Abdallah Bouasla, Sonia Saouchi, Khaoula Benramoul and Frank Vriesekoop
A strict gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only effective treatment for coeliac disease (CD), which has an increasing prevalence. However, the limited availability and high price of…
A strict gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only effective treatment for coeliac disease (CD), which has an increasing prevalence. However, the limited availability and high price of gluten-free products (GFPs) compared to their gluten-containing counterparts (GCCs) are still among the factors that may influence compliance with a strict GFD. The purpose of this study is to assess the availability and price of GFPs in retail stores in a major Algerian city and investigate how they compare to GCCs.
We performed a cross-sectional study that targets a representative number of supermarkets and grocery stores in Constantine (Algeria). All available GFPs as well as their GCCs were recorded. The price per 100 g was recorded for each product.
Among the 285 visited stores, only 25.4% of them sold GFPs, which were more available at supermarkets than at grocery stores. The category “gluten-free pasta and couscous” was the most represented (43.8%). A total of 64 GFPs were observed across 285 stores investigated, and their price was two to six times higher than that of their GCCs.
This study showed the limited availability and diversity and higher price of processed GFPs in Algeria. This negatively influences compliance with GFD as well as the quality of life of patients with CD. Furthermore, the findings prompt the national government to provide financial support to coeliac individuals.