Daniela Silva, Marta Patrão and Liliana Sousa
Material inheritance transmission is a normative task in later life that has been scarcely studied, particularly when involving older childless adults. This study aims to deepen…
Material inheritance transmission is a normative task in later life that has been scarcely studied, particularly when involving older childless adults. This study aims to deepen the knowledge about the transmission of material inheritances by older (65+ years) childless Portuguese adults.
This qualitative exploratory study comprises 43 participants. A semi-structured interview was administered and submitted to content analysis.
Material inheritance transmission involves precipitant events (realizing they will not have children), deciding on content and moment (what and when), planning (getting legal advice, making a will and preventing family conflicts), distributing (usually based on values of reciprocity and strategic exchange) and resolution (marked by conflict).
Material inheritances have been mostly studied from economic and legal perspectives. This research examines material inheritances transmissions within family dynamics, showing that older childless individuals seem to use material inheritances in a strategic exchange way, to ensure they will be well cared for in old age.
Liliana Sousa, Jéssica Fernandes, Pedro Sá-Couto and João Tavares
Companion animals and social media are two important factors of social interaction and well-being among the older population. This study aims to compare social media use and/or…
Companion animals and social media are two important factors of social interaction and well-being among the older population. This study aims to compare social media use and/or having companion animals with respect to sociodemographic variables in conjunction with loneliness, social isolation, depression, satisfaction with life and satisfaction with social support.
This cross-sectional study involves a sample of 250 older community-dwelling adults. The questionnaire comprised sociodemographic, companion animals and social media questions and scales to assess social isolation, loneliness, satisfaction with life and social support and depression. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Four groups emerged: “companion animal/s, no social media” (37.6%); “none” (33.6%); “social media and companion animal/s” (14.4%); and “social media, no companion animal/s” (14.4%). Social media users (with or without companion animals) are the youngest and with higher levels of education; caregivers of companion animals (no social media use) are in-between in terms of age and level of education; and those without companion animals and no social media users are the oldest and with less formal education.
This research examines and compares two key influencers of older adults’ well-being and social interaction (social media and companion animals), that have been researched mostly separately. Findings underlined the cohort effect in the use of social media, suggesting that future older adult cohorts will use more social media whether they have or do not have companion animals.
Sara Guerra, Oscar Ribeiro, Rita Carvalho and Liliana Sousa
Older adults often experience loneliness as a vicious circle, in which loneliness builds more loneliness. Breaking this cycle is key to minimize the experience of loneliness. MOAI…
Older adults often experience loneliness as a vicious circle, in which loneliness builds more loneliness. Breaking this cycle is key to minimize the experience of loneliness. MOAI LABS is a European project that adopts a codesign process to develop digital solutions to address loneliness in older adults. This study aims to adopt a solution-based approach to capture solutions that community-dwelling older Portuguese adults who feel loneliness already experience in their lives.
Six individuals (aged 64–86 years) answered two solution-based questions: miracle and exceptions. Findings were obtained from one group discussion session that was audio-recorded, transcribed and submitted to qualitative analysis.
Main findings suggest that participants feel comfort in imagining their desired scenarios that involve being with their loved ones, better health conditions, adequate housing settings and contact with nature.
The findings highlight that leaving loneliness alone seems to be a path that may be facilitated by digital solutions that display solution-based questions, such as online platforms for social connection, virtual care and monitoring, design of smart home devices and the creation of immersive virtual reality experiences to explore nature, complemented by psychosocial support.