims to examine the relationship between employees’ psychological contract breach and two types of voice behavior based on the social exchange theory. Additionally, the study explores the role of globally responsible business leadership in buffering the negative impacts of psychological contract breach on voice.


Survey data was collected from Chinese full-time employees and the final sample size is 337. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses.


Findings indicate that psychological contract breach (PCB) has a positive and significant impact on employee aggressive voice behavior (AVB), while its relationship with constructive voice behavior (CVB) is not significant. Furthermore, globally responsible business leadership (GRBL) weakens the negative relationship between PCB and CVB, while strengthens the positive relationship between PCB and AVB.

Practical implications

The findings assist organizations in better recognizing the detrimental consequences of psychological contract breach. Second, the findings serve as a reminder to managers of the benefits of displaying globally responsible business leadership. Third, managers should recognize the complexities of globally responsible business leadership.


First, this study sheds new light on the impact of PCB on employees’ desirable and undesirable proactive behaviors by investigating how and when psychological contract breach affects two types of voice behavior. Second, the moderating role of GRBL further enriches our understanding of how to buffer negative effects of PCB and the desirable function of GRBL. Third, this study enriches the social exchange theory by investigating whether the leader−employee relationship will compensate for the failure of organization−employee relationship.

Publication date: 25 October 2024

Luning Zang, Wenxiao Xiong, Yuying Liu and Ting Dai

To investigate the impact of cognition, emotion and other factors on positive customer engagement behaviors and to identify the differential formation processes and dynamic…



To investigate the impact of cognition, emotion and other factors on positive customer engagement behaviors and to identify the differential formation processes and dynamic changes in these behaviors.


We used cognitive appraisals and coping theory as well as justice theory, to analyze comment data from the Xiaomi Community with natural language processing and binary logistic regression.


Our results indicate that cognition and emotion are unnecessary for positive customer engagement. Users expressing different cognitions and emotions exhibit varied positive engagement behaviors. The behavioral dimension was the most frequently combined, followed by the affective and cognitive dimensions. Managers should adopt material or spiritual incentives to encourage users with positive emotions and cognition to become loyal. Additionally, addressing comments with distributive justice cognition can promote positive customer engagement.


This study clarifies the complex interplay between cognition, emotion and customer engagement behaviors, providing actionable insights for brand managers to foster customer loyalty and positive customer engagement.


Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-5855


Publication date: 22 January 2024

Jieyu Wang and Taiwen Feng

This study aims to investigate how relationship conflict (RC) hinders green customer integration (GCI) and which strategy could be developed to alleviate the negative effect of RC.



This study aims to investigate how relationship conflict (RC) hinders green customer integration (GCI) and which strategy could be developed to alleviate the negative effect of RC.


The authors use a sample of 206 Chinese firms to examine hypothesized relationships drawing on social exchange theory and buyer-supplier relationship perspective. Methods including exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis are used to assess reliability and validity. Hypotheses are tested using hierarchical regression analysis. Post hoc analysis is adopted to evaluate the robustness.


The results show that RC negatively relates to GCI. Normative commitment partially mediates the relationship between RC and GCI, while the mediating role of instrumental commitment is insignificant. In addition, coercive influence strategy positively moderates the RC-normative commitment and RC-GCI relationships.

Research limitations/implications

While this study clarifies the mechanism of how RC impedes GCI and how to address RC in buyer-supplier relationships, it could be more meaningful to extend the current research and figure out how to address RC in different supply chain relationships. Besides, it will make sense to conduct longitudinal studies and explore the dynamic nature of RC in supply chain relationships.

Practical implications

In practice, firms find it challenging to achieve GCI owing to the ubiquitous existence of RC. The findings reveal that RC detriments GCI partially through normative commitment, and the use of coercive influence strategy mitigates the detriments of RC. Thus, the authors provide solutions for firms to address RC for achieving GCI.


RC is unavoidable in organizational interactions. Prior studies have not revealed the processes through which RC relates to GCI. The authors bridge the gap by exploring the mediating role of organizational commitment and the moderating role of influence strategy, which offers a better understanding of how RC is associated with GCI, and add knowledge of addressing RC for achieving GCI.


International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 35 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1044-4068


Publication date: 12 April 2024

Fu Yang and Mengqian Lu

Drawing on conservation of resources theory, this study aims to develop a resource-based model depicting a decreased level of psychological resourcefulness – relational energy, as…



Drawing on conservation of resources theory, this study aims to develop a resource-based model depicting a decreased level of psychological resourcefulness – relational energy, as a novel explanatory mechanism that accounts for the harm of abusive supervision, and we further investigate the role of leader humor as a boundary condition.


We applied multilevel path analysis to test our hypotheses with three-time-point survey data collected from 226 supervisor-employee dyads in a telecommunication company in China across six months.


Our results show that abusive supervision is negatively related to employee relational energy, leading to a subsequent decline in employee job performance. The predictions of the depleting effects get alleviated by leader humor.

Practical implications

This study foregrounds the importance of employee relationship management in the workplace and reveals that some abusive supervisors may manage to sustain employee performance and relational energy by using humor in their interactions, which necessitates immediate intervention.


These findings offer novel insights into the deleterious impact of abusive supervision by demonstrating the critical role of relational energy in dyadic interactions. We also reveal the potential dark side of leader humor in the context of abuse in the workplace.


Personnel Review, vol. 53 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0048-3486


Publication date: 30 September 2024

Mohammad Yavari, Mohammad Mousavi-Saleh and Armin Jabbarzadeh

A multi-objective mixed-integer linear program (MILP) model is developed to address this problem. The primary objective is to minimize the total restructuring cost, while the…




A multi-objective mixed-integer linear program (MILP) model is developed to address this problem. The primary objective is to minimize the total restructuring cost, while the secondary objective aims to enhance the customer service level. To tackle the NP-hard nature of the problem, the non-dominated sorted genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) and a hybrid NSGA-II with the ɛ-constraint method are employed. The hybrid method combines the strengths of the ɛ-constraint method with NSGA-II. Various performance metrics, including the number of Pareto solutions (NPS), normalized set coverage and spacing metrics, are utilized to compare the characteristics of the non-dominated fronts obtained by NSGA-II and the hybrid methods.


The Restructuring Facility Location Problem involves the closure, resizing or opening of a group of facilities and the assignment of customers to these selected facilities. The objective is to provide the required service to customers while minimizing the overall restructuring costs. This paper introduces a novel multi-objective model for hierarchical facilities called the Multi-Objective Restructuring Hierarchical Facility Location Problem (MO-RHFLP). The model specifically includes primary- and secondary-level facilities, with the primary facility offering broad coverage. In MO-RHFLP, customers within the coverage range of the primary facility can receive service from there.


The results demonstrate that the NSGA-II-based method performs well in terms of normalized set coverage and spacing metrics. However, the hybrid method outperforms NSGA-II in these aspects. Additionally, the hybrid method achieves a mutation in the NPS metric.


The present study, from three perspectives, has continued the way of the previous studies in restructuring channels. First, the multi-objective problem of restructuring the bi-level network executed in this study contains both levels of the network opening, closing and resizing. Taking a different perspective, the MO-RHFLP problem is introduced through the formulation of a multi-objective MILP model. This model serves as a framework for addressing the MO-RHFLP. By developing the hybrid ɛ-constraint method with NSGA-II, we solve the proposed problem.


Journal of Advances in Management Research, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0972-7981


Publication date: 24 May 2023

Hadi Hussain, Jun Wen, Renai Jiang, Junaid Waheed, Waheed Ali and Nadeem Akhtar Khan

In light of the shift in focus from information communication technology (ICT) access (access divide) and skills (skills divide) to the tangible impacts of ICT use (impact…



In light of the shift in focus from information communication technology (ICT) access (access divide) and skills (skills divide) to the tangible impacts of ICT use (impact divide), a growing number of scholars have called for further investigation into the inter-territorial and multi-dimensional aspects of the digital divide in China. This study aims to address these gaps by examining the disparities across 31 provinces, particularly emphasizing the transition from the traditional access and skills divides to the impact divide.


Multivariate regression analysis extensively investigates the transition from the access and skills divides to the impact divide across 31 provinces. Additionally, ArcGIS software is used to analyze spatial agglomeration and the auto-correlation (Moran-i) and predict mapping patterns in the data corresponding to all three levels of the digital divide.


According to the study's findings, poverty is a significant factor in the digital divide between different regions in China. The research shows that provinces with advanced administrative systems, such as Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu, Shandon and Zhejiang, have high scores on the digital development index (DDI). However, regions with poverty-ridden and rural areas, primarily located in southwest, central and western China, tend to have lower DDI scores.


This study offers a novel contribution to the literature by presenting an innovative conceptual framework that explores the impact divide within China's provinces. The authors also address this lacuna in the literature by developing and testing two dimensions to examine the relationships statistically under a wide range of socioeconomic and ICT indicators.


Library Hi Tech, vol. 42 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0737-8831


Open Access
Publication date: 8 February 2024

Ana Isabel Lopes, Edward C. Malthouse, Nathalie Dens and Patrick De Pelsmacker

Engaging in webcare, i.e. responding to online reviews, can positively affect consumer attitudes, intentions and behavior. Research is often scarce or inconsistent regarding the…




Engaging in webcare, i.e. responding to online reviews, can positively affect consumer attitudes, intentions and behavior. Research is often scarce or inconsistent regarding the effects of specific webcare strategies on business performance. Therefore, this study tests whether and how several webcare strategies affect hotel bookings.


We apply machine learning classifiers to secondary data (webcare messages) to classify webcare variables to be included in a regression analysis looking at the effect of these strategies on hotel bookings while controlling for possible confounds such as seasonality and hotel-specific effects.


The strategies that have a positive effect on bookings are directing reviewers to a private channel, being defensive, offering compensation and having managers sign the response. Webcare strategies to be avoided are apologies, merely asking for more information, inviting customers for another visit and adding informal non-verbal cues. Strategies that do not appear to affect future bookings are expressing gratitude, personalizing and having staff members (rather than managers) sign webcare.

Practical implications

These findings help managers optimize their webcare strategy for better business results and develop automated webcare.


We look into several commonly used and studied webcare strategies that affect actual business outcomes, being that most previous research studies are experimental or look into a very limited set of strategies.


Journal of Service Management, vol. 35 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-5818


Publication date: 23 October 2024

Xiang Gong, Yi Yang and Wei Wu

Social group system and social tagging system, which leverage the psychological mechanisms underlying group influence and social tags to drive consumer behaviors, have been…



Social group system and social tagging system, which leverage the psychological mechanisms underlying group influence and social tags to drive consumer behaviors, have been prevalent in the social commerce platform. However, limited studies have examined how the affordances of social group system and social tagging system influence consumers’ social shopping behavior. The purpose of this study is to examine the formation of social shopping behavior in the social commerce platform.


Combining affordance theory with dual-congruity theory, we develop a model to examine how the affordances of social group system and social tagging system influence consumers’ social shopping behavior through the underlying self-congruity and functional-congruity processes. We empirically validate the research model using a multimethod approach, including an instrument development study and a field survey study.


Our empirical findings show that social support positively influences relational identity, while it has a nonsignificant effect on social identity. Social interactivity positively influences relational identity and social identity. Furthermore, social tagging quality and social endorser credibility positively affect perceived diagnosticity and perceived serendipity. Finally, relational identity, social identity, perceived diagnosticity and perceived serendipity collectively determine consumers’ social shopping intention.


This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of social shopping in social commerce and offers practical implications for designing an effective social group system and social tagging system to boost product sales.


Information Technology & People, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0959-3845


Publication date: 8 October 2024

Zhang Bolun, Zhou Yan and Jiang Minghui

This study aimed to verify the impact of e-commerce live streaming interactivity on consumer engagement behavior. Specifically, the multiple dimensions of interactivity and tie…



This study aimed to verify the impact of e-commerce live streaming interactivity on consumer engagement behavior. Specifically, the multiple dimensions of interactivity and tie strength together form a high-level consumer engagement behavior.


Data collection was carried out in the form of a questionnaire survey. Data from 416 respondents were analyzed by structural, followed by further test by fsQCA method.


Perceived controllability, perceived responsiveness and perceived mutuality positively influence tie strength, and tie strength promotes consumer engagement behavior. Moreover, we found a configuration effect between interactivity and tie strength and revealed four configurations that can affect high-level engagement behavior.

Research limitations/implications

First, the SEM results show that the three dimensions of perceived interactivity positively impact tie strength: perceived controllability, perceived responsiveness, and perceived mutuality. And perceived personalization has no positive impact on tie strength. Second, the relevant results show that tie strength positively impacts consumer engagement behavior. Third, we find that the relationship between perceived interactivity and consumer engagement behavior may not be asymmetric, so the alternative combination of causal conditions may produce the same results. The fsQCA results revealed four configurations that can affect the level of consumer engagement behavior. And tie strength is the core condition.

Practical implications

This study provides specific solutions for e-retailers and live streaming platforms to promote consumers' participation in engagement behavior in e-commerce live streaming.


This study transforms the linear impact of interactivity on consumer engagement behavior into a configuration effect for the first time, and enriches the live streaming commerce and consumer engagement behavior literature.


Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-5855


Publication date: 21 May 2024

Lin-yang Yue and Wei-de Huang

This paper aims to reveal the curvilinear relationships between perceived development human resource practices (DHRPs) and both affective commitment and work stress, and the…



This paper aims to reveal the curvilinear relationships between perceived development human resource practices (DHRPs) and both affective commitment and work stress, and the moderating effects of age on the curvilinear relationships.


Hypotheses were developed from an employee-oriented contingent view based on the person-job fit theory and lifespan development theories. Methods suggested by Haans et al. (2016) and Dawson (2014) to test curvilinear relationships and related moderations, and a two-wave survey data from 742 Chinese employees were used.


The results showed that perceived DHRPs related to affective commitment in an inverted U shape and work stress in a U shape. However, age moderated the nature of the relationships such that both the curvilinear relationships only existed under low age while under high age perceived DHRPs related to affective commitment positively and work stress negatively.


This study advances the prevailing linear (positive or negative) thinking on the DHRPs–outcomes relationships by showing that perceived DHRPs relate to both affective commitment and work stress nonlinearly. Moreover, different from existing findings that age moderates the strength of the linear DHRPs–outcomes relationships, the results indicate that age moderates the nature of the relationships between perceived DHRPs and affective commitment and work stress. This implies a refined age-differential approach to use DHRPs to sustain a committed and healthy workforce in the context of workforce aging.


Personnel Review, vol. 53 no. 8
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0048-3486


1 – 10 of 226