Shixuan Fu, Xusen Cheng, Anil Bilgihan and Fevzi Okumus
Images and caption descriptions serve as important visual stimuli that influence consumer preferences; therefore, the current study focuses on property images and captions…
Images and caption descriptions serve as important visual stimuli that influence consumer preferences; therefore, the current study focuses on property images and captions illustrated on the home pages of accommodation-sharing platforms. Specifically, this study investigates the relative importance of hue, brightness and saturation of a property image and caption description styles on potential consumers’ preferences.
A mixed-method approach was used, and a total of 293 valid responses were collected through a discrete choice experiment approach. Interviews were conducted for additional analyses to explore the detailed explanations.
The utility model demonstrated that the image’s saturation was the most critical attribute perceived by the respondents, followed by caption description style, hue and brightness.
This is one of the first studies to investigate the display of attributes on a digital accommodation platform by exploring potential customers’ stated preferences. This study focuses explicitly on images and captions illustrated on the home page of an accommodation booking platform. Detailed image investigation is also a new research area in sharing economy-related research.
Xiaojiang Zheng and Shixuan Fu
In tourism live streaming (TLS), streamers strive to capture viewers’ attention by responding quickly to viewers’ requests and providing tourism-related knowledge. However, the…
In tourism live streaming (TLS), streamers strive to capture viewers’ attention by responding quickly to viewers’ requests and providing tourism-related knowledge. However, the effectiveness of such practices in the TLS context remains unclear. Accordingly, based on flow theory, this study aims to uncover the effects of responsiveness and knowledge spillover on viewers’ travelling intentions.
The authors collected 319 valid questionnaires to examine the proposed model. Followingly, the authors used a partial least squares structural equation modelling approach using SmartPLS 4 to analyse the survey data.
The authors found that responsiveness could enhance viewers’ flow experience and destination attachment, fostering travelling intentions. The authors further found that knowledge spillover strengthened the relationship between responsiveness and travelling intentions and responsiveness and flow experience.
This study broadens the scope of extant tourism research by juxtaposing the effects of responsiveness and knowledge spillover on viewers’ travelling intentions in the TLS context. Practically, the findings provide valuable insights for streamers to conduct appropriate viewer–streamer interaction strategies by providing instant responses and tourism-related knowledge to viewers.
在旅游直播中, 主播常常通过快速响应观众并提供目的地知识, 以吸引观众注意。然而这种策略是否有效地提升了观众的旅游意愿仍需进一步验证。因此, 本研究基于心流理论验证了响应性及知识溢出效应对观众旅游意愿的影响。
我们通过评估319份有效问卷来检验所提出的模型, 采用了SmartPLS软件构建偏最小二乘结构方程模型(PLS-SEM)分析问卷数据。
我们发现, 响应性将增强观众的心流体验和目的地依恋感, 从而促进旅游意愿。此外, 知识溢出效应强化了响应性和旅游意愿及响应性和心流体验之间的关系。
本研究同时关注响应性及知识溢出在旅游直播情境下对观众旅游意愿的影响机制。从实践层面, 本研究为旅游主播提供了高效互动及目的地推广的策略。
En las retransmisiones turísticas en directo (TLS), los organizadores se esfuerzan por captar la atención de los espectadores respondiendo de forma rápida a sus peticiones y aportando conocimientos relacionados con el turismo. Sin embargo, la eficacia de estas prácticas en el contexto de la retransmisión turística en directo sigue sin estar clara. Por consiguiente, este estudio, basado en la teoría del flujo, trata de descubrir los efectos de la capacidad de respuesta y la difusión de conocimientos en la intención de viajar de los espectadores.
Se recogieron 319 cuestionarios válidos para examinar el modelo propuesto. Seguidamente, se aplicó la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales con mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM) mediante el software SmartPLS para analizar los datos de la encuesta.
Se concluye que la capacidad de respuesta mejoraría la experiencia de flujo de los espectadores y el apego al destino, fomentando su intención de viajar. Además, se comprueba que la difusión de conocimientos fortalece la relación entre (1) la capacidad de respuesta y la intención de viajar y (2) la capacidad de respuesta y la experiencia de flujo.
La presente investigación amplía el enfoque de los estudios existentes en la investigación turística al aproximar los efectos de la capacidad de respuesta y la difusión de conocimientos sobre la intención de viajar de los espectadores en el contexto de retransmisiones turísticas en directo. Desde el punto de vista práctico, los resultados aportan ideas para que los streamers empleen estrategias de interacción apropiadas con los espectadores, proporcionándoles respuestas instantáneas y transmitiéndoles conocimientos relacionados con el turismo.
The emergence of artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) technology has markedly enhanced the capabilities of digital human content generation and natural language…
The emergence of artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) technology has markedly enhanced the capabilities of digital human content generation and natural language processing, thus further advancing the development of digital humans. To enable enterprises and governments to effectively address the challenges and opportunities arising from the rapid development of digital humans, it is imperative to understand the public opinion and discussion dynamics of digital humans.
This study initially analyzed the trends and distribution patterns of public attention to digital humans. By utilizing word cloud technology, we explored the primary focal points of public interest and conducted a topic analysis using latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) techniques. Subsequently, content analysis was conducted on the popular application domains of digital humans. Finally, this study examined the influence of user characteristics on emotional scores toward digital humans and the presence of differences in focus across user groups.
The results indicate a sustained increase in public attention toward digital humans, accompanied by notable geographic disparities in the distribution of discussions. Discussions on Weibo are primarily focused on four domains, whereas areas within the digital human application domain that provoke widespread discussion include live streaming, service, cultural entertainment and digital avatars. Significant impacts of user characteristics on sentiment scores were observed, revealing divergent focal points of interest among different user groups toward digital humans.
Through the deep analysis of Weibo data, this study offers new insights into the digital human industry, enabling governments and businesses to understand industry trends and develop targeted digital human customization strategies based on customer characteristics.
Xiaobo Tang, Heshen Zhou and Shixuan Li
Predicting highly cited papers can enable an evaluation of the potential of papers and the early detection and determination of academic achievement value. However, most highly…
Predicting highly cited papers can enable an evaluation of the potential of papers and the early detection and determination of academic achievement value. However, most highly cited paper prediction studies consider early citation information, so predicting highly cited papers by publication is challenging. Therefore, the authors propose a method for predicting early highly cited papers based on their own features.
This research analyzed academic papers published in the Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) from 2000 to 2013. Five types of features were extracted: paper features, journal features, author features, reference features and semantic features. Subsequently, the authors applied a deep neural network (DNN), support vector machine (SVM), decision tree (DT) and logistic regression (LGR), and they predicted highly cited papers 1–3 years after publication.
Experimental results showed that early highly cited academic papers are predictable when they are first published. The authors’ prediction models showed considerable performance. This study further confirmed that the features of references and authors play an important role in predicting early highly cited papers. In addition, the proportion of high-quality journal references has a more significant impact on prediction.
Based on the available information at the time of publication, this study proposed an effective early highly cited paper prediction model. This study facilitates the early discovery and realization of the value of scientific and technological achievements.