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Publication date: 5 March 2025

Mariana Barresi

This study aims to examine the relationship between communication satisfaction experienced by employees in two leading multinational retailers operating in Argentina and their…



This study aims to examine the relationship between communication satisfaction experienced by employees in two leading multinational retailers operating in Argentina and their organizational commitment. Specifically, it identifies which communication approaches best explain or predict employees’ affective and continuance commitment to their organization.


The research model combines an adapted and translated version of Downs and Hazen’s communication satisfaction questionnaire as the independent variable and the affective and continuous components of organizational commitment based on Meyer and Allen´s three-component model as the dependent variables. This empirical and causal study surveyed 372 store employees from a French and a Spanish international supermarket chains in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires.


The results indicate that formal communication management has the greatest impact on affective commitment (AC), while communication with supervisors is also significant, albeit to a lesser extent. Furthermore, these insights reveal that improving formal communication practices is a key resource for managers seeking to influence store employees’ AC in Argentina’s dynamic and challenging retail landscape.


This pioneering study fills a knowledge gap in organizational communication literature, offering valuable region-specific insights to improve communication satisfaction and commitment among Latin America retail store employees, thereby informing evidence-based management practices.


Esta investigación examina la relación entre la satisfacción con la comunicación que experimentan los empleados de dos cadenas de supermercados internacionales líderes, en Argentina, y su compromiso organizacional. Específicamente, identifica qué enfoques de comunicación explican o predicen mejor el compromiso afectivo y continuo de los empleados hacia su organización.


El modelo de investigación combina una versión adaptada y traducida del cuestionario de satisfacción con la comunicación, de Downs y Hazen como variable independiente y los componentes afectivo y continuo del compromiso organizacional, basado en el modelo de tres componentes de Meyer y Allen, como variables dependientes. El estudio empírico y causal obtuvo respuestas de 372 empleados de tiendas de dos cadenas multinacionales una de origen francés y otra española, ubicadas en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires.


Los resultados indican que la gestión formal de la comunicación es la que tiene el mayor impacto sobre el compromiso afectivo (CA), mientras que la comunicación con los jefes directos también resultó significativa, aunque en menor medida. Los resultados también revelan que mejorar las prácticas de comunicación formal es uno de los recursos clave a disposición de los directivos para influir en el CA de los empleados de tienda en el desafiante y dinámico contexto de negocio minorista en Argentina.


Este estudio representa un esfuerzo pionero que llena un vacío en la literatura organizacional, ofreciendo enfoques prácticos para desarrollar la satisfacción con la comunicación y el compromiso entre los empleados de tienda de la región, sentando las bases para futuras investigaciones sobre prácticas de gestión efectivas en Latino América.


Esta investigação examina a relação entre a satisfação com a comunicação percebida pelos empregados de duas cadeias de supermercados internacionais líderes na Argentina e o seu comprometimento organizacional. Especificamente, identifica quais as abordagens de comunicação que melhor explicam ou prevêem o comprometimento afetivo e de continuidade dos empregados com a sua organização.


O modelo de investigação combina uma versão adaptada e traduzida do questionário de satisfação com a comunicação de Downs e Hazen como variável independente e os componentes afetivo e contínuo do comprometimento organizacional, baseado no modelo de três componentes de Meyer e Allen, como variáveis dependentes. O estudo empírico e causal obteve respostas de 372 funcionários de lojas de duas cadeias multinacionais, uma de origem francesa e outra espanhola, localizadas na área metropolitana de Buenos Aires.


Os resultados sugerem que a gestão de comunicação é a que tem o maior impacto sobre o comprometimento afetivo (CA), enquanto a comunicação com os chefes diretos também se revelou significativa, embora em menor medida. Revela também que a melhoria das práticas de comunicação formal é crucial para os gestores que pretendem influenciar o CA dos empregados das lojas no dinâmico e desafiante panorama do retalho argentino.


Este estudo representa um esforço pioneiro que preenche uma lacuna na literatura organizacional, oferecendo abordagens práticas para desenvolver a satisfação com a comunicação e o comprometimento entre os funcionários de lojas da região, lançando as bases para futuras pesquisas sobre práticas de gestão eficazes na América Latina.

Publication date: 30 September 2024

G.R. Swathi and V.R. Uma

This research aims to identify the factors that influence the investment intention of retail investors in Indian REITs. The study incorporates the theory of planned behavior and…



This research aims to identify the factors that influence the investment intention of retail investors in Indian REITs. The study incorporates the theory of planned behavior and innovation diffusion theory as the research framework, with perceived risk and mass media influence as additional constructs.


Primary data were collected using self-administered questionnaires from 534 potential investors in India. The data were analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling.


The study showed that factors such as relative advantage, compatibility, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and mass media significantly and positively influence investment intention in Indian REITs. However, perceived risk was found to have a negative and significant influence, while complexity did not affect investment intention.


This is the first quantitative investigation into determining the factors influencing the investment intention of Indian retail investors on Indian REITs.


Managerial Finance, vol. 51 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0307-4358


Publication date: 31 July 2024

Bárbara de Oliveira Vieira and Patricia Guarnieri

This study aims to analyse the publication stage on the transition to a circular economy (CE) from the perspective of the isomorphic mechanisms of the new institutional theory…



This study aims to analyse the publication stage on the transition to a circular economy (CE) from the perspective of the isomorphic mechanisms of the new institutional theory (NIT).


The authors conducted a systematic literature review using the Methodi Ordinatio protocol across four databases, resulting in the analysis of 17 articles.


The authors identified a network of CE studies among universities in different countries. As a main result, this study contributed to demonstrating the diversity of approaches available to investigate CE, the importance of stakeholders in the process of transition from linear economy to CE and the means for the transition to CE, as well as the need for future studies covering the detailed analysis of the transition process and the comparison of the evolution of the states/regions of the same country in this process.


The study analyses and summarises the existing literature on CE through the lens of the NIT, analysing the stage of publication based on the phases of implementation of CE (micro, meso and macro). With a research agenda, it presents the current gaps, providing a possible direction for future studies.


El estudio pretende analizar el estado de las publicaciones sobre la transición a una Economía Circular (EC) desde la perspectiva de los mecanismos isomórficos de la Nueva Teoría Institucional (NTI).


Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura utilizando el protocolo Methodi Ordinatio en cuatro bases de datos, dando como resultado 17 artículos analizados.


Identificamos una red de estudios de CE entre universidades de diferentes países. Como resultado principal, este estudio contribuyó a demostrar la diversidad de enfoques disponibles para investigar la EC, la importancia de las partes interesadas en el proceso de transición de la economía lineal a la EC y los medios para la transición a la EC, así como la necesidad de realizar nuevos estudios para el análisis detallado del proceso de transición y para la comparación de la evolución de los estados de un mismo país en este proceso.


El artículo analiza y resume la literatura existente sobre EC a través de la lente de la teoría institucional, analizando la etapa de publicación basado en las fases de implementación de EC (micro, meso y macro). Con una agenda de investigación, presenta las lagunas actuales, proporcionando una posible dirección para futuros estudios.


O estudo tem como objetivo analisar o estágio das publicações sobre a transição para uma Economia Circular (EC) sob a perspectiva dos mecanismos isomórficos da Nova Teoria Institucional (NTI).


Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura usando o protocolo Methodi Ordinatio em quatro bases de dados, resultando em 17 artigos analisados.


Identificamos uma rede de estudos de EC entre universidades de diferentes países. Como principal resultado, este estudo contribuiu para demonstrar a diversidade de abordagens disponíveis para investigar a EC, a importância das partes interessadas no processo de transição da economia linear para a EC e os meios para a transição para a EC, bem como a necessidade de realizar novos estudos para a análise detalhada do processo de transição e para a comparação da evolução dos estados de um mesmo país nesse processo.


O artigo analisa e resume a literatura existente sobre EC sob as lentes da teoria institucional, analisando o estágio da publicação com base nas fases de implementação da EC (micro, meso e macro). Com uma agenda de pesquisa apresenta as lacunas atuais, possibilitando possível direção para estudos futuros.


Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, vol. 23 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1536-5433


Content available
Book part
Publication date: 6 March 2025



Financial Landscape Transformation: Technological Disruptions
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83753-751-8

Publication date: 14 February 2025

Irune Gómez Pescador and Paula Arzadun

The purpose of this paper is to examine the overall state and trends of the SDGs concerning business model backgrounds. Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable…



The purpose of this paper is to examine the overall state and trends of the SDGs concerning business model backgrounds. Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations in 2015, encompassing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there has been a substantial increase in publications highlighting the contributions of the SDGs. Recent research underscores the pivotal role of business models and management frameworks in advancing the SDGs. However, key information, such as theoretical approaches, the most influential authors, journals, articles, and keywords, has yet to be fully determined. To address this gap, a comprehensive analysis was conducted on 167 high-impact articles in the relevant field.


This study uses a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative bibliometric analysis (performance analysis and science mapping) with qualitative content analysis.


Bibliographic coupling analysis has illuminated the intellectual structure of the literature connecting SDGs and business models, revealing six primary clusters: frameworks, management systems and reporting tools; sustainable business models (SBMs); circular business models; stakeholder and community involvement, industrial ecology and consumption; inclusive and responsible innovation; and sharing and collaborative economy business models. For Ibero-America, these findings highlight both opportunities and challenges. While there is notable progress in advancing SBMs, the analysis also points to a lack of interlinkages between countries, suggesting potential barriers to knowledge exchange and collaborative innovation within the region.

Research limitations/implications

For Iberoamerica, these findings highlight both opportunities and challenges. While there is notable progress in advancing SBMs, the analysis also points to a lack of interlinkages between countries, suggesting potential barriers to knowledge exchange and collaborative innovation within the region.

Practical implications

The practical implications of this research are manifold. The identification of prolific authors such as Di Vaio, Palladino and Hassan, and leading journals such as Sustainability andJournal of Cleaner Production, underscores the importance of these sources for practitioners seeking to understand the intersection of SDGs and business models. The prominence of Spain and Italy, along with key institutions such as the University of Naples Parthenope and the Polytechnic University of Madrid, highlights regions and organizations that are at the forefront of this research. Practitioners can look to these sources for insights into effective strategies and frameworks for integrating SDGs into business practices. The prominence of certain clusters, such as SBMs and circular economy, suggests areas where businesses can focus their efforts to align with sustainable practices and leverage innovations in the field.


This study offers valuable insights into the evolving relationship between business models and the achievement of SDGs and proposes a novel research agenda for exploring this dynamic in Iberoamerica.


Desde la adopción de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible por las Naciones Unidas en 2015, que incluye los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), ha habido un aumento significativo en las publicaciones que destacan las contribuciones de los ODS. La investigación reciente subraya el papel fundamental de los modelos de negocio y de gestión en el avance de los ODS. Sin embargo, el estado de situación y las tendencias sobre los ODS en relación con los modelos de negocio siguen siendo inciertos, y aún no se ha determinado información crucial como los autores, revistas, artículos, palabras clave y enfoques teóricos más influyentes. Para abordar esta brecha, se realizó un análisis exhaustivo de 167 artículos de alto impacto en el campo relevante.

Diseño/metodología/enfoque metodológico

Este estudio emplea un enfoque de métodos mixtos, combinando análisis bibliométrico cuantitativo (análisis de rendimiento y mapeo científico) con análisis cualitativo de contenido.


El análisis de acoplamiento bibliográfico permitió descubrir la estructura intelectual de la literatura que conecta los ODS y los modelos de negocio, revelando seis grupos principales: (1) Esquemas y modelos de gestión, y herramientas de informes; (2) Modelos de negocio sostenibles; (3) Modelos de negocio circulares, (4) Participación de los grupos de interés y de la comunidad, ecología industrial y consumo, (5) Innovación inclusiva y responsable, (6) Modelos de negocio de economía colaborativa.

Para Iberoamérica, estos hallazgos destacan tanto oportunidades como desafíos. Aunque hay un progreso notable en el avance de los modelos de negocio sostenibles, el análisis también señala la falta de interconexiones entre los países, sugiriendo barreras potenciales para el intercambio de conocimientos y la innovación colaborativa en la región.


Este estudio ofrece valiosas perspectivas sobre la relación evolutiva entre los modelos de negocio y el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), y propone una nueva agenda de investigación para explorar esta dinámica en Iberoamérica.


Desde a adoção da Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável pelas Nações Unidas em 2015, que engloba os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), houve um aumento substancial nas publicações destacando as contribuições dos ODS. Pesquisas recentes enfatizam o papel fundamental dos modelos de negócios e dos marcos de gestão no avanço dos ODS. No entanto, o estado geral e as tendências dos ODS em relação aos modelos de negócios ainda são incertos, e informações cruciais, como os autores mais influentes, revistas, artigos, palavras-chave e abordagens teóricas, ainda precisam ser determinadas. Para preencher essa lacuna, foi realizada uma análise abrangente de 167 artigos de alto impacto na área relevante.


Este estudo utiliza uma abordagem de métodos mistos, combinando análise bibliométrica quantitativa (análise de desempenho e mapeamento científico) com análise qualitativa de conteúdo.


A análise de acoplamento bibliográfico iluminou a estrutura intelectual da literatura que conecta os ODS aos modelos de negócios, revelando seis clusters principais: (1) Marcos, sistemas de gestão e ferramentas de relatórios; (2) Modelos de negócios sustentáveis; (3) Modelos de negócios circulares; (4) Envolvimento das partes interessadas e da comunidade, ecologia industrial e consumo; (5) Inovação inclusiva e responsável; (6) Modelos de negócios de economia colaborativa e compartilhada

Para a Ibero-América, esses achados destacam tanto oportunidades quanto desafios. Embora haja um progresso notável no avanço dos modelos de negócios sustentáveis, a análise também aponta para a falta de interconexões entre os países, sugerindo barreiras potenciais para o intercâmbio de conhecimento e inovação colaborativa na região.


Este estudo oferece insights valiosos sobre a relação evolutiva entre os modelos de negócios e a conquista dos ODS, propondo uma nova agenda de pesquisa para explorar essa dinâmica na Ibero-América.

Content available
Book part
Publication date: 14 February 2025



Business Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Industry 5.0
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-1-83549-676-3

Publication date: 5 July 2023

Manoj Kumar Kamila and Sahil Singh Jasrotia

This study aims to analyse the ethical implications associated with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and to examine the potential ethical ramifications…




This study aims to analyse the ethical implications associated with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and to examine the potential ethical ramifications of AI technologies.


This study undertakes a thorough examination of existing academic literature pertaining to the ethical considerations surrounding AI. Additionally, it conducts in-depth interviews with individuals to explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI technology operating as autonomous ethical agents. A total of 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the data were transcribed using grounded theory methodology.


The study asserts the importance of fostering an ethical environment in the progress of AI and suggests potential avenues for further investigation in the field of AI ethics. The study finds privacy and security, bias and fairness, trust and reliability, transparency and human–AI interactions as major ethical concerns.

Research limitations/implications

The implications of the study are far-reaching and span across various domains, including policy development, design of AI systems, establishment of trust, education and training, public awareness and further research. Notwithstanding the potential biases inherent in purposive sampling, the constantly evolving landscape of AI ethics and the challenge of extrapolating findings to all AI applications and contexts, limitations may still manifest.


The novelty of the study is attributed to its comprehensive methodology, which encompasses a wide range of stakeholder perspectives on the ethical implications of AI in the corporate sector. The ultimate goal is to promote the development of AI systems that exhibit responsibility, transparency and accountability.


International Journal of Ethics and Systems, vol. 41 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2514-9369


Publication date: 5 March 2025

Zaid Jaradat, Ahmad Mtair Al-Hawamleh, Mohannad Al Shbail and Allam Hamdan

In line with the noticeable trend toward automation in internal audit functions, and considering Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which prioritizes technological innovation, the…



In line with the noticeable trend toward automation in internal audit functions, and considering Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which prioritizes technological innovation, the purpose of this study is to explore the adoption of robotic process automation (RPA) within the KSA’s various sectors of internal auditing domain, with a particular emphasis on understanding the challenges and evaluating the impact on audit efficiency.


Using a quantitative research design, this study uses a bootstrapping approach and partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to meticulously analyze data collected from 138 certified internal auditors around KSA.


This study reveals associations between the regulatory environment, data security, vendor reputation, intention to adopt RPA and internal audit efficiency.

Practical implications

The study findings offer valuable insights for auditors, policymakers and industry practitioners involved in RPA adoption initiatives. The organizations can use these results to develop informed strategies for navigating the challenges and maximizing the benefits of RPA implementation in internal audit functions.


This study contributes significantly to the existing literature by delving into the adoption of RPA, with a particular emphasis on understanding the challenges and evaluating the impact on audit efficiency, specifically in the context of KSA – an area that has not been extensively studied.


Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2053-4620


Publication date: 15 November 2024

Olfa Belhassine and Montassar Riahi

This study aims to evaluate the safe haven property of several assets against the US and European stock markets during the Russo-Ukrainian War in a time–frequency framework.



This study aims to evaluate the safe haven property of several assets against the US and European stock markets during the Russo-Ukrainian War in a time–frequency framework.


This study uses the wavelet-based dynamic conditional correlation-generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (DCC-GARCH) methodology and wavelet coherence on daily returns for the S&P500, STOXX600 and 13 possible save haven assets.


The results show that wheat and corn are the best assets to use as hedges and safe havens for all types of investors. The second-ranked are energy commodities, which are hedges and safe havens for long-term investors. Gold, silver and palladium display hedging and safe haven qualities for medium- and long-term investment. However, cryptocurrencies, the Dow Jones sustainability index and Islamic indices do not act as safe havens for most holding periods.

Practical implications

These findings have significant implications for portfolio investment strategies in times of geopolitical risks.


The contributions of this study are twofold. First, several assets from different classes were analyzed as possible candidates for safe havens. Second, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to analyze safe haven property through different investment horizons for the US and the European stock market indices during the Russo-Ukrainian War.


Studies in Economics and Finance, vol. 42 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1086-7376


Publication date: 30 July 2024

Hadil Hnainia and Sami Mensi

This research investigates the complex relationship between economic policy uncertainty (EPU), energy consumption and institutional factors in the Gulf region. The purpose of this…



This research investigates the complex relationship between economic policy uncertainty (EPU), energy consumption and institutional factors in the Gulf region. The purpose of this study is to examine how institutional factors moderate the impact of EPU on energy consumption in Gulf countries.


This paper uses the dynamic panel autoregressive distributed lag (PARDL) method, over a period stretching from 1996 to 2021 in the Gulf countries.


The results show that, only in the long term, EPU has a positive and significant impact on energy consumption, suggesting that increased EPU leads to increased energy use. Furthermore, this study found that, only in the long term, government effectiveness and regulatory quality have positive and significant effect on energy consumption. Accordingly, the two institutional factors play a moderating role in the EPU−energy consumption nexus.

Research limitations/implications

This study highlights the importance of considering the time dimension when formulating energy and economic policies in Gulf countries. Policymakers should take into consideration the nature of these relationships to make informed decisions that promote energy efficiency and economic stability in the region.


To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study examining the relationship between EPU and energy consumption in the Gulf countries while incorporating the role of institutional factors as potential mediators.


Journal of Financial Economic Policy, vol. 17 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1757-6385


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