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Publication date: 2 October 2024

Meiwei Koay, Hui Yin Fan and Clemente Michael Vui Ling Wong

Malaysian rice wines (tapai) manufactured in small-scale industries are usually formulated based on personal experiences under minimally controlled conditions for generations…



Malaysian rice wines (tapai) manufactured in small-scale industries are usually formulated based on personal experiences under minimally controlled conditions for generations, especially in Sabah, one of the East Malaysian states. However, the quality and safety of rice wines were receiving increased attention to ensure better quality control, particularly those produced on an industrial scale. Therefore, this research aims to determine the fermentation dynamics and consumers’ acceptance of Malaysian rice wines produced using different sasad (a local term for starter culture from Sabah).


The physicochemical [total soluble solids (TSS), alcohol content, total titratable acidity (TTA) and pH] and microbiological [total yeast and mould count (TYMC) and total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) count] changes in Malaysian rice wines were determined to better understand the fermentation process for future process optimisation. Additionally, sensory evaluations were conducted to determine the consumers’ preferences for the rice wines.


The overall fermentation dynamics of rice wines exhibited similar trends with slight variations between the samples, demonstrating the effect of microbial compositions of sasad on the quality of final rice wines. Additionally, consumer acceptance tests showed that rice wines with darker shades of yellow and a stronger alcoholic aroma were preferable.


This is the first research that provides important insights into both the fermentation dynamics and consumers’ acceptance of Malaysian traditional rice wines, enriching the rice wine literature from the academic perspective and contributing to the production of safe and high-quality rice wines.


British Food Journal, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0007-070X


Open Access
Publication date: 2 October 2024

Catalina Gómez-Hurtado, Francisco Jesús Gálvez-Sánchez, María Belén Prados-Peña and Andrés Felipe Ortíz-Zamora

This study aims to explore the development of trust in relation to security and privacy concerns, as well as the influence of perceived risk on the intention to use e-wallets. The…



This study aims to explore the development of trust in relation to security and privacy concerns, as well as the influence of perceived risk on the intention to use e-wallets. The research focused on the Colombian context because of its characterization as an underdeveloped financial system that has experienced considerable security and privacy violations in recent years. Additionally, this geographical area is relatively under-researched, and the target demographic for this investigation was Generation Z, given their pivotal role in driving the adoption of e-wallets.


Based on measurement scales that had already been tested in the academic literature on mobile payment systems, a questionnaire was developed and distributed electronically. A total of 424 responses were obtained from young Colombians. Structural equation modeling (SEM), specifically the PLS-SEM method, was used to process the data to study the explanatory and predictive power of the proposed model.


The findings revealed that security and privacy have a positive and significant effect on perceived trust, and that this at the same time has a positive and significant effect on attitude, perceived usefulness, perceived ease and intention to use, as well as a significant but negative effect on perceived risk. On the other hand, perceived risk showed an inverse, but not significant, relationship with intention to use.


This research explored the adoption of e-wallets by young people in Colombia, which has been widely claimed in the academic literature. In a turbulent context with a high distrust of financial institutions, as well as a change in digital money consumption patterns, it is critical to understand the factors that contribute to the adoption of mobile payment services. The findings, in addition to contributing to the academic debate, have important implications for e-wallet providers, as they offer information that allows designing strategies to attract and keep current and potential users. At the same time, the recommendations by the authors allow the design of tools, especially related to security and privacy, to improve their trust and build loyalty, thus contributing to the consolidation and development of the mobile payment system.


Este estudio explora el desarrollo de la confianza en relación con las preocupaciones sobre seguridad y privacidad, así como la influencia del riesgo percibido en la intención de utilizar monederos electrónicos. La investigación se centró en el contexto colombiano debido a su caracterización como un sistema financiero subdesarrollado que ha experimentado violaciones considerables de seguridad y privacidad en los últimos años. Además, esta área geográfica está relativamente poco investigada, y el público objetivo de esta investigación fue la Generación Z, dado su papel clave en la adopción de monederos electrónicos.


Basado en escalas de medición ya probadas en la literatura académica sobre sistemas de pago móvil, se desarrolló y distribuyó electrónicamente un cuestionario. Se obtuvieron un total de 424 respuestas de jóvenes colombianos. Se utilizó el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales, específicamente el método PLS-SEM, para procesar los datos y estudiar el poder explicativo y predictivo del modelo propuesto.


Nuestros hallazgos revelaron que la seguridad y la privacidad tienen un efecto positivo y significativo en la confianza percibida, y que esto, a su vez, tiene un efecto positivo y significativo en la actitud, la utilidad percibida, la facilidad percibida y la intención de uso, así como un efecto significativo pero negativo en el riesgo percibido. Por otro lado, el riesgo percibido mostró una relación inversa, pero no significativa, con la intención de uso.


Esta investigación exploró la adopción de monederos electrónicos por parte de los jóvenes en Colombia, un tema ampliamente mencionado en la literatura académica. En un contexto turbulento con alta desconfianza hacia las instituciones financieras, así como un cambio en los patrones de consumo de dinero digital, es crucial comprender los factores que contribuyen a la adopción de servicios de pago móvil. Nuestros hallazgos, además de contribuir al debate académico, tienen importantes implicaciones para los proveedores de monederos electrónicos, ya que ofrecen información que permite diseñar estrategias para atraer y retener a usuarios actuales y potenciales. Al mismo tiempo, nuestras recomendaciones permiten diseñar herramientas, especialmente relacionadas con la seguridad y la privacidad, para mejorar la confianza y fomentar la lealtad, contribuyendo así a la consolidación y desarrollo del sistema de pago móvil.


本研究探讨了与安全性和隐私问题相关的信任发展, 以及感知风险对使用电子钱包意图的影响。研究集中在哥伦比亚的背景下, 因为该国的金融系统被认为是欠发达的, 近年来经历了相当大的安全性和隐私侵犯问题。此外, 这一地理区域的研究相对较少, 本研究的目标人群为Z世代, 考虑到他们在推动电子钱包采纳中的关键作用。


基于已经在移动支付系统学术文献中测试过的测量尺度, 开发并电子分发了一份问卷。共获得了424份哥伦比亚年轻人的回应。使用结构方程建模中的PLS-SEM方法处理数据, 以研究所提出模型的解释力和预测力。


研究发现, 安全性和隐私对感知信任有显著正向影响, 同时, 感知信任对态度、感知有用性、感知易用性和使用意图也有显著正向影响, 并对感知风险有显著负向影响。另一方面, 感知风险与使用意图之间呈现出反向但不显著的关系。


本研究探讨了哥伦比亚年轻人对电子钱包的采纳, 这在学术文献中已有广泛讨论。在一个对金融机构高度不信任的动荡背景下, 以及数字货币消费模式的变化中, 理解促使移动支付服务采纳的因素至关重要。我们的研究结果不仅有助于学术讨论, 还对电子钱包提供商具有重要意义, 因为这些结果提供了信息, 有助于设计吸引和留住当前及潜在用户的策略。同时, 我们的建议有助于设计特别与安全性和隐私相关的工具, 以提高用户信任并建立忠诚度, 从而促进移动支付系统的巩固和发展。

Publication date: 28 October 2024

Yongqiang Lu, Li Ma and Haona Yao

The contractors’ consummate performance behavior is the key to achieving the project’s value added, but existing research has paid little attention to how to stimulate this…



The contractors’ consummate performance behavior is the key to achieving the project’s value added, but existing research has paid little attention to how to stimulate this behavior. Based on contractual functions and regulatory focus theory, this study examined how the allocation of contractual functions and the contractors’ regulatory focus affect their consummate performance behaviors. At the same time, considering the important position of guanxi between owner and contractor, this study also examined the moderating effect of guanxi on the relationship between the contractors’ regulatory focus and consummate performance behaviors.


This study first constructs a conceptual model that incorporates contractual functions (control, coordination and adaptation), contractors’ regulatory focus (promotion focus, prevention focus) and the effect of guanxi on contractors’ consummate performance behavior. Next, partial least squares structural equation modeling is used to analyze the survey data of 297 Chinese construction project professionals.


This study has the following four findings. First, contractual control has a negative effect on contractors’ promotion focus but a positive effect on their prevention focus. Contractual coordination and adaptation have a positive effect on contractors’ promotion focus but a negative effect on their prevention focus. Second, contractors’ promotion focus has a positive effect on their consummate performance behaviors, while their prevention focus has a negative effect on such behaviors. Third, both of contractors’ promotion focus and prevention focus play a mediating role in the relationship between contractual functions and their consummate performance behaviors. Finally, guanxi plays a moderating role in the relationship between contractors’ regulatory focus and their consummate performance behaviors.


Theoretically, this study enriches the research on the antecedents of contractors’ regulatory focus and extends the literature on contractual and guanxi management in construction projects. In practice, this study can provide guidance for improving contractors’ consummate performance behaviors and reasonable allocation of contractual functions.


Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0969-9988


Publication date: 1 October 2024

Beatrice Audifasi Nyallu, Xiaopeng Deng and Melckzedeck Michael Mgimba

Knowledge loss (KL) is still an unfortunate fact, causing many challenges, including poor organisational performance, despite prior efforts to investigate knowledge retention…



Knowledge loss (KL) is still an unfortunate fact, causing many challenges, including poor organisational performance, despite prior efforts to investigate knowledge retention methods. Therefore, this study identifies early approaches to combat KL and poor organisational performance, shifting focus on employee personality traits.


Grounded on the social exchange theory (SET) cross-section data from 400 Chinese construction knowledge employees were used to investigate the role of internal work locus of control (IWLC) on job rotation (JR), KL and organisational performance. The data were analysed through IBM SPSS Statistics 25 and SmartPLS 4 software.


The results demonstrated that IWLC minimises KL and positively influences JR. Then, JR negatively influences KL and decreases in organisational performance. The negative mediating effect of JR in the relationship between IWLC, KL and decreased organisational performance were also found. Finally, KL proved to positively influence a decrease in organisational performance.

Research limitations/implications

This study contributes to the new understanding of individual behaviour and its influence on organisational outcome variables. Specifically, for ultimate KL prevention and organisational performance improvement, an organisation should understand its employees' behaviours to establish progressive collective learning and knowledge sharing.

Practical implications

This study contributes to the new understanding of individual behaviour and its influence on organisational outcome variables. Specifically, for ultimate KL prevention and organisational performance improvement, an organisation should understand its employees’ behaviours to establish progressive collective learning and knowledge sharing.


This study is the first attempt to explore the influence of personality traits in the early minimisation of KL, particularly the role of IWLC and JR in combating KL and improving organisational performance.


Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0969-9988


Open Access
Publication date: 12 December 2023

Jayesh Prakash Gupta, Hongxiu Li, Hannu Kärkkäinen and Raghava Rao Mukkamala

In this study, the authors sought to investigate how the implicit social ties of both project owners and potential backers are associated with crowdfunding project success.




In this study, the authors sought to investigate how the implicit social ties of both project owners and potential backers are associated with crowdfunding project success.


Drawing on social ties theory and factors that affect crowdfunding success, in this research, the authors developed a model to study how project owners' and potential backers' implicit social ties are associated with crowdfunding projects' degrees of success. The proposed model was empirically tested with crowdfunding data collected from Kickstarter and social media data collected from Twitter. The authors performed the test using an ordinary least squares (OLS) regression model with fixed effects.


The authors found that project owners' implicit social ties (specifically, their social media activities, degree centrality and betweenness centrality) are significantly and positively associated with crowdfunding projects' degrees of success. Meanwhile, potential project backers' implicit social ties (their social media activities and degree centrality) are negatively associated with crowdfunding projects' degrees of success. The authors also found that project size moderates the effects of project owners' social media activities on projects' degrees of success.


This work contributes to the literature on crowdfunding by investigating how the implicit social ties of both potential backers and project owners on social media are associated with crowdfunding project success. This study extends the previous research on social ties' roles in explaining crowdfunding project success by including implicit social ties, while the literature explored only explicit social ties.


Internet Research, vol. 34 no. 7
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1066-2243


Publication date: 10 October 2024

M. Omar Parvez, Kayode Kolawole Eluwole, Leonardo Aureliano-Silva and Cihan Cobanoglu

This study aims to examine the direct impact of perceived service quality (PSQ) on satisfaction and the intention to use accommodation sharing (IAS). Additionally, it investigates…



This study aims to examine the direct impact of perceived service quality (PSQ) on satisfaction and the intention to use accommodation sharing (IAS). Additionally, it investigates the mediating role of satisfaction between PSQ and IAS. To extend the findings, the study also analyzes the moderating roles of behavioral change and family status in the relationship between satisfaction and IAS within a collective group.


This study includes 413 accommodation sharing (AS) users in the USA using data collected through MTurk. The authors analyzed the data using the ordinary least squared regressions path analytical framework and bootstrapping methods in PROCESS Macro to estimate the hypothesized mediated moderation models.


The findings underscore the significant impact of PSQ on satisfaction and IAS. Moreover, they reveal the crucial role of satisfaction as a mediator in this relationship and the moderating influence of family status and behavior change on the observed indirect relationship. These insights are invaluable for understanding and navigating the dynamics of the accommodation-sharing industry.


This paper is a pioneering work that sheds new light on the roles of change in behavior and family status in the context of AS. It makes significant contributions to the sharing economy and offers valuable managerial insights for companies operating in this market. The study s originality lies in its explanation of the mediator role of satisfaction in the sharing economy and the moderator mechanism of change in behavior and family status on IAS.


Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 2752-6666


Publication date: 21 August 2024

Abdul Hakeem Waseel, Jianhua Zhang, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Irshad Hussain Sarki and Muhammad Wajid Kamran

This study examines the link between the knowledge creation process, ambidextrous innovation, and competitive advantage. Further, this study also tested the moderating role of…



This study examines the link between the knowledge creation process, ambidextrous innovation, and competitive advantage. Further, this study also tested the moderating role of organizational agility on the relationship between the knowledge creation process and ambidextrous innovation.


The empirical study’s data were collected by surveying 306 respondents employed in 140 Pakistani Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The questionnaire was designed according to the study’s requirements and was based on theoretical knowledge and findings from previous research on the knowledge-creation process, ambidextrous innovation, and competitive advantage. All hypotheses were tested using a structured regression method.


The study indicates that the knowledge creation process significantly impacts a firm’s competitive advantage. Additionally, this study demonstrates that ambidextrous innovation can moderate the relationship between the knowledge-creation process and competitive advantage.

Research limitations/implications

Future studies should examine mediating factors, such as organizational culture, leadership style, and industry characteristics, as well as moderating variables, such as environmental turbulence.

Practical implications

This study guides SME leaders on the importance of knowledge creation and ambidextrous innovation in achieving operational success and gaining a competitive advantage.


This study explores how the knowledge creation process directly and indirectly, enhances organizational capacity for competitive advantage through the mediating roles of ambidextrous innovation and the moderating role of organizational agility.


Business Process Management Journal, vol. 30 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1463-7154


Publication date: 28 October 2024

Siavash Moayedi, Jamal Zamani and Mohammad Salehi

This paper aims to provide a full introduction, new classification, comparison and investigation of the challenges as well as applications of layerless 3D printing, which is one…



This paper aims to provide a full introduction, new classification, comparison and investigation of the challenges as well as applications of layerless 3D printing, which is one of the industry 4.0 pioneers.


Given the significance and novelty of uniform 3D printing, more than 250 publications were collected and reviewed in an unbiased and clear manner.


As a result, the majority of uniform parts printed in polymer form are known up to this point. In a novel division for better researchers’ comprehension, uniform printing systems were classified into three categories: oxygen inhibition (OI), liquid lubrication (LL) and photon penetration (PP), and each was thoroughly investigated. Furthermore, these three approaches were evaluated in terms of printing speed, precision and accuracy, manufacturing scale and cost.


The parameters of each approach were compared independently, and then a practical comparison was conducted among these three approaches. Finally, a variety of technologies, opportunities, challenges and advantages of each significant method, as well as a future outlook for layerless rapid prototyping, are presented.


Rapid Prototyping Journal, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1355-2546


Publication date: 21 December 2023

Rajendra Kumar Gopi, Rambabu Lavuri and K Francis Sudhakar

The purpose of the study is to explore the role of affective commitment (AC) consumer empowerment on webrooming behaviour (WB) in a multichannel context of the fashion industry…



The purpose of the study is to explore the role of affective commitment (AC) consumer empowerment on webrooming behaviour (WB) in a multichannel context of the fashion industry, with mediating (attitude [ATT]) and moderating (product involvement [PT]) effect. We used the stimulus– organism–responses theory as a theoretical underpinning.


We collected 307 responses from fashionable consumer who was purposed fashion products recently through convenience sampling approach and analysed the data with structural equation modelling and PROCESS macro.


The results illustrated that AC and consumer empowerment had a significant impact on consumer attitude and their WB. Likewise, consumer attitude had a positive mediating association between AC, consumer empowerment and WB. PI significantly moderated the relationship between ACs, consumer empowerment with attitude and attitude with WB.


This study is one of the new research works of its kind, which examines the role of AC and consumer empowerment on WB in the fashion industry. This study contributes to the growing amount of literature on fashion marketing by analysing the rapidly growing phenomena of WB in a multichannel context of the fashion industry.


Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, vol. 28 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1361-2026


Publication date: 3 October 2024

Sen Li, He Guan, Xiaofei Ma, Hezhao Liu, Dan Zhang, Zeqi Wu and Huaizhou Li

To address the issues of low localization and mapping accuracy, as well as map ghosting and drift, in indoor degraded environments using light detection and ranging-simultaneous…



To address the issues of low localization and mapping accuracy, as well as map ghosting and drift, in indoor degraded environments using light detection and ranging-simultaneous localization and mapping (LiDAR SLAM), a real-time localization and mapping system integrating filtering and graph optimization theory is proposed. By incorporating filtering algorithms, the system effectively reduces localization errors and environmental noise. In addition, leveraging graph optimization theory, it optimizes the poses and positions throughout the SLAM process, further enhancing map accuracy and consistency. The purpose of this study resolves common problems such as map ghosting and drift, thereby achieving more precise real-time localization and mapping results.


The system consists of three main components: point cloud data preprocessing, tightly coupled inertial odometry based on filtering and backend pose graph optimization. First, point cloud data preprocessing uses the random sample consensus algorithm to segment the ground and extract ground model parameters, which are then used to construct ground constraint factors in backend optimization. Second, the frontend tightly coupled inertial odometry uses iterative error-state Kalman filtering, where the LiDAR odometry serves as observations and the inertial measurement unit preintegration results as predictions. By constructing a joint function, filtering fusion yields a more accurate LiDAR-inertial odometry. Finally, the backend incorporates graph optimization theory, introducing loop closure factors, ground constraint factors and odometry factors from frame-to-frame matching as constraints. This forms a factor graph that optimizes the map’s poses. The loop closure factor uses an improved scan-text-based loop closure detection algorithm for position recognition, reducing the rate of environmental misidentification.


A SLAM system integrating filtering and graph optimization technique has been proposed, demonstrating improvements of 35.3%, 37.6% and 40.8% in localization and mapping accuracy compared to ALOAM, lightweight and ground optimized lidar odometry and mapping and LiDAR inertial odometry via smoothing and mapping, respectively. The system exhibits enhanced robustness in challenging environments.


This study introduces a frontend laser-inertial odometry tightly coupled filtering method and a backend graph optimization method improved by loop closure detection. This approach demonstrates superior robustness in indoor localization and mapping accuracy.


Sensor Review, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0260-2288


1 – 10 of 775