Devi Archana Mohanty, Namita Nigam, Puja Shree Agarwal and Daviender Narang
By analysing and discussing the case study, students should be able to evaluate the factors responsible for social entrepreneurship, more specifically, Harinath Kashiganeshan as a…
Learning outcomes
By analysing and discussing the case study, students should be able to evaluate the factors responsible for social entrepreneurship, more specifically, Harinath Kashiganeshan as a social entrepreneur; explore the entrepreneurial intention of Kashiganeshan; understand the link between social entrepreneurship and community development; examine the role of social entrepreneurship with regard to Sustainable Development Goals; and evaluate the business model, supply chain and marketing strategies in the context of the protagonist’s.
Case overview/synopsis
The case study revolves around the entrepreneurial journey of Kashiganeshan, who shunned his lucrative career in the USA to revamp traditional Indian herbs for holistic health care. The protagonist returned to his roots in Pennagaram village, Tamil Nadu, India, back in 2015 and started researching the possibilities of Indian medicinal herbs which have the potential to cure complex diseases like arthritis, diabetes, anaemia and high blood pressure. While researching medicinal plants, he travelled across Tamil Nadu to identify traditional herbs with medicinal properties. He visited the local farmer’s market, interacted with them and shared the importance of organic farming. Subsequently, he became a strong advocate for organic agriculture and traditional medicine. He developed “Moringa Bullets”, made from medicinal plants to treat arthritis, diabetes, anaemia and high blood pressure. Along with preparing herbal concoction medicinal recipes, he started creating awareness towards organic farming among local communities. The motto was to help communities learn this recipe and prepare independently.
Complexity academic level
This case study is suitable for postgraduate students.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.
Fábio Lotti Oliva, Jefferson Luiz Bution, Flavia Gutierrez Motta, Germano Fenner, Brandon Randolph-Seng, Marco Papa and M. Muzamil Naqshbandi
The research objective was twofold: first, to propose a novel framework for composing an organization’s aggregate risk appetite, and second, to demonstrate the application of this…
The research objective was twofold: first, to propose a novel framework for composing an organization’s aggregate risk appetite, and second, to demonstrate the application of this framework in a suitable organization.
A conceptual framework for defining an organization’s aggregate risk appetite was developed based on relevant organizational theory and research through the lens of knowledge management. The organizational appetite for risk framework was subsequently implemented at the São Paulo State Technological Research Institute (IPT) using the design science research approach. Finally, the implementation was carefully examined in order to encourage future applications and to further refine the appetite for risk framework.
The composition and application of the proposed appetite for risk framework optimally identified the aggregated risk appetite of the complete test organization. Moreover, organizational differences between bottom-up tolerance and top-down appetite were revealed.
Practical implications
Our main practical contribution is a comprehensive procedure to conduct a risk assessment and achieve an organization-wide aggregate risk appetite through the lens of knowledge management.
Unlike past theory and research that take a strictly top-down approach to risk appetite, our framework integrates dispersed knowledge on risk-taking at various levels of the organization, thereby contributing to the underexplored role of bottom management in shaping aggregate risk appetite.
José C.M. Franken, Desirée H. van Dun and Celeste P.M. Wilderom
Many groups in organisations are unsuccessful in problem solving. However, the principle of continuous improvement necessitates that organisations refine their employees’…
Many groups in organisations are unsuccessful in problem solving. However, the principle of continuous improvement necessitates that organisations refine their employees’ problem-solving skills. In this mixed-method, field-based lab experiment, we explored the impact of a treatment to enhance the quality of group problem-solving processes.
We focused on the structured problem-solving process in Kaizen Events by differentiating six consecutive phases. About 16 Kaizen Event groups (101 members) participated in a field-based lab experiment that used a lean simulation game to establish a group problem-solving context. Data were collected via video, surveys and group interviews. We examined if a high-quality process is strengthened through group members’ elevated awareness of problem-solving preferences. About 11 groups received a treatment of tailor-made individual feedback to increase awareness of their problem-solving preferences. Additionally, we repeated the experiment in five control groups, where member preferences were not shared.
In the treatment groups, where problem-solving preferences had been shared, we observed a clear improvement in Kaizen Event process quality and higher problem-solving self-efficacy levels. Moreover, their self-reported Kaizen Event behaviour had changed. Within the control groups, the participants also reported that their problem-solving self-efficacy had improved, but this did not have a positive impact on the quality of the objectively measured Kaizen Event process.
By combining insights from operations management and organisational behaviour, we demonstrate that the structured Kaizen Event problem-solving process improves when group members’ individual problem-solving preferences are shared. We thus add an individual-level variable to the extant models of Kaizen Event success factors. Our results provide fresh insights into how to improve the continuous improvement process within organisations. Kaizen Event stakeholders and their facilitators are offered guidance on how to increase one’s awareness of own and others’ problem-solving preferences in group-based problem-solving events.
Nina Du Toit, Philip Steenkamp, Dewald van Niekerk and Andre Groenewald
Research indicates a significant risk of economic crime associated with post-disaster funding. The purpose of this paper is to assess the characteristics of post-disaster funding…
Research indicates a significant risk of economic crime associated with post-disaster funding. The purpose of this paper is to assess the characteristics of post-disaster funding that make it susceptible to the risk of economic crime and to analyse how the statutory and regulatory disaster risk management instruments of South Africa aim to manage post-disaster events.
This paper uses secondary sources such as, but not limited to, legislation, institutional reports, textbooks and peer-reviewed academic journal articles.
Post-disaster funding is inherently susceptible to economic crime due to characteristics identified such as time pressure; substantial inflow of money, goods and services; inadequate needs assessment, large-scale reconstruction and the involvement of contractors or suppliers; power imbalance; and the responsibility of governments. The Disaster Management Act and National Disaster Management Framework provide an extensive regulatory framework for mitigating post-disaster funding risks by attempting to find a balance between quick aid distribution and financial controls. This paper finds that even though South Africa is known to have some of the best disaster risk management laws, the pervasive nature of the characteristics could still render post-disaster funding structures susceptible to the risk of economic crime.
There is limited scientific research on this topic. The expected prevalence of future disasters requires the regulatory and legislative disaster risk management instruments to evolve concomitantly. Research on this topic must continue to ensure that risks associated with post-disaster funding and its susceptibility to economic crime can be mitigated as far as possible.
Rima Al Hasan and Pietro Micheli
Despite firms’ growing investments, process improvement (PI) programs often fail to deliver the expected benefits. In this paper, we argue that the widespread adoption in PI…
Despite firms’ growing investments, process improvement (PI) programs often fail to deliver the expected benefits. In this paper, we argue that the widespread adoption in PI research of a paradigm founded in positivism plays a primary role in deriving these conclusions and limits the development of PI theory and practice.
We examine the main characteristics of the dominant paradigm in PI research and then propose an alternative perspective drawing on research in management innovation and complexity. Findings from two empirical case studies in a pharmaceutical and an automotive firm are reported to support our theoretical argument.
The proposed perspective highlights the interaction between various PI approaches – such as lean, Six Sigma and total quality management (TQM) – and the context-dependence and experiential aspects of PI. We argue that this perspective can better account for where, by whom and how PI approaches are shaped and used and, ultimately, can more effectively advance both theory and practice.
This study suggests that PI approaches should be considered as adaptable rather than static, in combination rather than as single entities and as continuously interpreted and translated by organizational actors rather than homogeneously diffused across companies and business units. In this paper, we discuss the substantial conceptual, methodological and practical implications of adopting this perspective.
Luiza Antonie, Laura Gatto, Sarah Oloumi and Miana Plesca
Employing the keyword extraction technique of Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) on 39,487 descriptions posted on a University Co-op and Career on-line job board…
Employing the keyword extraction technique of Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) on 39,487 descriptions posted on a University Co-op and Career on-line job board from May 1, 2013 to May 1, 2020, we report the keywords associated weights for the Big Five personality traits of Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (reversed to indicate Emotional Stability) by job category. The results indicate that one third of job descriptions do not contain any keywords: even if employers are recruiting for particular personality traits, they are not necessarily referencing them in their job descriptions. For those job descriptions with TFIDF scores, Conscientiousness has the highest TFIDF score and Emotional Stability the smallest. Regression analysis indicates that categories more technical in nature, like engineering or business, score higher for “Openness”; Accounting scores highest for “Conscientiousness”; and people-facing roles in healthcare, veterinary care, childcare/teaching and administrative services score higher on “Agreeableness” and, to some extent, “Emotional stability.”
Amy B.C. Tan, Desirée H. van Dun and Celeste P.M. Wilderom
With the growing need for employees to be innovative, public-sector organizations are investing in employee training. This study aims to examine the effects of a combined Lean Six…
With the growing need for employees to be innovative, public-sector organizations are investing in employee training. This study aims to examine the effects of a combined Lean Six Sigma and innovation training, using action learning, on public-sector employees’ creative role identity and innovative work behavior.
The authors studied a public service agency in Singapore in which a five-day Lean Innovation Training was implemented, using a combination of Lean Six Sigma and Creative Problem-Solving tools, with a simulation on day one and subsequent team-based project coaching, spread over six months. The authors administered pre- and postintervention surveys among all the employees, and initiated group interviews and observations before, during and after the intervention.
Creative role identity and innovative work behavior had significantly improved six months after the intervention, enabled through senior management’s transformational leadership. The training induced managers to role-model innovative work behaviors while cocreating, with their employees, a renewal of their agency’s core processes. The three completed improvement projects contributed to an innovative work culture and reduced service turnaround time.
Starting with a role-playing simulation on the first day, during which leaders and followers swapped roles, the action-learning type training taught all the organizational members to use various Lean Six Sigma and Creative Problem-Solving tools. This nimble Lean Innovation Training, and subsequent team-based project coaching, exemplifies how advancing the staff’s creative role identity can have a positive impact.
Thuy Thanh Tran, Roger Leonard Burritt, Christian Herzig and Katherine Leanne Christ
Of critical concern to the world is the need to reduce consumption and waste of natural resources. This study provides a multi-level exploration of the ways situational and…
Of critical concern to the world is the need to reduce consumption and waste of natural resources. This study provides a multi-level exploration of the ways situational and transformational links between levels and challenges are related to the adoption and utilization of material flow cost accounting in Vietnam, to encourage green productivity.
Based on triangulation of public documents at different institutional levels and a set of semi-structured interviews, situational and transformational links and challenges for material flow cost accounting in Vietnam are examined using purposive and snowball sampling of key actors.
Using a multi-level framework the research identifies six situational and transformational barriers to implementation of material flow cost accounting and suggests opportunities to overcome these. The weakest links identified involve macro-to meso-situational and micro-to macro-transformational links. The paper highlights the dominance of meso-level institutions and lack of focus on micro transformation to cut waste and enable improvements in green productivity.
Practical implications
The paper identifies ways for companies in Vietnam to reduce unsustainability and enable transformation towards sustainable management and waste reduction.
The paper is the first to develop and use a multi-level/multi-time period framework to examine the take-up of material flow cost accounting to encourage transformation towards green productivity. Consideration of the Vietnamese case builds understanding of the challenges for achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number 12, to help enable sustainable production and consumption patterns.
Xiaolin Sun, Jiawen Zhu, Huigang Liang, Yajiong Xue and Bo Yao
As after-hours technology-mediated work (ATW) becomes common in organizations, the increased workload and interference to life caused by ATW has induced employee turnover. This…
As after-hours technology-mediated work (ATW) becomes common in organizations, the increased workload and interference to life caused by ATW has induced employee turnover. This research develops a mediated moderation model to explain how employees' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for ATW affect their turnover intention through work–life conflict.
A survey was conducted to collect data of 484 employees from Chinese companies. Partial Least Square was used to perform data analysis.
The results show that intrinsic motivation for ATW has an indirect negative impact on turnover intention via work–life conflict, whereas extrinsic motivation for ATW has both a positive direct impact and a positive indirect impact (via work–life conflict) on turnover intention. This study also helps find that time spent on ATW can strengthen the positive impact of extrinsic motivation for ATW on turnover intention but has no moderation effect on the impact of intrinsic motivation for ATW. Furthermore, this study reveals that the interaction effect of time spent on ATW and extrinsic motivation on turnover intention is mediated by employees' perceived work–life conflict.
By discovering the distinct impact of employees' intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for ATW on turnover intention, this research provides a contingent view regarding the impact of ATW and offers guidance to managers regarding how to mitigate ATW-induced turnover intention through fostering different motivations.
Laura Gutierrez-Bucheli, Alan Reid, Gillian Kidman and Julia Lamborn
This study aims to explore how engineering curricula can address sustainability considerations. Through a cross-case analysis, a hybrid theoretical-empirical model is developed to…
This study aims to explore how engineering curricula can address sustainability considerations. Through a cross-case analysis, a hybrid theoretical-empirical model is developed to identify and analyse a broad range of possible and actual responses to sustainability within engineering education.
The study employs a multiple-case study design to compare the experiences of educators and students engaging with sustainability topics in two contrasting tertiary civil engineering programs. It draws on an original conceptual framework informed by the literature for analysing educational responses to sustainability around the world, which can be applied to a diverse range of educational settings. Conceptual review, fieldwork, case-specific and cross-case analysis have been used to refine the framework, enabling the emergence of a hybrid model.
The hybrid model suggests three levels of response to sustainability in engineering education, which can be characterised as: 1) incorporation, 2) integration and 3) transformation. Each level is analysed in relation to five dimensions: functions, content, relationships, spaces and time, which influence the nature of the response and its capacity to foster learning. Cross-case analysis findings suggest that the shape and focus of a particular response to sustainability are significantly influenced by both the types of engineering problems, and the diversity and extent of relationships that engineering educators and students engage during teaching and learning.
Practical implications
Cross-case analysis reveals that developing and supporting (inter)subjective relationships can play a pivotal role in fostering a transformation level of response. Engagement with Indigenous, more-than-human and interdisciplinary perspectives in engineering education for sustainability can also be critical to deepening students’ reflexivity.
The study helps ground theory-driven frameworks for analysing the nature and purpose of responses to sustainability in engineering education, and higher education more broadly. The study also offers a novel hybrid model for identifying and classifying responses to sustainability in engineering education and other disciplines.