Gema Albort-Morant, Ana Irimia-Diéguez, Mahmoud Yasin and Francisco Liebana-Cabanillas
This study aims to identify the factors that may account for the intention to use Paytech services within an Islamic context. The authors propose an expanded version of the…
This study aims to identify the factors that may account for the intention to use Paytech services within an Islamic context. The authors propose an expanded version of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which includes religiosity (R) and social influence (SI), to develop a causal-predictive analysis.
The research model and hypotheses were assessed using partial least square-structured equation modeling on data collected from 531 potential Paytech users.
The results reveal that religiosity has a more significant direct effect on the intention to use Paytech services than on actual use, while social influence has a more significant direct effect on use than on the intention to use Paytech services.
Research limitations/implications
Cultural differences within the Middle East and North Africa region could influence the acceptance and usage of the new Paytech services.
Practical implications
The valuable insights gained from this study can help Fintech managers, financial institutions and developers of new financial services design effective strategies to encourage user adoption of Paytech services. Companies could prioritize implementing word-of-mouth marketing initiatives to encourage early adopters to recommend the service.
Social implications
The Paytech services would enable access to financial services for the entire Muslim population regardless of their location, gender or age, thereby fostering financial inclusion.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to explore the intention to use Paytech services in two Islamic countries: Saudi Arabia and Palestine. From a theoretical perspective, this work contributes to the academic literature by analyzing the mediating effects of two external variables, religiosity and social influence.
Inmaculada García-Maroto, Elena Higueras-Castillo, Francisco Muñoz-Leiva and Francisco Liebana-Cabanillas
The purpose of this study is to analyze environmentally responsible tourist behavior in a socially responsible destination. Specifically, this study explores the relationship…
The purpose of this study is to analyze environmentally responsible tourist behavior in a socially responsible destination. Specifically, this study explores the relationship between destination social responsibility and environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) using the stimulus–organism–response model as a theoretical framework.
The research sample is composed of Spanish tourists over 18 years of age who have visited one of the selected urban tourist destinations: Malaga, Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca and Bilbao; therefore, all participants confirmed having visited one or more of the above destinations and coming from a different place, thus confirming that in no case were they residents. Data collection used a non-probabilistic sampling method with quotas reflecting the demographic makeup of the Spanish population. Information was gathered in July 2023 through an online survey using a structured questionnaire. Before the main study, a pilot investigation ensured the reliability and clarity of the measurement scales.
It is concluded that the proposed behavior model is satisfactory and allows for explaining the ERB of tourists, whose main determinants are place attachment, perception of the destination’s social responsibility, environmental concern and perceived effectiveness.
The main contribution expected from this study is the proposal of a conceptual model, in the environment of socially responsible destinations, that allows for the completion of the proposals made in the specific literature on ERB in the context of urban tourism.
本研究探讨在具有社会责任关注的城市旅游目的地中, 游客的环保行为, 并提出了基于“刺激-有机体-反应”(SOR)框架的概念模型。研究旨在识别目的地社会责任(DSR)、环境关注、地方依恋和感知效能如何影响游客的环保行为(ERB)。
通过在线问卷调查收集了400名访问过西班牙五个城市旅游目的地的西班牙游客的数据。采用结构方程模型(SEM)验证提出的模型并测试假设。构念通过可靠且验证过的量表进行测量, 以确保数据质量。
结果证实了SOR框架中的关系:DSR对环境关注、地方依恋和感知效能有正向影响。环境关注和地方依恋在DSR对ERB的影响中起中介作用。研究强调了地方依恋和感知效能作为关键因素, 将环境关注转化为环保行为。提出的模型解释了ERB方差的64.5%。
本研究扩展了在城市旅游情境中对环保行为的理解, 强调了DSR作为情感和行为结果催化剂的作用。通过将多种理论视角整合到统一模型中, 该研究为城市目的地如何利用社会责任促进可持续发展和游客参与提供了新的见解。
Este estudio investiga el comportamiento turístico ambientalmente responsable en destinos urbanos con un enfoque en la responsabilidad social, proponiendo un modelo conceptual basado en el marco de Estímulo-Organismo-Respuesta (SOR). La investigación tiene como objetivo identificar cómo la responsabilidad social del destino (DSR), la preocupación ambiental, el apego al lugar y la percepción de eficacia influyen en el comportamiento ambientalmente responsable (ERB) de los turistas.
Se recopilaron datos mediante una encuesta en línea realizada a 400 turistas españoles que visitaron cinco destinos urbanos en España. Se utilizó modelado de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM) para validar el modelo propuesto y probar las hipótesis. Los constructos se midieron utilizando escalas confiables y validadas para garantizar la calidad de los datos.
Los resultados confirman las relaciones dentro del marco SOR: la DSR influye positivamente en la preocupación ambiental, el apego al lugar y la percepción de eficacia. La preocupación ambiental y el apego al lugar median el efecto de la DSR en el ERB. El estudio destaca el apego al lugar y la percepción de eficacia como factores críticos que transforman la preocupación ambiental en comportamiento ambientalmente responsable. El modelo propuesto explica el 64,5% de la varianza del ERB.
Esta investigación amplía la comprensión del comportamiento ambientalmente responsable en contextos de turismo urbano, enfatizando el papel de la DSR como un catalizador de resultados emocionales y conductuales. Al integrar diversas perspectivas teóricas en un modelo unificado, el estudio ofrece nuevos conocimientos para que los destinos urbanos aprovechen la responsabilidad social en la promoción de la sostenibilidad y el compromiso turístico.
- Environmentally responsible behavior
- Destination social responsibility
- Place attachment
- Environmental concern
- Perceived effectiveness
- Stimulus–organism–response model
- 环境负责任行为
- 目的地社会责任
- 地方依恋
- 环境关注
- 感知效能
- 刺激-有机体-反应模型
- Comportamiento ambientalmente responsable
- Responsabilidad social del destino
- Apego al lugar
- Preocupación por el medio ambiente
- Eficacia percibida
- Modelo Estímulo-Organismo-Respuesta
Elena Higueras-Castillo, Helena Alves, Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas and Ángel F. Villarejo-Ramos
This study proposes a hierarchic segmentation that develops a tree-based classification model and classifies the cases into groups. This allows for the definition of e-commerce…
This study proposes a hierarchic segmentation that develops a tree-based classification model and classifies the cases into groups. This allows for the definition of e-commerce user profiles for each of the groups. Additionally, it facilitates the development of actions to improve the adoption of the online channel that is in such high demand in the current pandemic COVID-19 context.
Regarding the created segments, two extreme segments stand out due to their marked differences and high volume. Segment 3 with 23% of the sample is the group with the most predisposition to use the online channel and is characterised by a high level of trust, more habitual use in comparison with other groups and the belief that its use implies high performance, which indicates they believe it to be useful, quick and helpful for more an effective shopping experience. The other extreme is found in segment 7. This group makes up 17.7% of the total and is the most reluctant to use the online channel. These users are characterised by the complete opposite: they have a low level of trust in this channel. However, the effort expectancy is low, i.e. they consider that the adoption of the online channel does not involve many difficulties in its learning and use. Nevertheless, they use it less regularly than the others.
Based on the conclusions reached in this study, in the current pandemic context in which consumer demand for online shopping channels for all types of products is on the rise, it is recommended that companies focus on the following aspects. It is essential to build trust with the user and show them the real benefits of e-commerce, how it would improve their life and why they should use it. Additionally, it is vital that the user perceives it as an easy procedure that does not require a significant learning curve. Other fundamental aspects would be to reduce any uncertainty the user might have about the online shopping process, to make it as easy as possible, and to design a simple, intuitive and user-friendly interface. It is also recommendable to manage data usage efficiently. To do so, the authors recommend asking the user for the least amount of information possible, offering a data protection policy and assuring them that their information will not be misused nor shared with third parties. All of this provides a series of facilities to modify the online shopping habits of users.
Research limitations/implications
As in most of the research, this study presents a series of limitations that should be debated and that could open future lines of investigation. Firstly, regarding the sample used that was limited to two neighbouring countries with similar profiles a priori; it would be necessary to compare their possible cultural differences according to Hofstede's dimensions as well as increase the number of European countries being analysed to reach a more generalised conclusions. Secondly, the variables used are a combination of those derived from the UTAUT2 model and others suggested in the literature as decisive in technology adoption by users, in this sense other theories and variables could be incorporated to complete a more holistic model.
Practical implications
This work contributes in a general way to (1) analysing the intention to use e-commerce platforms from a set of antecedents previously defined by their importance, after a period of economic and social restrictions derived from the pandemic; (2) determination of customer segments from the classification made by the CHAID analysis; (3) characterisation of the previously defined segments through the successive divisions that were proposed in the analysis carried out.
Social implications
Other fundamental aspects would be to reduce any uncertainty the user might have about the online shopping process to make it as easy as possible, and to design a simple, intuitive, and user-friendly interface. It is also recommended to manage data usage efficiently. To do so, the authors recommend asking the user for the least amount of information possible, offering a data protection policy, and assuring them that their information will not be misused or shared with third parties.
The results obtained have allowed us to establish predictive and explanatory models of the behaviour of the segments and profiles created, which will help companies to improve their relationships with online customers in the coming years.
本研究擬提出一個會發展基於樹的分類模型、以及會把案例歸入不同的類別的層次細分。這讓我們能為每個類別考慮到電子商務用戶輪廓的定義和解釋; 這亦促進我們優化採用在線渠道的發展工作,而在線渠道於現時2019冠狀病毒病肆虐的情況下,實在供不應求。
就創設的細分而言,兩個極端的細分因其明顯的差別和大批量而顯得突出。佔樣本百分之二十三的細分3是擁有最大使用在線渠道傾向的細分,而細分3的特徵包括他們對在線渠道呈高信任度,比其他類別更習慣地使用,以及其相信使用在線渠道會帶來更高的績效,這表示他們相信使用在線渠道是有效的,是快捷的,是可幫助帶來成功的購物體驗的。另外的極端在細分7內發現。這類別佔整體的百分之十七點七,而他們是最不願意使用在線渠道的類別。這類別的特徵和前述的剛剛相反: 他們對在線渠道的信任程度是低的,唯其努力期望是低的,也就是說,他們認為使用在線渠道是不會涉及很多在學習上或在實際應用上的困難。即使是這樣,他們較其他人卻較少使用在線渠道。
基於研究的結論,我們的建議是: 於目前大流行肆虐期間,消費者對於以在線渠道網購各類商品的需求不斷增加,企業應聚焦以下的範疇: 企業必須建立消費者對電子商務的信心,並為他們展示電子商務的真正好處; 企業也必須使消費者明瞭電子商務如何能改善其生活,以及他們為何要使用電子商務。更重要的是使消費者覺得使用電子商務是輕而易舉的,又不涉及陡峭的學習曲線。凡此種種,就成為消費者改變其網上購物習慣的動力和誘因。至於其他基本的考慮,包括減輕消費者對使用電子商務的不確定情緒,使電子商務易於使用,以及設計一個簡易的、憑直覺能知曉的、方便使用的介面。另外,值得推薦的是、數據使用情況須有效地管理。為此,我們建議應儘量向使用者索取最低限度的資料,為他們提供資料保護政策,保證他們的資料不會被濫用或與第三者分享。
與其他大多數的研究一樣,本研究展現了一系列值得辯論的局限,而這些局限或許會開展未來研究的領域。首先,考慮到使用了一個局限於兩個以因及果演繹而成的、概況相似的相鄰國家為樣本,我們或許需要根據霍夫斯泰德文化維度理論對這兩個國家進行比較,以瞭解它們的文化差異; 另外,為求能達致可普遍適用的結論,我們也需把被分析的歐洲國家的數目增加。其次,被使用的變數是兩組變數的組合,他們是從UTAUT2模型中取得的變數,以及在有關的文獻裡,就技術採用而言、使用者認為是重要的變數。就此而言,若其他的理論和變數能被包含其中,則達致的模型將會是一個更為整體的模型。
本研究就一般而言有以下的貢獻: (一) 、 在因大流行病而引起的經濟和社會限制實施時期後,研究人員分析人們如何從一套過去被認定是電子商務平台的重要前身而選擇使用電子商務平台,本研究對這方面的分析作出了貢獻; (二) 、本研究幫助確定從透過CHAID分析而來的分類中得到的顧客細分; (三) 、本研究透過進行連續分解、幫助歸納過去被認定的細分的特徵。
企業必須建立消費者對電子商務的信心,並為他們展示電子商務的真正好處; 企業也必須使消費者明瞭電子商務如何能改善其生活,以及他們為何要使用電子商務。更重要的是使消費者覺得使用電子商務是輕而易舉的,又不涉及陡峭的學習曲線。凡此種種,就成為消費者改變其網上購物習慣的動力和誘因。至於其他基本的考慮,包括減輕消費者對使用電子商務的不確定情緒,使電子商務易於使用,以及設計一個簡易的、憑直覺能知曉的、方便使用的介面。另外,值得推薦的是、數據使用情況須有效地管理。為此,我們建議應儘量向使用者索取最低限度的資料,為他們提供資料保護政策,保證他們的資料不會被濫用或與第三者分享。
Smriti Mathur, Alok Tewari, Sushant Vishnoi and Vaishali Agarwal
The online learning environment is a function of dynamic market forces constantly restructuring the e-learning landscape’s complete ecosystemcape. This study aims to propose an…
The online learning environment is a function of dynamic market forces constantly restructuring the e-learning landscape’s complete ecosystemcape. This study aims to propose an e-learning framework by integrating the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to predict students’ Online Learning Readiness and Behaviour.
A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 406 students through a survey. The data were analysed using two-stage structural equation modelling and artificial neural network (ANN).
The study’s results revealed that perceived ubiquity (PUB) positively influences perceived ease of use, usefulness and attitude. Similarly, perceived mobility significantly influences perceived ease of use and attitude. Furthermore, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and perceived usefulness significantly influence readiness to learn online, which further influences students’ online learning behaviour. The root-mean-square error (RMSE) values obtained from the ANN analysis indicate the models’ predictive solid accuracy.
The study contributes to the existing literature by proposing an Online Learning Behaviour Model by integrating the TAM and the TPB frameworks in association with two additional constructs, PUB and Perceived Mobility. Secondly, this study proposes a unique triangulation framework of recommendations for learners, educators and policymakers.
P. Pragha, Krantiraditya Dhalmahapatra and Thamaraiselvan Natarajan
The metaverse is considered an evolution of the Internet, and it engages users with digital content more seamlessly due to its enhanced immersion and diverse applications. The…
The metaverse is considered an evolution of the Internet, and it engages users with digital content more seamlessly due to its enhanced immersion and diverse applications. The current study examines factors affecting the intention to adopt the metaverse. Existing studies on metaverse were found insufficient in explaining users’ intention to adopt metaverse, for which the companies are investing vast amounts of money for its implementation. The study fills the research gaps in the literature and applies the UTAUT2 (Unified Theory Of Acceptance And Use of Technology) and PAD (Pleasure, Arousal, Dominance) theory in the SOR (Stimulus-Organism-Response) framework. The study proposes a conceptual model by including effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, social influence, security personalization as stimuli, arousal, dominance, pleasure, immersive experience and perceived value as organismic variables and intention to adopt metaverse as the response variable, with gender as a moderator.
The study used purposive non-probability sampling approach and total of 420 responses were collected to examine the model. The partial least squares (PLS) technique is used for data analysis using Smart PLS software.
The study’s findings suggest that social influence and immersive experience have the highest impact on perceived value which affects users’ intention to adopt metaverse. Results indicate that individuals perceive value on using metaverse when it provides enjoyment and fun as well as security. Hence, it is important to ensure not only that individuals feel hedonically motivated but also feel secured and exert less effort to use the metaverse.
Research limitations/implications
The study contributes to the existing literature on metaverse and extends its association with immersive experience and the theories applied. The fundamental qualities of metaverse that contribute to its immersive and enjoyable nature can influence users' behavioral responses. Our research emphasizes the importance of executives acknowledging the development of organismic experience within metaverse.
Practical implications
The insights derived from this study will serve to expand the knowledge of metaverse application developers, offering valuable guidance in incorporating these factors into their development processes. By prominently displaying security measures, metaverse brands can demonstrate their commitment to mitigating risks associated with virtual interactions. This includes clearly communicating the security protocols in place to protect user data and privacy and providing detailed information about security features can build trust and alleviate concerns.
Social implications
The study highlights how the metaverse features affect individuals toward its adoption intent. Specifically, the study reveals that social influence and security affect the metaverse, further affecting the adoption intent of the metaverse. This has implications for enhancing customer relationships and value cocreation with different stakeholders. The research also recognizes that security measures are necessary for metaverse technology. These reactions could include placing regulations and standards in place to deal with the social and economic effects, making sure that data is collected and used ethically, and giving privacy and security measures priority.
This paper contributes to the body of knowledge as it is the first of its kind to explore and link immersive experience, pleasure and perceived value from the metaverse’s point of view to explore the user’s adoption intention. The study also contributes to the SOR framework with UTAUT2 and PAD theories by applying it to the metaverse context, which is used in limits.
Hsiao-Ting Tseng, Waqar Nadeem, M. Sam Hajli, Mauricio Featherman and Nick Hajli
Consumers may enjoy the information sharing and social support made available when a social media platform is used for pre-purchase research; however, do consumers reevaluate the…
Consumers may enjoy the information sharing and social support made available when a social media platform is used for pre-purchase research; however, do consumers reevaluate the privacy and security of the platform differently when ordering and payment capabilities are added? As social media systems have evolved into social commerce platforms (SCPs), individuals are often faced with whether to complete a purchase they have been researching or switch to a traditional e-commerce platform to complete the transaction. This research examines consumer trust formation in the SCP channel and how consumer interest and engagement in the channel are maintained and influence consumer decisions to purchase via the SCP.
Based on trust and involvement literature, a research model was conceptualized to capture consumer beliefs about SCP privacy and security and whether the SCP can be trusted, using these inputs into subsequent consumer interest, engagement and decisions on whether to use the SCP for purchasing. The research model was empirically tested using the panel data's structural equation modeling (AMOS) (n = 405). The data showed acceptable reliability and convergent validity, while the original research model provides predictive validity and theory-confirming insights.
Results confirm that consumer perceptions of privacy and security play a crucial role as decision criteria, informing their judgments of whether a new social commerce channel can be trusted enough to conduct purchases. Further, consumer trust supports their interest in the SCP, resulting in enduring and enhanced behavioral use and, to a lesser extent, purchase intent. Still, a majority of this sample declined to purchase using the SCP and rather preferred to transact on tried and trusted traditional e-commerce sites.
This study is among the first to examine trust formation in new SCPs, where consumers are deciding to expand their engagement level from social and informational to commercial.
Prakhar Prakhar, Fauzia Jabeen, Rachana Jaiswal, Shashank Gupta, Patrice Piccardi and Saju Jose
Electric vehicle adoption (EVA) drives sustainability by significantly reducing carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. Despite EVA’s notable advantages from existing…
Electric vehicle adoption (EVA) drives sustainability by significantly reducing carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. Despite EVA’s notable advantages from existing literature and its evolving nature, a gap persists in evaluating EVA research. This research presents a systematic literature review, offering insights into the current state of EVA advancements.
This study amalgamates various factors influencing EVA and elucidates their associations, fostering sustainable transportation. To evaluate progress in this domain, we adopt the Theory-Context-Characteristics-Methodology (TCCM) framework, systematically assessing the theories, contextual factors, characteristics and methodologies employed in EVA research to support efficient decision-making.
The study reveals 18 theories, prominently including the theory of planned behavior, innovation diffusion theory, technology acceptance model and UTAUT. The study identifies diverse factors such as perceived risk, effort expectancy, social norms, performance expectancy, government policy, personal norms, attitude, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, demographics and ecological knowledge as pivotal in shaping attitudes and intentions toward electric vehicle adoption. Furthermore, structured equation modeling emerges as the predominant methodology, while including alternative approaches enriches the methodological landscape, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the factors driving EV adoption.
Practical implications
The insights gained from this research can inform policymakers, manufacturers and researchers, ultimately contributing to the global transition towards more sustainable transportation solutions.
This research’s cardinal contribution lies in developing an integrated theoretical framework, a novel approach that offers a structured and holistic perspective on the multifaceted determinants of EVA. This framework not only illuminates the intricate relationships among these variables but also opens up exciting avenues for future research.
Garima Malik and Debasis Pradhan
This study aims to examine the influence of gameful experience (GAMEX) on customer brand engagement in the context of e-tailing. Drawing on the self-determination and social…
This study aims to examine the influence of gameful experience (GAMEX) on customer brand engagement in the context of e-tailing. Drawing on the self-determination and social learning theories, the authors have developed a comprehensive model incorporating cognitive, emotional and behavioral factors leading to brand advocacy and re-visit intention for the retail website.
The data for this study were obtained from 715 customers across various e-tailing websites. This research uses both quantitative method (partial least squares structural equation modeling − PLS-SEM) and qualitative method (fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis − fsQCA) to investigate the relationship between GAMEX and customer brand engagement in the e-tailing context, with a focus on the long-term outcomes of brand advocacy and re-visit intention.
The PLS-SEM results indicate a significant impact of GAMEX on customer brand engagement. In addition, the findings reveal the moderating role of fear of missing out, internet self-efficacy and technoeustress in the association among GAMEX, customer brand engagement, brand advocacy and re-visit intention. The findings from fsQCA support the results obtained from PLS-SEM and reveal four configurations for brand advocacy and five configurations for re-visit intentions.
This research evaluates the impact of GAMEX on customer brand engagement using a mixed-method approach involving qualitative and quantitative procedures. This study offers valuable insights into the design of gamified marketing activities and current practices for fostering greater engagement.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence consumers’ intentions to buy green food and develop conceptual framework that combines Health belief model (HBM…
The aim of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence consumers’ intentions to buy green food and develop conceptual framework that combines Health belief model (HBM) and Norm activation theory (NAT).
The research used purposive sampling to collect primary responses from Indians and Lebanese in Ghana at restaurants and retail stores in Accra. Based on the NAT and HBM constructs, questionnaires were designed and distributed to 787 respondents. Data were analyzed using partial least squares and structural equation modeling to test the hypotheses developed through a literature review.
The findings showed that perceived benefit (PBN), perceived threat (PTT) and cue to action (CAT) are key factors that drive consumers’ intentions to purchase green food by Indians and Lebanese in Ghana. However, there are perceived barriers (PBB) that prevent individuals from buying green food, such as high prices, doubts about authorization and content, shortage of green food, inadequate selling techniques, supposed fulfillment and deficiencies. Therefore, more work is needed to address these barriers.
Practical implications
This research can be used to create advertising messages that emphasize the health and wellbeing benefits of environmental impact on communities, and stimulate customer motivation to purchase green food.
This is a unique study that combines HBM and NAT to investigate the factors that influence consumers’ intentions to buy green food among Indians and Lebanese in Ghana and developed a conceptual framework to offer valuable insights for marketing practitioners to develop effective marketing strategies to induce buying intentions towards green foods. The construct of NAT has been found as useful moderators of pro-environmental behavior.
Shinyong Jung, Rachel Yueqian Zhang, Yangsu Chen and Sungjun Joe
Given the unique nature of business events tourism, this paper evaluates the forecasting performance of various models using search query data (SQD) to forecast convention…
Given the unique nature of business events tourism, this paper evaluates the forecasting performance of various models using search query data (SQD) to forecast convention attendance.
This research uses monthly and quarterly business event attendance data from both the U.S. (Las Vegas) and China (Macau) markets. Using SQD as the input, we evaluated and compared the cutting-edge forecasting models including Prophet and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).
The study reveals that Prophet outperforms complex neural network models in forecasting business event tourism demand. Keywords related to convention facilities, conventions or exhibitions, and transportation are proven to be useful in forecasting business travel demand.
Practical implications
Prophet is an accessible forecasting model for event-tourism practitioners, especially useful in the volatile business event tourism sector. Using verified search keywords in models helps understand traveler motivations and aids event planning.
Our study is among the first to empirically evaluate the performance of forecasting models for business travel demand. In comparison with other mainstream forecasting models, our study extends the scope to examine both the U.S. and Chinese markets.