Courtney L. Baker, Rushika De Bruin and Lisa M. Finkelstein
Incivility can be used to target minority groups as a form of discrimination. This paper aimed to assess the extent to which older workers are particularly targeted by cyber…
Incivility can be used to target minority groups as a form of discrimination. This paper aimed to assess the extent to which older workers are particularly targeted by cyber incivility.
Study 1 used a cross-sectional design via an online crowdsourcing platform (N = 208). Study 2 (N = 227) employed a daily diary approach with an age diverse sample.
Age does not directly affect perceptions of cyber incivility, but moderates the relationships between cyber incivility and vitality and vigor. In Study 1, older workers experienced a weaker relationship between perceptions of cyber incivility and increased reports of vigor. Conversely, in Study 2, older workers who experienced cyber incivility reported reduced daily vitality both on the same day and the following day.
The discussion explores the nuances of vigor and vitality in older workers. Additionally, despite research on selective incivility, these studies suggest that while older workers may not be selectively targeted for cyber incivility, they struggle more with its repercussions.
Julie B. Olson-Buchanan, Lisa M. Finkelstein and Rushika De Bruin
While sex discrimination and race discrimination are prevalent in the workplace, a relatively low proportion of those who experience it choose to voice. This paper aims to…
While sex discrimination and race discrimination are prevalent in the workplace, a relatively low proportion of those who experience it choose to voice. This paper aims to investigate why individuals choose to voice or not voice discrimination by exploring the role of metastereotypes – beliefs about what others think about a group one belongs to – with respect to voicing or not voicing discrimination at work.
Of the 475 participants surveyed, 34% (164 respondents) had experienced either race or sex discrimination. The metastereotypes of these 164 respondents who either voiced (31%) or did not voice (69%) sex or race discrimination were gathered and examined with respect to the themes and valence of the descriptors. Differences in the content and valence of metastereotypes were examined from different samples taken at two different time periods to explore the possible influence of social movements (#MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter).
These qualitative analyses provide new insights into how people making different choices regarding the voicing of their mistreatment believe they are viewed. Metastereotypes differed to some extent in content and valence depending on perceiver, source, type of discrimination and timing.
Social implications
This can assist in the development of strategies to encourage voicing with the ultimate goal of reducing workplace mistreatment.
This paper provides the critical first step for including metastereotypes in the model to predict voice in the workplace.