Yewei Ouyang, Guoqing Huang and Shiyi He
Safety warnings remind construction workers about dangers and guide them to take necessary actions to avoid potential injuries, which could encourage their safe behavior. Workers’…
Safety warnings remind construction workers about dangers and guide them to take necessary actions to avoid potential injuries, which could encourage their safe behavior. Workers’ behavior compliance with the safety warnings would be impacted by the risk perception levels induced by the warnings. This study aims to examine whether the design of safety warnings would impact the induced risk perception of workers
This study compared the risk perception levels of construction workers when processing two forms of safety warnings, i.e., safety signs and safety comics, which are commonly used in construction workplaces. Construction workers (n = 20) volunteered for an experiment with an implicit paradigm to probe how they perceive these safety warnings, using event-related potentials (ERPs) features collected by an electroencephalogram (EEG) sensor to indicate the risk perception level
The results demonstrated that the design of safety warnings would impact the induced risk perception. The safety signs and safety comics performed differently in inducing the workers’ risk perception. The safety signs representing prohibition and caution warnings induced significantly higher risk perception than the comics, and there were no significant differences regarding direction warnings
This is the first study to compare the risk perception levels between various forms of safety warnings presenting safety information in different ways. The findings would help to expand the knowledge of the relationship between the design of safety warnings and workers’ safety behavioral compliance
Yewei Ouyang, Guoqing Huang and Shiyi He
There are many safety hazards in construction workplaces, and inattention to the hazards is the main reason why construction workers failed to identify the hazards. Reasonably…
There are many safety hazards in construction workplaces, and inattention to the hazards is the main reason why construction workers failed to identify the hazards. Reasonably allocating attention during hazard identification is critical for construction workers’ safety. However, adverse working environments in job sites may undermine workers’ attention. Previous studies failed to investigate the impacts of environmental factors on attention allocation, which hinders taking appropriate measures to eliminate safety incidents when encountering adverse working environments. This study aims to examine the effects of workplace noise and heat exposure on workers’ attention allocation during construction hazard identification to fill the research gap.
This study applied an experimental study where a within-subject experiment was designed. Fifteen construction workers were invited to perform hazard identification tasks in panoramic virtual reality. They were exposed to three noise levels (60, 85 and 100 dBA) in four thermal conditions (26°C, 50% RH; 33°C, 50% RH; 30°C, 70% RH; 33°C, 70% RH). Their eye movements were recorded to indicate their attention allocation under each condition.
The results show that noise exposure reduced workers’ attention to hazardous areas and the impacts increased with the noise level. Heat exposure also reduced the attention, but it did not increase with the heat stress but with subjects’ thermal discomfort. The attention was impacted more by noise than heat exposure. Noise exposure in the hot climate should be more noteworthy because lower levels of noise would lead to significant changes. These visual characteristics led to poorer identification accuracy.
This study could extend the understanding of the relationship between adverse environmental factors and construction safety. Understanding the intrinsic reasons for workers' failed identification may also provide insights for the industry to enhance construction safety under adverse environments.
Libiao Bai, Shiyi Liu, Yuqin An and Qi Xie
Project portfolio benefit (PPB) evaluation is crucial for project portfolio management decisions. However, PPB is complex in composition and affected by synergy and ambidexterity…
Project portfolio benefit (PPB) evaluation is crucial for project portfolio management decisions. However, PPB is complex in composition and affected by synergy and ambidexterity. Ignoring these characteristics can result in inaccurate assessments, impeding the management and optimization of benefit. Considering the above complexity of PPB evaluation, this study aims to propose a refined PPB evaluation model to provide decision support for organizations.
A back propagation neural network optimized via genetic algorithm and pruning algorithm (P-GA-BPNN) is constructed for PPB evaluation. First, the benefit evaluation criteria are established. Second, the inputs and expected outputs for model training and testing are determined. Then, based on the optimization of BPNN via genetic algorithm and pruning algorithm, a PPB evaluation model is constructed considering the impacts of ambidexterity and synergy on PPB. Finally, a numerical example was applied to validate the model.
The results indicate that the proposed model can be used for effective PPB evaluation. Moreover, it shows superiority in terms of MSE and fitting effect through extensive comparative experiments with BPNN, GA-BPNN, and SVM models. The robustness of the model is also demonstrated via data random disturbance experiment and 10-cross-validation. Therefore, the proposed model could serve as a valuable decision-making tool for PPB management.
This study extends prior research by integrating the impacts of synergy and ambidexterity on PPB when conducting PPB evaluation, which facilitates to manage and enhance PPB. Besides, the structural redundancy of existing assessment methods is solved through the dynamic optimization of the network structure via the pruning algorithm, enhancing the effectiveness of PPB decision-making tools.
The online health community's success depends on doctors' active participation, so it is essential to understand the factors that affect doctors' knowledge contribution behavior…
The online health community's success depends on doctors' active participation, so it is essential to understand the factors that affect doctors' knowledge contribution behavior in the online health communities. From the perspective of peer effect, this paper discusses the influence of focal doctors' peers on focal doctors' knowledge contribution behavior and the mechanism behind it. This paper aims to solve these problems.
Empirical data of 1,938 doctors were collected from a Chinese online health community, and propensity score matching and ordinary least squares were employed to verify the proposed theoretical model.
The results show that the presence of focal doctors' peers in online health communities has a positive effect on the knowledge contribution behavior of focal doctors, and the economic returns and social returns of focal doctors' peers have a significant mediating effect.
This paper discusses focal doctors' knowledge contribution behavior from the perspective of peer effect. It enhances the understanding of focal doctors' behavior in the online health communities by exploring the mediating role of their peers' economic and social returns. The results of this paper extend the research in the field of peer effect and online health and provide management implications and suggestions for online health platforms and doctors.
Triantoro Safaria, Yusti Probowati Rahayu and Soerjantini Rahaju
Previous studies have identified concerns and anxiety in individuals who are without their mobile phones, which is known as nomophobia, an acronym for “no mobile phone phobia.”…
Previous studies have identified concerns and anxiety in individuals who are without their mobile phones, which is known as nomophobia, an acronym for “no mobile phone phobia.” However, there is currently limited evidence of qualitative research that explores nomophobia. The purpose of this study is to explore personal experiences and individual meanings associated with mobile phone use and nomophobia.
To address this gap, the present study employed a Heideggerian phenomenological approach to investigate the issue. Ten college students, who have medium to high nomophobia were selected as respondents. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data, which were then transcribed verbatim and analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis.
A deep understanding of the psychological dynamics, experiences, meanings, perceptions and beliefs of individuals regarding smartphone use can only be explored through a qualitative approach that presents personal statements of individuals through in-depth semi-structured interviews. This study contributes to a deep understanding of the psychological dynamic of nomophobia.
Research limitations/implications
This study has limitations that must be carefully considered. First, the respondents came from a university with a sample size of 10 people, which may not fully represent the phenomenon of nomophobia among students due to differences in cultural and academic backgrounds. However, we addressed this limitation by selecting only students who scored moderate to high levels of nomophobia. Second, the researchers acknowledge that the sample used in the study may not be fully representative of the broader target population or a larger group, as previously mentioned. Therefore, generalizing the findings of this research must be done carefully, being cautious and thoughtful to avoid hasty conclusions.
Practical implications
In the functional context, it is recommended for individuals to be more mindful of their smartphone usage and strive to strike a balance between utilizing their device's capabilities for productive purposes and avoiding excessive dependency that may lead to distractions or information overload. This includes limiting excessive smartphone usage for entertainment purposes, restricting aimless and irrelevant Internet browsing and implementing effective time management when using smartphones. For smartphone users from the ontological context, the advice is to critically evaluate their digital presence and ensure that their online activities align with their true values and self-perception, promoting responsible and ethical smartphone use. Engaging in fasting or break sessions by completely turning off the smartphone at specific times and utilizing that time for activities such as reading books, writing and engaging in spiritual practices, or exercising is also advisable. In the anthropomorphic context, individuals are advised to reflect on the potential emotional dependence on their smartphones and consider establishing healthy boundaries to avoid excessive reliance on these devices to fulfill emotional needs. One practical recommendation is to engage in self-reflection, where individuals take some time to ponder their smartphone usage patterns and emotional attachment to the device. They should ask themselves why they feel the need to constantly check their phone and how it impacts their emotions and overall well-being.
This study contributes to a deep understanding of the psychological dynamics of nomophobia by exploring the experiences, meanings, perceptions, and beliefs of individuals regarding smartphone use.