Rebecca Jean Emigh and Dylan Riley
In this chapter, we review the historical development of elite theory, and then we propose a way forward beyond it. Elite theory emerged as a critique of democracy in the late…
In this chapter, we review the historical development of elite theory, and then we propose a way forward beyond it. Elite theory emerged as a critique of democracy in the late 19th century. Although it used historical materials illustratively, it tended to be ahistorical theoretically because its primary aim was to demonstrate the perdurance of elites even in conditions of mass suffrage. Lachmann was the first scholar to develop elite theory as a truly historical and explanatory framework by combining it with elements of Marxism. Even Lachmann's theory, however, remained inadequate because it did not rest on a fully articulated theory of power. In this introduction, we suggest a “relational power theory” as a remedy to this situation, and we use it to formulate a general heuristic for the study of elites, nonelites, and their interrelationships. To illustrate its utility, we show how it can illuminate the chapters in this volume (though they were not necessarily written for these purposes).
Chin-Tsu Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, Asif Khan, Ming K. Lim and Ming-Lang Tseng
The theoretical background bases on the big data analytics-artificial intelligence (BDA-AI) technologies and supply chain ambidexterity (SCAX) in the firms to assess their…
The theoretical background bases on the big data analytics-artificial intelligence (BDA-AI) technologies and supply chain ambidexterity (SCAX) in the firms to assess their sustainability endeavors such as green supply chain management (GSCM) to improve their green communication and corporate image.
Around 220 participants in the manufacturing firms are participants' industry expertise, diverse roles, and representation as key stakeholders.
The results show BDA-AI and SCAX affected on GSCM and found the significant relationships with green communication and corporate image. Green communication was discovered to impact corporate image significantly.
Prior studies are neglected to address the relationship among the AI, powered by rapid computational and BDA breakthroughs, redefines cognitive tasks, achieving feats previously deemed impossible-making implicit judgments, simulating emotions, and driving operations. This study selects manufacturing firms as respondents due to their forefront of BDA-AI and supply chain ambidexterity adoption to benefit the operational efficiency and competitiveness. The firms intricate supply chains, diverse stakeholders, and strategic emphasis on corporate image make it an ideal context to examine the nuanced impact of these technologies.